Content written on April 23, 2021 by
Story Title :
Discovering Melanie
Chapter :
Discovering Melanie Ch. 1 (Chapter 1) Discovering Melanie Ch. 2 (Chapter 2) Discovering Melanie Ch. 3 (Chapter 3) Discovering Melanie Ch. 4 (Chapter 4) Discovering Melanie Ch. 5 (Chapter 5) Discovering Melanie Ch. 6 (Chapter 6) Discovering Melanie Ch. 7 (Chapter 7) Discovering Melanie Ch. 8 (Chapter 8) Discovering Melanie Ch. 9 (Chapter 9) Discovering Melanie Ch. 10 (Chapter 10) Discovering Melanie Ch. 11 (Chapter 11) Discovering Melanie Ch. 12 (Chapter 12) Discovering Melanie Ch. 13 (Chapter 13) Discovering Melanie Ch. 14.1 (Chapter 14.1) Discovering Melanie Ch. 14.2 (Chapter 14.2) Discovering Melanie Ch. 15 (Chapter 15) Discovering Melanie Ch. 16 (Chapter 16) Discovering Melanie Ch. 17.1 (Chapter 17.1) Discovering Melanie Ch. 17.2 (Chapter 17.2) Discovering Melanie Ch. 18 (Chapter 18) Discovering Melanie Ch. 19 - Interlude (Chapter 19) Discovering Melanie Ch. 20 (Chapter 20) Discovering Melanie Ch. 21 (Chapter 21) Discovering Melanie Ch. 22 (Chapter 22) Discovering Melanie Ch. 23 (Chapter 23) Bonus Chapter - Assignment v0.1 (Chapter 23.1) Discovering Melanie Ch. 24 (Chapter 24) Discovering Melanie Ch. 25 (Chapter 25) Discovering Melanie Ch. 26 (Chapter 26) Discovering Melanie Ch. 27 (Chapter 27) Discovering Melanie Ch. 28 (Chapter 28) Discovering Melanie Ch. 29 (Chapter 29) Discovering Melanie Ch. 30 - Halloween (Chapter 30) Discovering Melanie Ch. 31 (Chapter 31) Discovering Melanie Ch. 32 (Chapter 32) Discovering Melanie Ch. 33 (Chapter 33) Discovering Melanie Ch. 34 (Chapter 34)
Content Type :
Embarassment/Humiliation, Romance/Friendship
3,992 words (~22 minutes reading time)
Monday morning, Melanie dressed in jeans and a long-sleeved blouse. She and Josy walked to college together, and she noticed Josy looked a bit more tired than a usual Monday morning. Perhaps Josy had some trouble sleeping. “Do you think these jeans fit me well?” Melanie asked as they stood at a red light to…
Content written on March 6, 2021 by
Story Title :
The Resort Ambassador
Chapter :
Emi in Seattle (Chapter 1) Emi in Hawaii (Chapter 2) Emi at the Resort (Chapter 3) Emi and Nine (Chapter 4) The Visitors (Chapter 5) Emi in Trouble (Chapter 6) The Last Normal Day (Chapter 7) The Beach Party (Chapter 8) The First Day (Chapter 9) Cleanup Duty (Chapter 10) Office Streak (Chapter 11) The Meeting (Chapter 12) Training Week, prelude. (Chapter 13.1) Training Days (Chapter 13.2) Team Building (Chapter 14) The Grand Opening (Chapter 15) Halloween Surprises - Part 1 (Chapter 16.1) Halloween Surprises - Part 2 (Chapter 16.2) Halloween Surprises - Part 3 (Chapter 16.3) A Mailgirl App? - Part 1 (Chapter 17.1) A Mailgirl App? - Part 2 (Chapter 17.2) A Mailgirl App? - Part 3 (Chapter 17.3) A Mailgirl App? - Conclusion (Chapter 17.4) Liz and Emi go shopping (Chapter 18) Monday - Part 1 (Chapter 19.1) Monday - Part 2 (Chapter 19.2) It begins... The Mailgirl Mat (Chapter 19.3) Brandy's Office (Chapter 19.4) Rickshaw with Sarah and Sam (Chapter 19.5) Emi and the Supermarket (Chapter 19.6)
Content Type :
Mailgirls, Only One Naked, Permanude/Prolonged Nudity
3,945 words (~22 minutes reading time)
The Negotiation One by one, they strolled back into the room, carrying food, settling into their seats. “Emi… did you want something to eat?” Ruth offered. Emi nodded, accepting a sandwich from a platter. Given all that she’d had to drink, she needed some solid food in her stomach. Something besides fear and worry about…