With the warmer weather of the past day, Melanie was considering what to wear for her second morning run with Brian Thursday morning. She wanted to push herself and take advantage of this surprising shift in temperature. She could probably wear one of the shorts she bought with Josy and she went with the pale blue pair along with the mesh pattern bra she liked a lot.
After rolling out of bed and grabbing a pair of panties, she hesitated. Did Josy’s rule of no underwear today apply here too? She knew she had to try and set them aside, putting on the shorts and sports bra with nothing underneath. She enjoyed the direct contact of the skin-tight CrossFit shorts and the fabric was soft enough that she was sure it wouldn’t chafe. Aside from her socks and shoes she was only wearing 2 other articles of clothing. Most of her stomach, her arms, and her legs were bare except for the little amount of thigh the shorts covered. She was getting both nervous and a little excited at the thought of going outside wearing only this.
How would Brian react to seeing her like that? During their first run she’d worn leggings and her jacket, and this outfit was a lot more revealing.
She fixed her hair in the bun like she always did when she went for a run, put her phone and keys in her armband and went out the door.
Brian was already waiting in front of her building as she walked out. He was looking out to the road, but when she approached he must have heard her and turned around to look at her.
“Wow,” he said.
“This is my summer running outfit,” she said, blushing at his simple but telling reaction.
Even though she hadn’t worn this exact outfit yet, it was true that it was intended to be her summer running outfit.
Though she was nervous wearing this little in front of Brian, she liked getting a reaction from him and modeled her outfit. However, seeing the look on his face as she did, she thought maybe this outfit is a bit too much. She could hardly blame him, but his sudden interest in the way she looked was making her a little uncomfortable. She wanted to get going before she chickened out.
“Shall we go?” she asked, still blushing.
“Uh, yeah. There’s a small park nearby. Interval training, right?” Brian asked.
They jogged to the park at a slow pace as Melanie hadn’t done warmup exercises yet. It wasn’t far and soon she was doing her stretches while Brian ran a few short intervals up and down one of the paths. When she was done, Brian came up to her as she stood there a moment.
“Uh, Melanie,” Brian said.
She saw him looking at her, eyes cast down and he seemed nervous about something.
“Yeah? What is it?”
“You have a bit of a…” he trailed off.
“A bit of what? Spit it out, Brian.”
“A wardrobe malfunction,” he said as he looked away. Why was he embarrassed?
“What do you mean?” she checked her clothes, she was still fully covered, nothing out of place.
“Your shorts,” he said, pointing to her crotch.
She looked down. Her pale blue shorts had ridden up and formed a clear outline of her sex. It had probably happened during her stretches and likely due to her lack of underwear.
“Shit,” she said as she blushed furiously, pulling on her shorts to work them down a bit.
It looked more or less fine again, though she could still make out a faint line down the middle. She’d never thought of this sort of thing happening before, never before noticed this with her black leggings.
“Sorry about that,” she said.
“It’s fine, don’t worry,” he said, smiling. “Shall we do our intervals?”
They did their intervals separately, each going their preferred pace. Several times, Melanie noticed that her shorts had ridden up again and had to fix them. She blushed at the thought that people might notice, but after the fourth time she had enough of it and her annoyance awakened her defiance, and she decided to ignore it. It was nearly time to go back anyway.
Standing there and watching Brian do one more interval, she noticed him looking at her again on his way back. Between her sexy mesh sports bra and pale blue shorts, she wondered what he thought of her outfit. So far he’d always seemed respectful of her, not making remarks on what she wore, and she assumed she just wasn’t his type. She hadn’t thought about him in such a way before either. He felt like a friend to her and hoped he wouldn’t make a big deal out of all of this, so that they could continue these morning runs together. Therefore, she just stood there facing him, daring him to look and say something about it.
“Shall we go back?” he asked as he stopped in front of her, eyes on her face.
“Yeah, okay,” she said, smiling.
When she got home, she still felt daring and was stripping off her sports bra the moment she entered the apartment, as no one else seemed to be up yet as far as she could tell. She played with the idea of stripping naked and stretching in the common room but went to her own room instead. People would be waking up soon and she would definitely be caught doing nude stretches there.
In her room, she did strip off. After her stretches and cooldown in her room, someone was in the bathroom, so she had to wait. However, apparently she wasn’t the only one waiting and when she heard the bathroom door, she checked and just saw Julia, another of her roommates, enter the bathroom.
Ugh, the pain of sharing one bathroom among six people. She was in doubt as to what to do. Her runner’s outfit was clammy with sweat and she didn’t want to put that on again. She also didn’t want to soil other clothes just to go to the shower. But to go naked to the shower probably meant she’d have to wait to go last or be caught. In the end she put on a long t-shirt she used to sleep in and hearing the bathroom door open, she hurried to go in after Julia.
As she was finishing her breakfast, Josy came by asking to walk to college together.
“Sure, I’m almost done. Let me grab my things,” Melanie said.
Josy followed her into her room, closing the door behind her.
“Hey Mel, you didn’t forget, did you? I see you’re wearing the right skirt.”
“No, I didn’t forget,” she said, blushing furiously.
“I tend to believe you, but…” Josy trailed off, moving in front of her and lifting her A-line skirt around her waist.
“Happy?” Melanie asked, exasperated at Josy’s antics.
“It passes, but happy? Nah. Maybe if you let me check in front of your roommates.” Josy laughed.
“Not going to happen, Josy,” Melanie laughed as well.
“Another time then,” Josy said, winking at her.
They went out and were alone in the elevator, but it stopped on the second floor. Several other people got in and they moved back to make room. As the doors closed, Melanie felt her skirt rise in front.
She froze.
Josy was pulling it way up, leaving her pussy completely exposed. She knew that if any of the others in the elevator would turn their heads they’d be able to see. She wanted to push it back down but was afraid the movement would attract attention. To her relief, Josy let go of her skirt before the doors opened at the ground floor and it fell back into place. It seemed no one had noticed anything, and she let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding in.
“Is the whole day going to be like this?” she asked as they walked to college.
“How did you guess?” Josy laughed.
“Good thing we’re in different buildings,” Melanie said.
“True, but I’m joining you guys for lunch.”
She should probably tell Josy about her run with Brian, she thought. She gave Josy a quick summary of her outfit and what had happened.
“Wish I’d been there,” Josy laughed, then asked, “Do you like Brian?”
“He’s a good guy and we work well together. I like him, but if you mean whether I’m interested in him, I don’t think there’s anything there.”
“He’s also good looking.”
“Maybe you should ask him out then. Apparently he’s single,” Melanie countered.
“You’re rather blind to these things, aren’t you? It’s super cute.”
Melanie sighed. Between her run this morning and not wearing panties, she was on edge, worrying about what Brian thinks of her outfit and behavior. If Josy was her usual self and made suggestive remarks about her at lunch, she didn’t know whether she could stand to be around Brian anymore. She would have to find new friends. People might also start gossiping about her.
“Please don’t do anything to ruin my friendship with them, Josy,” she said.
“I wouldn’t do that. Besides, if they’re really your friends, they’d accept you as you are,” Josy countered.
Melanie thought about that. Josy had a good point, but she didn’t want to put that to the test. First she had to think about how to explain her runner’s outfit incident this morning to Brian. Then she had to survive Josy’s antics at lunch, but she didn’t think that Josy would purposefully hurt her. In any case, it was going to be a long day.
She was nervous about Brian’s initial reaction when she got to class, but he greeted her same as always.
“Sorry about this morning,” she said as they waited outside the classroom.
“Sorry? About what? It was a good run, wasn’t it?” he asked with an impassive expression.
Perhaps Brian was choosing to ignore it for her benefit. Well, that worked for Melanie and she smiled at him.
“Yeah… Are you going again on Saturday?” she asked.
“Sounds good”, he said, smiling.
Perhaps she was making way too big a deal out of it, she thought as they entered the classroom. When she sat down, she made sure to cross her legs. She wouldn’t want to risk the teacher getting an eyeful.
Today’s classes involved reviewing the course material for next week’s exams, and while Melanie had a little difficulty concentrating at first, soon she was able to focus, noting down the likely questions they would get on the exam.
During the walks between classes, the cool air on her nether regions reminded her of her lack of underwear and during last hour before lunch, she decided to keep her legs uncrossed. They were sitting in the last row on the left side and she figured the teacher’s view would be blocked by people and desks in front of her.
She moved her chair forward, while slightly sliding down in her chair. Being careful so that Brian wouldn’t notice, she played with the hem of her skirt with her left hand, while keeping her knees together. She started caressing her thighs under her skirt, gradually getting bolder as her arousal grew. Slowly but surely her skirt moved up her legs, exposing more skin as she felt her heart beating faster in her chest. Trying to keep her expression as neutral as possible, she pushed her skirt up even further, as far as exposing her pussy. She realized that if someone in front of her dropped a pen or something, she’d have to be quick to cover herself.
She thought about all the people around her, unaware of how exposed she was beneath the large table. Looking to her right, she felt a moment of panic, thinking that people in the middle row might see far enough below the table to see her, but realized that even slid down in her chair as she was, she could only see the pants of the first person in the mid row. Sitting near the wall as she was, they probably couldn’t see anything higher up than her knees. This near miss, such as it was in her mind, sent a tremor through her and she spread her knees just enough to make a little room for her hand.
Brian seemed to have noticed her head movements and raised his eyebrows at her, so she quickly looked back at the teacher. She didn’t move until he looked away again.
Though she had stopped paying attention to the class, she still held her pen in hand to pretend to take notes. In the meantime, she used her left hand to alternate caressing her inner thighs and the outside of her smooth lips. She avoided directly touching her sex for two reasons. One, she was probably wet, and two, she might not be able to suppress a moan. Though she tried not to show anything on her face, her breathing had become shallow due to her arousal.
Before she knew it, class had ended. Brian looked her way again as he was packing up his things, and she quickly pushed her skirt down while sitting up again. She pretended to be bored from the morning classes, hoping Brian would buy it, before packing up her own things.
She excused herself to her friends to go to the bathroom. After peeing, she cleaned herself up, reflecting on her behavior during the last class. Aside from feeling shamed that she’d let herself be taken over by her urges, she would also have to ask Brian for his notes so she could copy them.
As Melanie was a little late due to her bathroom break, Sarah, Cohen, Brian and Josy were already sitting at the lunch table and Josy motioned to the open spot next to her.
She suspected hi-jinks but took the seat anyway. Josy, however was actually behaving herself, much to both her surprise and relief. Talk around the table was about normal every-day stuff. All in all, it was a mostly normal lunch, though she was on edge the whole time. It certainly wasn’t as bad as she had feared.
She wondered why Josy was suddenly going easy on her. Meanwhile, Brian had been suspiciously quiet; more so than usual. She wasn’t sure, but it seemed like they made eye contact a few times. If she didn’t know any better, she might think they were in cahoots.
Melanie sighed and noticed Brian looking at her sympathetically. Now what’s that about? The others did not seem to have noticed.
After their lunch ended, Josy pulled her aside.
“Do you think we can go shopping Saturday? I mean, I know we have exams and all next week…” Josy said.
“Hmm, getting out of the house for a few hours might be good. I wasn’t planning on studying the whole weekend anyway.”
“We wouldn’t need all day either.”
“Do you need anything, or do I already know what this is about?” Melanie asked.
“Both. Anyway, we need to get going. Talk later?”
They said bye and went to their respective afternoon activities.
In the afternoon she noticed Brian was still acting a bit strange towards her and during a drink break, she decided to confront him about it.
“Brian, what’s going on?”
“Nothing, why?”
“You’re acting weird today.”
He didn’t respond to that, just shrugged his shoulders.
“Please tell me what’s going on, Brian.”
He looked at her, then motioned her to follow him down the hall, away from the group of people at the coffee machines.
“I think you should be a bit more careful, Melanie,” he said in a low voice.
What does that mean? Did he mean this morning’s run, or did he see what she did in class? She blushed, embarrassed at the thought of being caught. She wanted to ask more, but he’d already walked back to the group.
The rest of the afternoon, she agonized over what he meant, and at the end of the day, she pulled him aside just before they went home.
“Brian, please just tell me, what did you mean?” she asked, her voice full of worry.
He seemed embarrassed and took a moment before answering.
“Talk to your friend first. You two seem pretty close. After that, if you want to talk, let me know,” he said, avoiding looking at her. Then he looked at her and added, “I’m sorry about this. I didn’t mean to worry you.”
He left her standing there trying to process what he’d just said. None of that helped her understand what was going on. There were many different things he could be talking about.
He’d been talking to Josy? She needed to talk to Josy herself, since Brian was unwilling to tell her.
She texted Josy, asking if she’d gone home yet.
“Almost done here,” Josy texted back.
“Walk home together?”
She waited outside for Josy to arrive, full of nerves about what she might hear.
Enjoying all of the progressions very much. That was a delightful run and great stuff with Josy, as usual. Nice to see she is gradually getting more comfortable with her roommates. In class, seemed to be pushing it a bit far, but then she was wound up from no underwear so you can’t really blame her.
I like that Brain seems to be looking out for her. But I’m also worried she might lose a friend.
Looking forward to more! I hope to enjoy this story for a long time.
Yes, I agree that she’s pushing it a bit far, but to quote part of Blair’s comment on chapter 1, which seems in line with what happened here:
If anything seems out of character, however, as always the feedback is highly appreciated.
Glad you’re still enjoying the story 🙂
Nope, not out of character. Melanie has certainly established herself as a passionate risk-taker who can barely contain her powerful feelings, especially when she gets worked up. She is a very enjoyable character. It feels delightfully refreshing to have a story escalate so quickly. Too many of us writers go way too slow for most readers. I was just sharing how I felt as a reader… it was making me worried for her, which could be exactly what the writer (artist) wants at that moment. She also went pretty far in the park with that dog walker watching. It’s all great stuff and it would be a crime to throw water on your artistic vision as it could derail the entire thing. These edgy moments are powerful. They make you sit up and pay attention. Especially when they feel realistic, and you have been doing a consistently good job with that.
Glad that you are still enjoying writing. As a new writer myself, I’ve slowly come to realize that positive comments of a story are constructively outlining the things readers like and encouraging more in those directions. The goal of story writing is to make the reader feel something, so the positive comments technically give the most value towards that goal. That said, any comment that is not in line with your vision should be ignored, constructive or not.
What I was awkwardly trying to say was that I used to value criticism more than positive comments. As I got older I came to realize that was a mistake. I’m not saying that you are doing this. Just sharing what I’m slowly learning. Writing can be a lot of fun, but it’s better when you share the journey with others.
Yes, although I enjoy writing this story, I would never have kept writing past a few chapters if I hadn’t been able to share it with anyone, or if I hadn’t gotten positive feedback.
That said, I appreciate the constructive feedback you and others have given me to improve my writing. Forthe storylineI am trying to stick to what feels right for the characters, though I can’t guarantee that the writing doesn’t get influenced by comments at all.
Hey Cave,
I’m sure enjoying catching up with what Melanie has been up to. These are fun characters to spend time with – no one mean or particularly ornery.
But this guy Bill? Telling a girl that she is experiencing a wardrobe malfunction because her shorts have sucked up into her slit … who does that? Certainly not me! If a girls clothes look painted on, then that’s a wardrobe good-function (I really did try to find the antonym of ‘malfunction,’ I swear). If a girl’s nipples are on display or if she’s sporting camel-toe … that’s to be enjoyed! Encourage that, don’t discourage it! Just sayin.
But this Melanie only gets bolder … what she did in class … and now she has to borrow Brian’s notes. I didn’t know it could be that fun to go around in a dress without panties. Makes me wonder how common that is. I didn’t used to think that girls did that. Now I’m not so sure. (You’re welcome to comment. Hint, hint.)
All in all, I read this chapter watching for the appearance of thigh highs. I guess I just need to be patient. I’m sure they’re just around the bend. This chapter ends on a worrying note. What has Josy been saying? What was Brian talking about? I guess I’ll just have to read on!
They’re in a very public place, a park, and I suppose it’s in his character to warn her about potential embarrassment, though in doing so, he causes her immediate embarrassment.
No argument there. lol. Perhaps in hindsight Brian regrets speaking up about it instead of just enjoying the view, but he went with telling her about it.
In class, I figure that’s a rare occurrence, though it’s not unthinkinable. One could get bored and if already stimulated from not wearing panties, and if sure you can get away with it… I’m not saying it’s wise to do this in a college classroom, but when you’re young, you know. If a girl is to do this at a public college location, a library during quiet hours is much safer, though I wouldn’t want to suggest anyone to break library rules and risk getting expelled.
Sorry to make you wait so long for the thigh highs…