I finally found some time to have a little bit of fun with Readermans story of the resort embassador which inspired many some them are Mailgirl Fangirls from all over the globe.
It appears Nine just received a letter from a fangirl from the Netherlands… oh my!
Let’s have a look what she has to tell, shall we?
[Edit 1 – 2022 07 16 edited the intro to better fit it into Readermans story + reworked the timetable + some minor tipo’s]
Letters to Nine (1)
Leiden, Monday 4th of August 20xx
Dear Nine,
I’m Amalia from Leiden, Netherlands. I’m 26 years old and a Fan of Mailgirl-Fiction since I’m Sixt uhm… I mean Eighteen. It was so exciting to read about this real existing Mailgirl down there on that exotic pacific Island. I’m a little bit envious of you, you can just stroll around naked there, that must feel so great! But well… I probably would only get severely sunburnt.
When I saw that this real existing Mailgirl got a blog, it was simply breathtaking. It’s fair to say that I am an enthusiastic follower of your blog since day one. It served me and lots of Mailgirl-Fangirls around the globe as one of our main sources of inspiration.
I can’t exaggerate the importance of your efforts. Without your shining example of dare and bravery I would never have dared coming out as a Mailgirl-Fangirl and later on to become a (parttime-)Mailgirl myself.
Even with your shining example it was a gut wrenching experience to approach Kees, the owner of the small maritime insurance company I work for with the idea of letting me improve the rather poor employee morale by letting me serve as a part time Mailgirl.
“Most employers have casual Fridays, why couldn’t we have Mailgirl-Fridays?”, I asked.
Kees reacted incredulous at first. “So you want to improve everybody’s morale by strolling around naked?”, he asked. I don’t think he took me serious at all.
It was his wife Antje, who served as the Human Resources officer of our small company, who gave my Idea some serious thought. Thank god for the vast amount of literature that exist nowadays. While most of it is of course purely fictional, they can at least transpose the spirit of the Mailgirl-concept quite well.
But without your example, the example of a strong woman, a software lead developer choosing to live the lifestyle and making it work, I would never be capable to convince my superiors it would be possible, let alone a good idea.
If a software lead could pull of being a Mailgirl 24/7, a lowly insurance clerk like me could certainly serve as a Mailgirl one day a week and prosper!
But there was a lot of preparations to do and a lot of roadblocks to clear!
Introducing a Mailgirl-program isn’t a simple feat, even in the most liberal nation in generally quite liberal Europe, and quite impossible without the full support of all of the workforce. While the male workforce was rather easily convinced, my female coworkers needed quite some convincing.
I needed to convince them that my part would be completely voluntary and Antje needed to convince them that nobody would be forced to participate on any of it all. Antje went even so far as attributing to everybody not comfortable with my little Mailgirl-program some additional remote work days so that everybody not comfortable with it simply didn’t need to be around my naked but.
With these problems out of the way we could finally focus on making a set of rules for our Mailgirl program beginning with my work uniform. As a real Mailgirl at heart I of course wanted to go stark naked. Kees didn’t want to go that far. He suggested a bra/panty combination as a sort of compromise, but if I wanted to go sporting a Bikini I simply would just go to the beaches.
It was Antje who solved the issue by agreeing to my demand of going naked but insisting on wearing solid sport shoes for safety reasons. That sounded absolutely reasonable, everybody who ever in his life hit a toe or twisted an ankle can affirm that that’s an absolutely non-sexy experience nor for the person experience it, nor for any witness.
We decided that I wouldn’t be allowed any hair below my neckline. I personally don’t have an opinion about body hair. But the opinion of a Mailgirl doesn’t really matter anyway, does it? It’s the opinion of the people she services, that count. So… yeah. No body hair it is for me. Having read every there is to read about Mailgirls, I didn’t expected as much.
The rules will change as we gather more experiences, we started out inspiring ourself at the fictional classics of the genre, like Seahawks stories.
First we needed to establish my status as Mailgirl in the company hierarchy. It was of course right at the bottom of the totem pole. Let’s face it! As a lowly insurance clerk I was never particularly high in the office hierarchy, but imaging being at the very low end, needing to follow every reasonable instruction of anybody superior to me did make me shiver with dread and… excitement!
I think I need to come to terms with the fact that I am an exhibitionist and a submissive and there’s nothing wrong with it. I think there might be something very soothing knowing your place in an organization, even if it’s on the very low end.
Anyway, we decided that we would keep the first Mailgirl-Friday rather simple. A few fetch quests, prancing around, learning a few poses, nothing too uncomfortable. I was rather undecided how to feel about that, relieved or disappointed.
That’s why we postponed any talks about the instauration of a demerit systems and accompanying punishments to a later date. All I know is that Antje will be responsible keeping me in line and to deliver punishments to lil’ old me as she will be the head of our little Mailgirl-program.
That’s only logic, she is the head of Human Resources after all and she seems a lot more enthusiastic about the idea then her husband. I think the idea of her getting to punish me, excited her. I can’t really blame her because the idea certainly excited me quite a bit…
And sure… after the meeting she took me aside and quietly ‘suggested’ I didn’t masturbate in the three days till Friday. Oh my… that will be three long day till Friday, I already can tell.
Either way I’m looking forward unto my first Mailgirl-experience!
Thanks again, Nine! Till later! Whish me luck!
Sincerely yours,
Amalia, soon to be Fifteen
Cool! It seems like Nine (we want to keep her real name a secret) really is an inspiration for the worldwide mailgirls movement.
interesting concept. I look forward to see how you develop it.
This is a very clever spin-off of Readerman’s Resort Ambassador series, which just happens to be a favorite of mine. This is a great way to increase the world building beyond the little island.
You are jumping the gun, lol. Brandy hasn’t even published the first journal entry yet. But fortunately it’s very close to being published. First she has to interview Emi, which ‘might’ happen after she is done with this rickshaw run today.
Haha, Emi actually does have a fan in the Netherlands. How did you know?!
Day one, being the tomorrow. lol…
“What?!” Emi asked.
“Shush, Emi… this is exactly what we like to hear,” said Brandy, beaming with pride.
“Good thinking!”
“I am so deeply touched by your bravery, that we…”
“Who is we?”
“Shush, we have decided to give you a free one year subscription to our app, starting from an early beta build, so that you don’t have to wait too long.”
“That’s wonderful that she has your back.”
“Cough… more like backside.”
“This is exactly what our product does, it excites people.”
“What else did she say?”
“She said, ahh… wish me luck,” Brandy said squinting at the last line, looking confused. Then she tucked the letter quickly into her bag.
Iblame you for that… 😉
In my mind the blog already started. Btw… nobody… the least Brandy should surprised about Fans in the Netherlands.
´of course you have fans in the Netherlands. It´s basically kink country!´