Coach Strickland came up with an idea that she calculated would help the careers of both Jenny and Evelyn. Why not make a series of instructional videos for basketball featuring two naked players? It was sure to be extremely popular, be an excellent fund-raiser, and increase the public exposure of the star player and the model. It would also help to promote the naked-in-school program around the US.
Nancy and the college recruiter thought a video series was an excellent idea. The two students, because of their contracts, had no say in the matter. They would be expected to do their best as presenters and instructors. They both knew, if they did not show enthusiasm for the project, they’d be disciplined. Jenny’s contract actually had a discipline clause, and Strickland was Evelyn’s acting guardian.
The filming of the video series took place in the middle-school gym on Sundays. The university sent over a camera crew from the athletic department to make sure the videos were of the highest professional quality.
The video shoots would lasted throughout the entire basketball season and not end until after the play-offs. The goal was to have a total of 30 hours of instruction, which meant many more hours that Jenny and Eveline had to be on the court creating footage that could be edited. During the filming, there was no question that Jenny was the better player. She lead all of the demonstrations and later narrated what she was doing and the logic behind her strategies.
For the purposes of the project, Eveline was set up to lose, even though both Jenny and Coach Strickland told her to always do her best. There was no humiliation in that detail, because the point of the videos was to show how to best an opposing player. Eveline was simply performing that role for Jenny’s demonstrations.
Eveline played as well she could and, every so often, she did manage to outplay Jenny. The video producers included those moments in the instruction and the demonstrator had to explain what went wrong and how she needed to correct her strategy for the next turn.
Eveline didn’t realize it, but her game improved as a result of the endless hours of one-on-one with her team captain in front of the cameras. Towards the end of the video project she became a more challenging opponent.
Evelyn never talked during the videos: she left all the talking to her team captain. Her role was to be Jenny’s opponent while she demonstrated dodges and moves.
After the contract was signed, Coach Strickland took Eveline home and told her she was free for the rest of the day, which meant an outing with Lance.
Jenny was not nearly so lucky. Her new mentor called her into her office to explain to her that the scholarship contract had been notarized and was now legally binding. Jenny’s day-to-day training would still be under Coach Strickland, but legally she was now obligated to do whatever the university coaching staff told her to do.
Since Jenny was not yet at the university, the coaches had delegated supervision of the new scholarship student to the principal. One of the woman’s first priorities was to instill discipline and control over the player.
“Whenever you talk to me, I expect you to stand straight and put your hands behind your back. That’s the way they do it in the military and that’s the way you will do it with me. Do you understand, young lady?”
Jenny took a deep breath and complied. With her hands behind her back she felt more exposed than she had ever felt in her life.
“Yes ma’am.”
“Good girl. Now the next thing we need to discuss is how I’m gonna keep an eye on you when you’re not around me or Coach Strickland. I can’t have you out there doing God-knows-what when we need you to stay focused on your studies and your fitness training at all times. Fortunately your little sister is here to help me out.”
The principal called to the door: “Lynne! Come in here, please!”
Lynne stood in front of her principal and looked at her older sibling with her usual evil smile. The woman put her hands on the kid’s shoulders. This… was not gonna be good. Not at all.
“You know that your sister is one of my favorite students. She has been a hall-monitor for the past year, and I just promoted her to be the student supervisor of all the hall monitors. She has helped two of my teachers as a student aide and has tutored several classmates. And, of course, she is class president. She is the example of what I expect from the kids at my school. All I can say, is that you are very lucky to have a sister like her.”
“I… yes, ma’am.”
“Anyhow, I’ve asked her to keep an eye on you at home and she’s been gracious enough to accept. I have her to watch over you and make sure you stay out of trouble. She will keep a diary of how you spend your time, what you eat, your exercise regimen, and how well you respect your parents. We are about to put a huge investment into you, so it is important that we safeguard you. You will not disappoint us, because we won’t give you that opportunity.”
The principal looked at Lynne.
“So, you understand what you’re supposed to do, sweetie?”
“Yes, ma’am. I’ll watch her just like I was a security camera. Even better.”
“Thank you, Lynne. You’re such a good girl.”
This story keeps getting better and better.