Name: Melanie Pierson
Class: Sociology
Subject: Social circle.
My name is Melanie. I am eighteen years old and recently started college. Shoulder length blonde hair, and not a hair on my body below my neck. A whole new environment, vastly different from high school. So far it is an enjoyable experience, though. Having made several new friends, it is easy to say my social circle has expanded in the past few months.
In high school, I was part of a small group of friends. Perhaps it’s better to say they accepted me, let me hang around the edge of the group. I guess I had trouble making real friends for a long time. That has changed, thankfully. As a late bloomer, I was teased during earlier high school years. It stuck to me, just like my perky b-cups. – delete whole paragraph –
First circle, in alphabetical order.
Close family.
Mom and dad, no siblings.
Close friends.
Brian. Classmate, athletic, slightly taller than I am. He’s the quiet type. We often go running, as well as study together. I like him. hanging out with him. If he were to ask, I’d pose nude for him and I’d know he wouldn’t hurt me. He doesn’t ask but has already seen my naked butt several times.
Cohen. Classmate. He’s the lively type, brings energy to the group. I don’t know him very well yet but feel he’s a key part of our group. He’s close friends with Sarah. Sometimes see I him looking at her and I wonder.
Josy. Former neighbor. Current lover. How am I going to write this? Even after moving to student rooms, we still live close by each other and often visit for dinner or sleeping together just hanging out. She likes to get me (nearly) naked in public spaces and brought me to an orgasm at a party We went to different high schools and since going to the same college, we’ve become much closer (you could say intimate) friends. And she likes to touch me in all the naughty places. Just the other day, she touched me right in the open elevator. God, Melanie, stop it.
Sarah. Classmate. The glue that binds our little study group together. Social and very perceptive. I have to be careful around her.
Second Circle
Student housing
This is an essential part of a student’s life, as one spends a lot of time there, making connections with the other inhabitants. Six rooms, means five other roommates. – flatmates? – Having lived there only a few weeks, I haven’t had much time to get to know them yet.
Alani, dark haired, she’s a tease, like the worst. Keeps bringing up how she saw me sleeping, naked from the waist down energetic.
Elle, brunette, kind girl. I could see myself becoming close friends with her. What did she see? Not sure… A lot?
Reese, ash blonde, quiet. She has a girlfriend. Though she’s usually quiet, I like how open she is in one-on-one talks. Saw me half naked in the middle of our common room and could easily talk me into attending dinner in the buff with that hypnotizing quiet voice of hers.
Paige, brunette. Naturally takes charge of a situation. A born leader. She lifted my chemise in the kitchen. I wasn’t wearing panties.
Julia, brunette, hasn’t seen me naked yet, somehow. Why did I write that? I don’t really know her yet.
Some of Josy’s roommates also saw me naked or nearly so. They were nice about it though.
I often visit Josy. I get tingles thinking about how she’ll expose me next
Third Circle
Other classmates and extended family.
I consider myself lucky with the people I have around me, in my social circle. Both at home, at my student room and at college, I have friends who support me in both studies and extracurricular activities, like being scantily clad or even naked around others. Before you judge me for that, I’m still a virgin, just so you know. Being naked is not about sex.
~ Calm down, delete everything, start over. This was a mess. I could make a graphic representation, with the circles. Without all the redacted stuff. Or… what if I post this somewhere, pretend it’s fictional? Permanently delete file? Ahhh! ~
Melanie is back!!
What’s this? Her homework? I like how it gives us a reminder of all the characters.
I guess this is Melanie’s first draft. The redacted parts are fun to read.
I was thinking Brian’s section is a little light. He recently almost posted pics online. But I guess that would be too much to mention here. haha…
The Reese part seems a little exaggerated. Or maybe not?!
Thank you Cave. So what inspired this post?
The idea for a summary chapter came from Orflash64, I believe.
I’ve been (mostly not) working on the next chapter for quite a while now, and hope to have it ready by next Friday. A summary of the characters might help readers remember who is who, in particular our main character. Of course, I highly recommend re-reading the whole story from the beginning 😉
I’m so glad that Melanie is back!! Hope you’re doing well, Cave.
That’s a very good idea to include the edits in the character list. The deleted parts are basically Melanie’s “true” thoughts. Some of them really made me laugh. But my favorite one is the last line: “Or… what if I post this somewhere, pretend it’s fictional?” LOL
And it is great news to hear that you will publish the next chapter soon!
How delightful … I was almost giddy when I first realized what I was looking at here on the storyboard … none other than the return of Melanie! I hope you have been well. I mean that most sincerely. A bond forms, a strong one, between writers who are simultaneously posting and reading each other’s stories. I feel it. I expect (hope) you do as well. I imagine RM knows what I’m talking about. Others, too.
Well … now to address this wonderfully creative little Bonus Chapter, or Assignment (as the title says). What a delightful way to provide a quick overview of the story to this point in time! This first draft (v0.1) lets us know what is on Mel’s mind. I can just picture her smiling as she writes — she’s having fun. She knows she won’t hand it in. It’s much too honest for that, but she feels the need to write this truthful version before she cranks out the boring one that the professor will see.
This is a curious statement. This must be how Mel sees it, but in my opinion she’s not being completely honest with herself (or with us). But in the strictest sense, maybe it is true that a girl remains a virgin if she only has sex with other girls. Her orgasm at the party — okay, maybe that was only third base. But, Melanie — naked is not about sex? Really? You need to at least admit that (for you anyway) they are not entirely separate.
I can imagine myself referring back to this short chapter in the future — to help me keep track of who is who, and to remind me of Mel’s take on those individuals.
That was an ‘Ah Ha’ moment for me. I guess this story is more autobiographical than I had imagined! Awesome. Please don’t burst my bubble, Cave.
Well, so glad you’re back! I’m looking forward to that next chapter.
Your friend and colleague,
One final thought. I love that the grammar here is not up to your (the author’s) typical level of polish. That is entirely in keeping with the ‘first draft’ nature of this piece. Well done!
An update of my favourite story here. Yay! So glad to see Melanie again. Now we just need a proper chapter and everything’s golden.
Thank you, everyone, for your comments!
swirlheart, it’s nice to be back (well, almost). I’m doing well, thank you 🙂 Hope you’re doing well too.
arthwys, I’m glad you enjoyed it. I just wanted to do something fun to prepare for the next chapter. As for your favorite line… 😉
BPClavel, that means a lot, thank you. Yes I feel that too.
Glad you enjoyed the chapter. Of course, Melanie is having fun writing it. Regarding sex and nudity, perhaps she just feels the need to defend herself and her behavior, even if no one else gets to read it.
Anonymous, I won’t keep you waiting very long.
It was a genius move to give a character summary before starting the next part of the story. Bravo, Cave!
I’m looking forward to Friday. As to the rest of these comments and observations, some got me thinking. Is there a double meaning in that last part (‘pretend it’s fictional’)? I’m often famous for not noticing something right in front of my face. As to the virginity statement, I think it’s just Melanie’s way of saying… that despite some experience, that she still has a degree of innocence in her world. And the way things seem to be going, she might even intend to keep it that way.
LOL! Call me old fashioned, but I think what she meant is that she hasn’t had a penis inside her vagina.