If you’re on this site, you’re likely familiar with the different sub-genres and various acronyms that all occupy space under the ‘stories about naked people’ umbrella. CMNF (clothed male, naked female), OON (only one naked), ENF (embarrassed nude female), etc, etc. But even within each category, many readers and writers have specific preferences for the…
Author: Board Host
Suggestions, bug reporting, feedback, questions
In the future, all questions and bug reporting will be handled through email. But for the launch of the site, I want a very visible and accessible way for this communication to occur. So if something is broken or you click a link and your computer yells at you, please let me know. Post any…
What to Expect on the Storyboard for the next year
I’m hopeful that some of the writers from the Indian Outlaw ASN Board will post some of their stories here. Readerman is currently writing a series and I’d be honored if he chose this site as a spot to share his work. But I can’t promise that anyone will actually want to post their work…
Welcome to The Storyboard! Come Introduce Yourself
I’m Your Board Host. Several months ago I read the news that Indian Outlaw’s Stripping Naked Storyboard was closing on October 31. I was pretty bummed out. The site was one of my favorite on the internet, and I’d only just discovered it in 2017. Now what was I going to do?
Site Rules and Guidelines Discussion (a work in progress)
I’ve thought about how this site should work in terms of what is and isn’t allowed. But I haven’t totally hammered out the 10 commandments, partially because I want community feedback on what you want this site to be.
How to Post A Story
The goal for this site is to archive various naked/stripping related stories by various authors and easily find them with a few clicks of a mouse (or taps of a finger). That all starts with organizing the stories as soon as they are submitted to the site. Here is how we do that.