Story Title :
The Business of Magic
Chapter :
Prologue (Chapter 0.1) Farmers at Play (Chapter 1) Manly Bonding Time (Chapter 2) Let’s Do It in the Road (Chapter 3) Dry Your Eyes, Ann (Chapter 4) Organic Farming (Chapter 5) Second Diagnosis (Chapter 6) A Retreat of Our Own (Chapter 7) Invited to Gaia’s Party (Chapter 8) A Trade of Professional Services (Chapter 9) Farm Photography (Chapter 10) Desert Landscape Nudes (Chapter 11) Just Working Nude, As One Does (Chapter 12) Pedal Like the Devil (Chapter 13) Mage Arches Redux (Chapter 14) The Mr. Miyagi School of Magic (Chapter 15) Sexperiments (Chapter 16) Licensed to Heal (Chapter 17) Three Mothers’ Day (Chapter 18) Movers & Shakers (Chapter 19) Principled Pleasure (Chapter 20) Go Again! (Chapter 21) Two to Grow By (Chapter 22) Stark Stress Solution (Chapter 23) Swim Like a Goose (Chapter 24) Las Turistas Agotadas (Chapter 25) Radiant Heat (Chapter 26) Quiet Coolness (Chapter 27) High Fantasy (Chapter 28) Slippery When Wet (Chapter 29) That Tears It (Chapter 30) Grid Input (Chapter 31) Meeting Miki (Chapter 32) Hospitality Demonstrated (Chapter 33) Wheels Afire (Chapter 34) The Painted Desert (Chapter 35) Mirrored Shields (Chapter 36) Easing the ’Rents (Chapter 37) Gaia Help Us All (Chapter 38) Loving Focus (Chapter 39) Utterly Open & Honest (Chapter 40) Explosive Salutation (Chapter 41) Flight of the Flock (Chapter 42) Consummation (Chapter 43) Initial Public Offer (Chapter 44) Political Colloquy (Chapter 45) Hustle & Jive (Chapter 46) Fight, Freeze, or Fly (Chapter 47) Happy Ex-Hooker (Chapter 48) Accommodations (Chapter 49) Second Annual (Chapter 50) Outdoor Advertising (Chapter 51) After-After Party (Chapter 52) Deception’s End (Chapter 53) Exodus Riposte (Chapter 54) Brass (Chapter 55) Sunlit Interrogation (Chapter 56) Charity Ballin’ (Chapter 57) Chanel Certificate (Chapter 58) Natural Childbirth (Chapter 59) Off-Piste (Chapter 60) En Garde… Engage! (Chapter 61) Counter-Parry (Chapter 62) Prise de Fer (Chapter 63) Epilogue: Consecrating Gaia’s Temple (Chapter 64)
Content Type :
Non-Erotic, Social/Casual Nudity, Streaking/Exhibitionism
1,900 words (~11 minutes reading time)
Chapter 51: Outdoor Advertising At the official party after the glorious ride, Kaitlyn and I set up our massage stuff for brief public freebies by way of advertising, selecting only fully nude WNBR riders, giving them a mixed oil-and-sunscreen magical healing massage, replacing each from the thickening ring surrounding us until we ran out of…