Chapter 5. Sara – Sunday morning
‘You’ve got big breasts. They are almost as big as my mommie’s. Do they have milk in them? My mommie’s do.’
Sara opened her eyes to see a small naked brown girl staring at her from a few inches away. ‘No they don’t sorry,’ she replied sleepily.
‘Mommy has lots, Darren has it for breakfast lunch and dinner and in between too because he gets really hungry and he’s not big enough to eat big kids food.’ The child reached out and touched Sara’s breast. She continued, ‘When I was a baby I got my milk from mommie’s breasts but now I’m a big girl she only lets me have a little when Darren doesn’t want any more. My name’s Penny and I’m nearly four what’s yours?’
Jane stirred, turned over and sat up. She said grumpily ‘Hello Penny what do you want? You know you are not supposed to wake people.’
‘Gramma sent me up to tell you that pancakes will be on the terrace by the pool in five minutes and if you want any you had better get up quickly.’
‘OK sorry, we will be down very soon. Can you tell her I have Sara here with me and could she have some too please.’
Penny turned and trotted out of the room calling shrilly as she went. ‘Gramma, Jane’s got a friend with big breasts in her bed with her and she wants breakfast too.’
Sara looked concerned at this but Jane only laughed. ‘Good morning Sara, it’s cool don’t worry, come on I’m hungry for those pancaked. No time for showers we can plunge in the pool instead.’
‘But I’m not sure I’m ready to meet new people naked, your mum, your sister, your father?
‘Don’t fret you will be fine.’ Jane pulled Sara out of bed and into the bathroom where she peed showing no embarrassment and waited while Sara, embarrassed, did the same. Both still naked Jane lead the way out of the room and down the stairs.
Sara followed nervously. The sliding glass doors leading out onto the wide terrace were fully open. There was a large table in a shady alcove and a pool off to the left. Jane rinsed off under the pool shower and then plunged straight in, swam two lengths and emerged again. Sara followed more slowly and was handed a towel as she climbed out.
‘Come on I’ll introduce you to the family.’
A small crowd was gathered around the table. As the two women approached toweling their hair. Jane introduced her sister, Felicity, who was seated with a baby attached to her right breast sucking furiously. She was very like a slightly older version of Jane except that her breasts were enlarged with milk. Penny was next to her drinking from a two handled cup. There were two men seated on the other side of the table deep in discussion, a distinguished gray haired man in his late forties with a neatly trimmed beard and a younger black man. They stopped talking and rose to greet Sara.
Sara’s first impulse was to cover herself with her hands. She resisted this but still blushed deeply as both men looked her up and down before focusing on her face. Their relaxed demeanor reassured her and encouraged her to look properly at them. Her eyes were drawn automatically to their genitals, after looking at these for what she felt was too long Sara then forced herself to look at the rest of them. The older white guy was very hairy with gray pubes that matched his beard, they almost covered his thick stubby circumcised penis. He was medium height and solidly built with well defined muscles. The younger man had absolutely no hair on his body. His penis was long and dangling with a pronounced foreskin. He was less muscled but still looked fit with a visible six pack and a distinct ‘v shape’.
They introduced themselves as Alistair, Jane’s father and Denzel, her brother in law and father to Penny and Darren. Sara was also introduced to Jane’s Mother, Christobel, usually called Chrissie, who emerged from the house with a large tray of hot pancakes. She was slim and well proportioned and looked fit although her breasts did sag slightly.
‘Jane will you bring the coffee out please. We need to finish breakfast soon before we are invaded by the hordes.’ Chrissie explained to Sara that her brother and family would be arriving soon. ‘They usually have about a dozen kids in tow who somehow attach themselves to their own three.’
They all seated themselves and set to demolishing the pancakes.
They were nearly finished when two boys of around twelve or thirteen, both wearing board shorts, appeared at the side gate. ‘Is Daniel here yet?’ the older one asked.
‘Not yet we expect them around ten.’ replied Chrissie. ‘You can swim if you like but remember the no clothes in the pool rule.’
The older boy reddened, ‘but I always swim in my shorts.’
‘I told you we had to go nude.’ the younger one said and kicking off his sandals, he was out of his shorts and into the pool in a flash.
‘Didn’t believe you.’ the other said as his friend re-appeared. Standing on the edge of the pool he hesitated.
Jane went up to him. ‘What’s the matter Mike? You were OK naked last year.’
He reddened, ‘Got hair now,’ he muttered.
‘So? You are growing up, that’s something to celebrate. Come on don’t be a wimp.’
‘But I might get an erection, with all of you beautiful naked women around.’
‘If you do you have two options,’ laughed Jane. ‘Either plunge into the pool or wear it with pride. There is no shame in a hard penis.’
‘Oh OK I suppose it will go down in the water,’ Mike was still not sure but slowly removed his flip flops.
His friend called from the pool ‘Get on with it chicken, Daniel will be here soon and he’s got lots more hair than you.’
Finally sliding out of his shorts he plunged in being careful to keep his back to Jane and the people around the table who had been watching with amusement. Jane picked up both boy’s shorts and shoes and tided them away to a side bench before returning to her breakfast.
No sooner had she settled down and started telling the story of Sara’s sudden appearance and her pronounced tan lines than another boy came through the gate scattering discarded baseball kit as he went. He plunged straight into the water. Jane’s brother had arrived.
Close behind them came a larger party of adults and teenagers. Sara was introduced to so many new people that she was unable to remember who they were. The teenagers, four girls and one boy, were already naked and headed for the pool after grunting minimal greetings.
The adults were introduced as Jane’s aunt Caro and her uncle Peter. They were both dressed. Caro in a wrap-over dress and Peter in a medieval style tunic. They peeled them off unceremoniously. ‘We came through Jenkins County and they have voted for a strict no nudity code with fines for driving naked. The cops are doing random stops raising money for the county funds.’ Caro explained this to raised eyebrows and tutting noises from the group.
‘Coffee?’ Chrissie picked up the empty flask. ‘I’ll just make a fresh pot.’
‘Yes please. We’ll cool off whilst you get it if that’s OK?’ They headed for the pool but returned after a few minutes. ‘’Too many kids, we’ll swim again later when they have run out of energy.
Noticing Sara was looking rather overwhelmed Jane slipped indoors and discreetly beckoned her to follow. ‘You Ok?’
‘Still pretty stoned, I’ve been off it for three years,’ Sara replied. ‘It’s getting better and I don’t think I could have faced this crowd naked without it.’ she added after a pause. ‘I’ve been off the dope since getting my job. As you know the dope was part of the reason, I graduated with a D.’
‘More like your awful family situation drove you to dope. Blame your father,’ Jane added ‘but you were certainly a stoner in your senior year.’
Sara shrugged, ‘yes probably, anyway I’m OK now. Lets go back to the party. Thanks you for asking.’ She gave Jane a quick hug. She shivered and became aroused by the close naked contact which still needed getting used to. She ignored the feeling and hoping nobody noticed and they went back outside.
Things calmed down and the adults around the table were able to listen to Sara’s story. They all had an opinion about what Peter needed in way of “re-education” which ranged from strip him naked all the time to making him wear an “I am a misogynist” t-shirt. The consensus arrived at, was that he should wear short tunics, skirts or nothing at all times when he was not at work. Sara was doubtful but agreed and even agreed to dress likewise Crissie started to write an agreement for him to sign. Sara added a clause that he should be naked all the time at home, including answering the front door and outside in the yard of their duplex bungalow.
‘Are you sure you are not being too hard on him?’ asked Jane’s father.
‘If Sara is going change her whole lifestyle then at least she can have him fit in with it.’ said Jane. ‘We have been discussing all last evening how misogyny works and the only way to combat the visual part of it is total body freedom. If enough people start being nude any time they want, men with obsessions like Peter’s will so get used to nudity as the norm that their obsession will disperse. Until then they need a push and to feel exposed to view as they view women.’ Jane carried on ranting in this way for several minutes before every body applauded and burst out laughing.
‘Quite right darling,’ said her mother. ‘But will he accept it?’
Sara looked determined. ‘If he cares at all then I believe he will. If not I will have to try and get over him.
They carried on in this fashion and discussing other aspects of misogyny until they were interrupted by rest of the people who had finished cooling off in the pool and joined the group around the table. The conversation then turned to other matters and Sara relaxed in the sunshine. She was getting used to social nudity and the sun on her body, which was protected by layers of sunblock lovingly applied by Jane.
Alistair and Jane’s aunt Caro took on the task of lighting and running the barbecue whilst Denzel began preparing the salads and coleslaw, ‘Hey Chrissie where is the mayo?’ he called from the kitchen.
‘Didn’t you get any Jane?’ Chrissie asked.
‘What mayo?’ replied Jane.
‘The mayo I put on the list when you went to the store.’
‘It wasn’t on the list, I didn’t know we were out of Mayo.’ Jane replied defensively. She went to her purse and pulled the list out.
‘Let me see the list.’ Chrissie took the list from Jane and studied it. ‘look there it is.’
‘Is that what that says?’ Jane peered at the scrawled list. I thought you meant that Madon brand spice mix we use, I bought some look. She pointed into the open store cupboard.
‘OK sorry it wasn’t clear but we still need mayonnaise.’
‘I’ll go and get some,’ said Jane, picking up her mother’s car keys. ‘Come on Sara?’
‘OK,’ answered Sara getting up. ‘But you will need to find me something to wear.’
Jane grinned impishly. ‘You look just fine as you are.’
‘No really.’
‘Yes really, stay naked as I am going to. The shop is nude friendly, they know me and it will be good for you to go out clothes free on a lovely day before you chicken out.’
Sara spluttered, ‘no way! I’m not going to town nude!’
To be continued