Here are some pictures of Emi from ReaderMan’s story “The Resort Ambassador”. They are from “Monday – Part 1”.
Emi and Jill 1:
With Jill watching, I stood up to leave Cloud Nine. Other than the collar and leash, I was wearing just my shoes and my glasses. Nothing at all between my neck and my ankles, even my runway was gone. And it was Monday!
Emi and Jill 2 (waving):
Brandy nodded, agreeably. She probably knew she was on thin ice and shouldn’t push her luck. Standing up, holding the leash she walked towards the car, pulling me along, naked.
I was covering myself with my hands, in blatant violation of my Resort Ambassador rules, but at this point, I didn’t care. I also couldn’t believe that Jill, of all people, had collared me. I wondered how that was going to affect future visits to the cafe.
“Bye Nine!” Jill yelled – too loudly.
These are awesome … probably my favorites so far. This Emi is more like I have pictured in my minds eye.
The expression in the top image, classic. Emi looks concerned but like she is trying to soldier on.
I also like the stance (pigeon toed).
The watch, the collar and leash. I imagine this must be Jill with her.
Thanks arthwys!
Thank you arthwys. I am so happy. These pictures are perfect! Like a screen shot right from the pages of Emi’s story. Amazing!
I will never forget this! Super motivational for writing! 🙂
ReaderMan (aka HappyMan)
Thinking about these pictures recently, I had an idea for a small enhancement.
To me it seems that a short caption, possibly a quote or a quoted section from the story, would help bring them to life. Maybe you and RM might collaborate on that. To my way of thinking, that would help ground them in the story by reminding us of what was happening in that moment.
Maybe for the first one here:
With Jill watching, I stood up to leave Cloud Nine. Other than the collar and leash, I was wearing just my shoes and my glasses. Nothing at all between my neck and my ankles, even my runway was gone. And it was Monday! What next?
Actually, that’s something ReaderMan and I were planning. I just haven’t gotten around to it yet.
Are you reading our minds? LOL
ReaderMan and I have updated the above post and included short captions for each image. For the first picture I have used your suggestion for the caption. I hope this is ok.
Additionally, ReaderMan has also created a new post “Emi’s see-through shirt” with a new picture and description.
I’m beyond delighted that you found my caption suggestion worthy!