Originally posted to Deviantart on October 23, 2017.
Her finger touched a string, and a light pluck from her other hand caused a high note to hum. Then she repeated the action with the next one. The two found perfect harmony and gave a satisfying resonance. Or, at least it should be. It was the sixth time Eva checked the tuning on her guitar. A simple task, but an important one. Not just because an instrument should be in tune, but she needed to try and take her mind off of what was coming.
The last forty-eight hours didn’t even feel real. What was happening now was supposed to be a long-running joke among Eva and her friends. That she would make a recording, and send it to the wildly popular rock band, Ekko. Everyone thought she was the best guitar player in her high school, and she practiced a lot, but the pros were on another level. An untouchable level, a realm that belonged to gods and goddess that walked the Earth. So a demo tape from her would never be taken seriously no matter how hard she tried.
Then, there was a reply. Eva spent the entire day shaking like a leaf when she had received a phone call from the record company. It came from the manager of the band and said everyone in Ekko, especially the band’s guitar heroin, Rene, loved her demo tape. They wanted to meet her and even play with her.
At first, Eva thought it was a prank call. There was just no way that could happen. But when she called the number back, she got a confirmation from a desk attendant at the record company. It was real. They were going to provide a ride to the airport and wanted her to pack all her gear.
The next thing she knew, she was alone in the studio feeling like she was in a dream. She was in the band’s private studio, called the Ekko Dome, built in Rene’s backyard. Eva was the first one there, and the rest of the band would be arriving soon. She was going to meet all of them. She was going to meet her guitar hero, and lead guitarist for the group, Rene.
Her hand gripped the neck of her guitar tighter. Eva didn’t even see herself worthy of changing Rene’s strings, much less playing rhythm to her. Rene knew how to make her instrument sing, how to make it cry, and how to make it yell. And Eva was about to play with her. It was impossible, utterly impossible. Ordinary people weren’t supposed to interact with goddesses like Rene.
Eva’s fingers felt cold, and her heart was hammering away. She shook her head and gave the strings few more plucks to hear the harmonics. For the seventh time, she found her guitar was perfectly tuned. She had to impress this band, but she didn’t know how even to attempt it.
The clock moved slowly. Eva thought about running a few scale exercises to try and make her hands ready to do what got her in this building. Anything to calm her mind down.
Before Eva could even decide what key or scale she was going to play in, she heard some chatter. Voices, all feminine voices. It was the band. She was out of time to practice and prepare herself. The ultimate test of her skill was just outside the door.
“Ha ha ha, is that what you were thinking of?” came one voice. “How did you turn two idiots at a farm into THAT song?”
“Well… I know the source was a little weird.”
Eva’s eyes widened upon hearing the second voice. She had watched a ton of interview videos, carefully analyzed every background vocal part in their music, and even tried to mimic those vocals herself. The calm, yet confident tone belonged to none other than Rene.
Two women walked into the room and continued their conversation. “But like… I thought there was a double meaning to it, and Sarah could see it. And if anyone could make some weird lyrics work, it’s her. Sometimes it’s more about delivery.”
Eva froze in place when she saw the two women in the doorway of the studio.
The woman on the left, was Ekko’s bass player, Betty. She was one of the more cheerful, friendly girls in the band. Her clothes went for a look that was more gothic. Long black hair, a black tee shirt that barely contained her breasts, and a matching skirt. A skull and crossbones tattoo decorated her right arm. She stood slightly shorter than Eva imagined.
The woman on the right was the one that made Eva feel trapped in time. Rene, the band’s lead guitar player and primary songwriter, cast her blue eyes in Eva’s direction. Her blonde hair shined under the lighting of the room. She dressed far more casually than Betty was, with a simple white tank top and jeans, and looked taller than Eva thought she was.
Rene looked at Eva and smiled. “Oh! Hey there!”
Eva sat in one place, staring at them like how a deer stares into headlights. A goddess graced her with her presences and addressed her. Her brain tried to process what was happening and tried to force a reaction. Any reaction.
“H-hi!” Her voice cracked.
“You must be Eva!” said Rene. “It’s nice to finally meet ya!”
Eva’s heart was racing. Rene had said her name. It sounded strange to her ears to hear her hero acknowledge her very existence. Again, she struggled to think of an appropriate answer. “Ni-nice to greet… uh…” She paused to clear her throat. “I mean, nice to meet you too.” Was her voice usually this squeaky?
“I heard your demo tape.” Rene approached with a warm smile. She stuck out her hand to offer a handshake.
Eva stared at Rene’s hand, her mind continually stalling out. What was she supposed to do with a hand presented to her like that? Was it okay for her to even be here? Was it okay to touch a goddess? She was still convinced she was in a dream. Finally, her body received the order from her brain to shake the hand in front of her.
Rene’s hand had a mystical effect on Eva. It had a firm, yet caring grip. Eva’s hand seemed drained of heat and almost shivered, but the warm embrace of Rene’s was a welcome feeling. The handshake scratched the surface of Eva’s nervousness, but it was the first sign that Rene had good intentions.
“O-oh, you did?” Eva tried to clear her throat. Her guitar playing was analyzed by Rene. Rene, perhaps one of the greatest musicians to pick up a guitar, had analyzed Eva’s demo tape. This was it. The judgment she was waiting to hear. The words that would wake her up and snap her back into reality.
“It’s amazing!” Rene said jubilantly. “I listened to it like ten times, you’re really talented!”
That wasn’t the answer Eva was prepared for. She blinked a few times. “R-really?” Eva stammered.
“Hell yeah girl!” Betty chimed in. “It was incredible! I’m still amazed that anyone might even be able to keep up with Rene here!” She said, shaking Rene’s shoulder.
Eva trembled slightly. “Y-you really mean it?”
“Absolutely!” Rene said, taking a couple of steps closer to Eva. “Like, I’ve heard a few people audition for this band, and there’s some decent players, but you… your demo tape sounded like a dream. It’s hard to explain… but like, I was speechless the first time!” Rene grabbed a chair and took a seat next to Eva. “How long have you been playing?”
Eva gulped. “F-five years.” She blushed a little and looked away. “After your first album came out… I heard your music… and… just the… the power of it all. It was something that… I had to try.” She admitted.
“Oooh, a fan since the beginning!” Betty said.
“Mhm!” Rene nodded. “Well let me tell you, you got real talent. You’ve got something special. I can’t wait to practice with you. Just one thing though.” Rene’s warm hand found it’s way to Eva’s shaking back.
“W-what’s that?” Eva said.
“Try to calm down a bit. I can see it in your eyes that you’re a little star struck, and I sort of figured that might happen.” Rene giggled. “You’ve gotta relax if you’re gonna find your groove.”
Eva took a breath. Were her feelings that obvious? How could she even begin to relax?
“O-okay… I’ll try,” Eva said, trying to smile back at Rene.
“Awesome! Once the rest of the band gets in here, we’ll start practicing together.” Rene said with a confident nod and a smile. Her smile stood out to Eva. It was a lot like the smile Rene had in a poster Eva had in her room. She usually felt confident when she looked at it. Like it was one that told her she could claim any of the stars in the sky.
Seeing it in person may have had a similar effect, had it not been for Eva’s disbelief. It was strange just to hear her voice, to feel her hand on her body. However, as shaken as she was, she still gained a little comfort from seeing Rene smile.
Rene stood back up, and continued her idle conversation with Betty, as Eva slowly returned to her state of being stuck in time. It was real. It was too real. Eva was going to live the dream that many aspiring guitar players had. She was supposed to be excited, and instead, she was left full of worry.
A few minutes later, the two remaining members of Ekko entered the studio.
First was Sarah, the band’s lead singer. A fierce redhead, whose voice could reach seemingly any note. Her hair was dyed a vibrant red, and she was dressed in a black tee shirt, and a worn out pair of jeans. There were a few buttons that bared logos from other bands along the side of her jacket.
Next was Molly, the band’s drummer. Her jet black hair matched Betty’s but was tied in a ponytail. Like Rene, she was dressed very casually with a simple tank top and a pair of shorts. A couple of drumsticks stuck out of her pocket.
It quickly became apparent to Eva that the whole band was actually dressed in a very relaxed way. Herself? A white button-down dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and some black dress pants. She was the only one that looked formal.
“Oh hey, is this our new guitarist?” Sarah said eagerly, looking directly at Eva.
“The one from that demo tape?” Molly followed. Both women looked towards Rene and Betty, who both nodded for an answer.
“This is Eva,” Rene said, waving a hand as she introduced the girl.
The rest of the band. Eva’s mind had gone into tunnel vision just thinking about Rene. Everyone else? It was overwhelming.
“H-hi,” she squeaked.
“Oh I gotta hear you play in person,” Sarah said, looking focused. “You got it in your hand. Let’s hear some widdly-diddly!”
“…Widdly-diddly?” Eva repeated. She hadn’t even begun to comprehend just who was in the room around her.
“Yeah, some widdly-diddly!” Sarah leaned forward with a smirk. “You know, shred? Rip? Face melt?” When Eva still had that dumbfounded look on her face, Sarah stood back upright and crossed her arms. “You can’t have been a fan of ours and never heard anyone say those things! Play something!”
“Sarah, chill,” Rene laughed. “I think she’s still in denial that she’s even here. You know how fans are when they’re meet us.” The blonde then turned her attention to Eva. “…I do kinda wanna hear you play something though!”
“O-oh, sure, haha,” Eva said nervously. Now it was REALLY judgment day. The eyes of her heroes were on her, expecting her to prove herself worthy of being in the same room. Her clammy fingers found their way to the fretboard and took their positions. Eva’s pick wielding hand came down and struck the first chord, but the guitar was quiet. It sounded perfect, but her amp didn’t respond.
“H-huh?” Eva turned around and saw the red light on the corner currently out. Her amplifier was off. One chord in and she had already screwed up in one of the dumbest ways she could. It felt like a few shadows were starting to show up in her dream.
There was a collective look of confusion among the band members.
“Oh… heh heh,” Eva blushed brightly. “I um… s-suppose it sounds better when it’s on, right?” She reached towards her amp and hit the power switch.
“Yeah, that’s how it tends to work,” Betty said, quick to throw a supportive giggle. Eva tried to accept that encouragement for what it was, but she had instead convinced herself that it was fake.
Eva took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She couldn’t have dreamed of asking for a second chance. It was time to fly. Like before, her trembling left hand found the intended chord and her her right came down to attack the strings.
A proud roar came from Eva’s amplifier before a single note started to cry out in a long bend. Then a flurry of music followed, descending down the fretboard of the guitar. It was coming out, it was working. She was doing it!
“Wooo! Yeah! Widdly diddly diddly!” Sarah shouted, mimicking Eva’s actions by making air guitar motions with her hands. The obnoxious move broke Eva’s focus, and she fumbled a note, losing her place in what she planned to play.
The failed note sounded like one from a complete novice. Far from an angelic, sustained voice, further from a blazing run of arpeggios. Instead, the final sound was an ugly fat buzz, as if Eva had nothing but big toes for fingers. It was hard to tell what she even intended to play. And it stuck out in her mind as if none of the rest of the solo had happened.
“Ah!” Eva began to tremble, cursing her fingers in the back of her mind. “I… I messed up, I’m sorry!”
“Sarah, you distracted her!” Betty said, pushing the redhead. “Eva, that sounded fine!”
“I’m sorry, I can’t help it,” Sarah laughed. “I know good widdly-diddly when I hear it! And when I hear good widdly-diddly, I gotta act out.”
“Not bad at all!” Molly added. “Rene, what do you think? You were the one that heard something special on the demo tape.”
The rest of the band and Eva turned towards Rene. After hearing Eva play a little, Rene had a hand under her chin with a quizzical look on her face. “Hmm… it’s good…” She looked like she wanted to say something else. That expression by itself made Eva worried, but then Rene waved her hand and shook her head. “Yeah, that was good. How about we get Eva’s amp set up and all play together as a band?”
“All right!” The rest of the band said in unison.
It didn’t take very long to get the exact microphone placement right for Eva’s amp. Betty appeared to be the band’s helpful geek when it came to using the mixing board and setting up microphones. She put the finishing touches on setting up and smiled at Eva.
“Alright, that should be pretty good. Let me just do a quick check on the mixing board.” Betty followed the cable to a room with a big window that overlooked the studio. On the opposite side was a smaller room, the vocalist booth where Sarah would be.
Eva did a double take. Microphones? Mixing boards? What did this mean? “Umm… wait… are we going to be recording?”
“Yep!” Rene nodded. “We’re gonna play a few basic songs together, and see what can work better with two lead guitar players.”
If the thought of recording with Ekko was an earthquake to Eva’s mind, being referred to as the second lead guitar player was the aftershock. She shook her head. “Wait… I thought I was going to be the rhythm guitar player?”
“Pfff,” Rene waved her hand. “That would be a waste of your skill. But before I forget, how well do you know our songs?”
Eva gulped. “I… I think I know all of them pretty well. I bought that tablature book with all your songs. The green one.”
Now Rene looked surprised. “Oh, the phone book sized one? That was the only one they let me check for accuracy, and they didn’t even print it very long! Someone’s got an eye for accuracy! I like that.”
That look of surprise, followed by the nod of approval from Rene, was very encouraging to Eva. Simple actions, positive responses… it was making her feel a little better. Some warmth returned to her clammy hands.
“Hey, Eva!” Betty shouted from the mixing room. “Gotta do a mic check! Make some noise!”
“Oh, right!” Eva nodded. She was still a little nervous but found a bit of determination. This time, she wasn’t going to make mistakes. Her hand returned to the fretboard, as the other gripped the pick.
A strong chord burst out of the speakers of the amplifier, radiating energy through the room. Then, her fingers began to fly, this time ascending the neck of the guitar. This was going to do it, the band was going to know just what she could-
“Whoa! Alright, good test!” Betty called out from behind.
Eva paused and looked in Betty’s direction, then back to Rene and Molly, both of them couldn’t help but giggle. She hadn’t even started to play what she had planned, and now she looked like a fool for going all out on the microphone test. All Eva could do now was blush, and hug her guitar tighter.
The rest of the band took their positions. Eva, Rene, Betty, and Molly all had different corners of the studio, while Sarah was in the singer booth. They all began picking up their instruments, as the young brunette was shaking like a leaf. She thought she was ready, but confidence seemed to crumble as quickly as it built. It was happening, she was about to play with Ekko.
“Alright,” Rene started, quickly checking the tuning of her own guitar. “I think we’ll start with… ‘Street Squealer.’ You know that one, right Eva?”
The opening track from Ekko’s first album? Who could forget that? “Yeah, o-of course I do!”
“Count us off Molly!” Rene waved her hand.
Molly raised her drumsticks high and started hitting them against each other. “One, two, three, four!”
The drums pounded, sending vibrations through the floor of the studio, and began to take on a quick rhythm. Betty started quickly hitting a low note on her bass over and over, as the two began to pick up speed together. That was Eva’s signal! She couldn’t mess this up! She quickly found the right chord to play and started to strum along with the rhythm that Molly and Betty assembled.
“Oh yeah, I hadn’t even thought about the overdubs!” Rene called out with a smile and a firm nod. She began to let extended chords ring out, over what the rest of what the band was playing.
Sarah began to let out a long scream that slowly rose in pitch, getting higher and higher until reaching the limits of her voice. Rene stopped hitting the chords and proceeded hit a note with a long bend, mimicking the long scream.
Eva watched Rene do this, seeing which note she was hitting. She could do that too, but should she? Maybe she should just stick to chugging the chords.
Rene glanced in Eva’s direction, seeing the uncertainty in her eyes. “Go for it!”
Encouragement? Approval? The opportunity presented itself, and Eva hesitated only a little longer. The chord chugging stopped, and soon another screaming note joined the chorus. Another explosion from the drums signaled it was time for the song to move.
“I’m gonna put my pe-dal to the floor! I ain’t gonna be here, any-more!” Sarah belted out the lyrics to the hard driving rock. There was an energy there. Eva was familiar with the song, but she had never heard it like this. It felt so much more powerful than the studio version she usually listened to. It was hard just to keep up, Eva could feel herself falling behind the beat.
The band played through the whole song, Eva trying to keep a stable rhythm, giving Rene newfound freedom to fly around the song with her solos. When they finished, Eva had to sit down on a nearby stool, just to catch her breath.
“Oh my gosh…” Eva shook her left hand. “I’ve never had the song play like that before.”
“Damn Rene, you really got to rip!” Molly said.
The blonde didn’t have a response. Instead, Rene had her hand on her chin in deep thought. “Hmm…” she hummed while looking at Eva.
Adrenaline was still coursing through Eva’s veins from playing the song with the band. Did she mess up? Did mistakes litter her playing? Were her hopes too high? Eva was already starting to panic.
“Something… isn’t quite right…” Rene stepped closer to Eva, looking over her. It was coming. The truth. The end of the dream. It was all over.
“Do you mind if I look at the EQ on your amp?” Rene asked, with a finger pointing at the many knobs across Eva’s amplifier.
“O-oh! Of course! Go ahead! I’m um… always happy to hear advice!” Eva said, unsure of what to think. Was Rene about to tear apart her faithful little amplifier? It was the best she could afford. Looking at it now, it seemed almost as meek as she was compared to the imposing stacks that Rene was plugged into.
“Something just sounded a little off to me, that’s all. You gotta think about the sonic spectrum, there’s a limited amount of space for each frequency. Too much bass, and it’ll be hard to hear you and Betty separately. Set it too high, and things can get a little cluttered between me and Sarah.” Rene explained casually. “So I’m going to move you just a liiiitle up higher.”
That explanation made Eva feel like such an amateur. She hadn’t even thought about that. This didn’t seem to be going well at all. She was focused on the instrument in her hands and gave very little thought to her own gear.
“Alright, that should sound a little more even,” Rene stood up, and walked back to her spot. “How about… something a little more mellow next?”
“Oh, like ‘Midnight’s Glow’?” Betty suggested.
“Sure! Eva, how about you and me trade back and forth on the ride out solo?” Rene suggested.
Eva gulped. “Alright… I’ll try.”
“Midnight’s Glow” was a slower paced song, but an atmospheric one. Betty’s bass loomed over a light beat. Eva’s duty came to just lightly playing a few chords in time with Rene, while Sarah whispered lyrics.
“I know it looks like nothing ser-i-ous. Just painted pictures showing peace and bliss. But when your back is turned and you sleep away, an addict stares away until the day,” Sarah sang in a calmer tone.
They played through the whole song, with Eva and Rene both playing the same parts. That is until the song reached its ending section. It was the part Rene had mentioned, saying that she and Eva should trade pieces back and forth through the ride out.
While Rene’s more practiced hands had no issue with the first few bars, Eva had missed her timing slightly, being just late enough to be noticeable. She held her breath and caught up to the song, trying to play as correctly as she could.
The rest of the practice session continued for a couple of hours. Eva was only getting more and more worried about her playing. She was making so many mistakes, she could feel it. Each error was probably giving Rene more and more regret. Rene hadn’t even given that confident smile again. Ever since Eva started playing along with their songs, Rene instead appeared to be in deep thought.
“Alright, I think we can call it a day!” Rene said, setting her guitar on a stand. “Great playing everyone.”
Eva let out a long breath. Her play session was over. There was a massive weight on her shoulders and a little knot in her stomach. Rene was reading her like a book, finding every tiny flaw that she had made. Was Rene really thinking that? Just thinking about it was going to drive her mad.
“Um… so uh… how’s my playing?” Eva finally asked.
“Sounded like good widdly-diddly to me!” Sarah said, stepping out of the singer booth.
“I think you sounded fine, you just need to relax a little,” Molly suggested.
“I think after a few songs played out, you really started to get a good feel for what you were doing!” Betty said, shaking Eva’s shoulder.
“Hmm…” Rene continued to think. “There’s something off… you sound good… but the demo tape sounded like something special. I can hear it in your pick strokes. You’re less confident, you hesitate more. You’re playing the same song with the same gear but it’s almost like you’re a different player.”
“Uh… uh…” Eva was stunned. Rene was known to have keen ears. She could tell the difference between what cables a player was using. But to think Eva was a completely different person…
“Oh I’m sure it’s not that far off,” Betty said encouragingly. “She’s probably still shaking off being star struck.”
Rene looked at Eva’s disappointed face. Then she smiled. “Yeah… I guess that’s true. Not every day you get to meet your heroes, much less play with them, right?”
“We’ll jam again tomorrow. It took us a little while before things began to work.” Molly added.
“Thanks, I guess I do need more practice.” Eva managed to say.
“Hmm… I think it’s more that you need to just relax a little. Like, you need to get in whatever state of mind you were in when you recorded that demo tape.” Rene said, looking Eva right in the eye and giving her a little smile.
Seeing Rene smile at her was always comforting… but the state of mind she was in when she made the demo tape? How could Eva even begin to explain that? Did it work the way Rene thought it did? Maybe she could it try it… but it was just so ridiculous.
“Alright… I’ll try. Um… if you don’t mind… can I stay here and practice a little more?” Eva asked.
“Well, if you think that’s what you need, that’s fine. Stay all night, just remember to lock the place up.” Rene said, reaching into her pocket. “I think I have a spare key somewhere…”
“Hey, did anyone set up a place for Eva to sleep while she’s here with us?” Betty asked, and then looked at Eva. “Like, did our manager get you a hotel?”
Eva’s eyes widened a little. “Um… I didn’t hear anything about that. Oh no… where am I supposed to stay? I don’t know anyone out here.”
“It’s cool, you can crash at my place. This studio’s technically in my backyard.” Rene explained, getting a key ring out with a couple of different keys. “You know it’s funny, I become a big rock star, get a big house, and I almost never get to be in it.”
This had gotten shocking. Staying at Rene’s house!? Just getting to play with her was a dream of its own. “Y-you mean it? I don’t wanna be in the way…”
“You won’t be,” Rene smirked. “It’s pretty big, I haven’t even had the time to fully explore it myself. The record company said I need a status symbol or something.” She handed the set of keys over to Eva. “Your gear is safe in here, when you get in my house, just open doors until you find a room with a bed. Oh, and keep your phone with you. Sarah got lost in there once.”
“That was entirely your fault!” Sarah snapped, pointing at her.
Rene looked at Sarah, closed one eye and stuck her tongue out, before looking back to Eva. “Anyway, we’ll let you be. If you get lost, give me a call.”
“Alright, thank you. I won’t be too long,” Eva nodded.
“See you in a bit!” Rene smiled.
As the rest of the band said their goodbyes, they walked out of the room, Rene being the last to shut the door. Eva was alone again, still trying to process everything that just happened. It seemed so fast. Only a few days ago she had sent in a demo tape, and now she was practicing with the band.
She thought back to what Rene said. About getting back into the same state of mind she was in when she recorded herself. Rene was probably thinking about reading or meditating, something to clear one’s thoughts. Eva did have a way, but it was a secret kept deeply hidden. Not even her most trusted friends had a hint of what it was.
A blush appeared on her face just thinking about it. In the studio? Where the band regularly practiced? What if they came back? What if Rene came back? Just Rene specifically felt somehow worse than the whole group finding her all at once.
Eva’s playing seemed so wrong to her in her own mind though. If she didn’t hone her skills, she was doomed to failure. It was going to ruin her to have her dreams shatter into a million pieces. She would do anything to pull this off. Well, if she could calculate the risk.
She set her guitar down on a stand near her amplifier and took a deep breath. Eva had to be entirely sure she was alone. Mere minutes ago the studio was full of hard driving rock and roll, now it was incredibly mute. Not even the hum of fluorescent lighting disturbed the absolute silence.
Eva walked around, before eventually going outside of the soundproofed room of the studio to the short hallway. It wasn’t a big building. There was the room where the band played, the mixing board room which had a large window that overlooked the performance room. There was another room for storing extra instruments and equipment at the end of a short hallway. Besides that, the main entrance with a window, and a fire exit at the opposite end of the hall. Eva took a few steps toward the main door.
She could see the driveway and Rene standing on top of some steps, waving at a car slowly leaving. When the car was out of sight, Rene entered the back door of the house. It seemed the rest of the band had homes of their own, so Eva’s only concern was Rene coming back. That should have been relieving, and instead, it seemed worse. That was who Eva least wanted coming back to find her.
But if Rene was in for the night…
Eva turned back towards the studio room, clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. Maybe if she did it briefly? Improving was important, and this was the key to doing that. With a sense of urgency, she ran back to the performance room, reaching the corner with her gear.
There was a long, deep breath. “This is for Rene,” she said to herself. First, she gripped her shirt and pulled it upward, untucking it from her pants and allowing the hemline to hang freely. Her hands reached for the buttons, sliding each one free of their respective holes. From top to bottom, the shirt began to loosen and it’s tightness slowly yielded. It hung loosely from her shoulders, allowing her light pink bra to come into view. Any remaining tension stayed at her elbows, where the sleeves had been rolled up. The mere sight of her underclothing accelerated her heart, leaving her mentally torn between her own meekness and determination.
After the last button was undone, she took another look at the door. It remained shut, and its inaction was a green light. Her hands went behind her back, gripped the material of the shirt, and began to slide it off her back. The absolute silence of the studio allowed her to focus more intensely on the sound of each fiber of fabric sliding against her skin. Her shoulders were bared, and the shirt slowly fell backward, hanging only from her elbows. A light tug was all it took for the clothing to finally surrender, and fall to the floor in a heap.
Eva gasped as her arms wrapped around her chest, feeling the air of the room on her more exposed skin. If she was caught, she had no idea how Rene would react. Or worse, found while carrying out the rest of her plan.
Trying to push herself forward, Eva put a hand against a wall for balance and lifted her right leg. The tip of her right shoe pressed against the heel of the left, and there were a few light tugs. As her foot slowly slid free, her tightened toes gradually relaxed. The abandoned shoe was slowly pushed away, and the tips of the toes came back to press against the right heel. Once both of her feet were freed, Eva crouched down, taking both shoes and placed them together by her amplifier. She let out a sigh, staring at her shoes for a moment before standing up again.
Next, her belt began to loosen, with the metal end giving a light clack. It slithered around her waist, it’s grip rapidly fading, before hanging in place in her hands. The belt was then tossed on top of the shoes. Her plan was steadily losing its chance to turn back.
There was one final button to unfasten, securing her pants to her hips. Eva took another glance at the door as she reached for it. If Rene caught her doing this… she might get kicked out of the band. Rene might call her a freak or a pervert. But if Eva followed through… she could at least disprove that she was a failure as a guitarist. It was better to be a freak than a failure, that’s what Eva told herself as her pants were released into free fall, pooling at her ankles. She stepped out of them and reached down to pick them up, the lighting shining over her exposed back, and illuminating the pink panties that matched her bra.
Eva was now dressed in a way that was only acceptable for sleeping or changing clothes. Her eyes glanced down looking at what remained on her petite figure. A pink set of bra and panties, and a simple pair of white socks. Everything else was forgotten in a pile beside her amplifier. Getting caught now would become difficult to answer for. She had to go a little further just to get the only answer she could give, as weird as it was.
She took a seat atop her amplifier and raised a leg before sliding a finger into one of her socks. “You’ve got to do this… you’ve got to be at your best,” she said to herself. The sock was balled up and thrown into the growing pile of clothes. “It’s the only way you’ll be good enough.” The other sock was tossed away.
Her heart was really racing now. Only two things remained, and if she had gone this far, she had to go the rest of the way. This was critical to reaching the state of mind she was in when she made her demo tape. “For the band… for the band… for the band…”
The bra joined the pile of clothing. A few seconds later, a balled up pair of panties flew through the air, landing on top of the pile. Everything Eva had worn into the building was now right there, and away from her body.
Eva closed her eyes and let out a long breath. Then she opened her eyes, with them locking onto her guitar. “Alright… Rene said I needed the state of mind… I’m ready.” She picked up her guitar and sat on the stool beside her gear. The amplifier clicked on, and her right hand found her favorite pick.
She began to play, and suddenly a winding flurry of ascending notes began to belt out of her amplifier. The fingers on her left hand had a mind of their own, but the sweeping sound of her guitar sounded joyful. It was full, it was fast, and it was confident.
The door to the building opened, as Rene stepped in holding her phone. “Hey, Eva, I just realized that you don’t have any of our phone numbers. Figured you might…” She paused, hearing Eva play at the limit of her ability through the walls. It was muffled thanks to the soundproofing, but Rene’s keen ears could not be fooled. “…. do the cleanest sweep picking I’ve ever heard!” She was about to walk right into the playing room but stopped upon realizing something.
“It’s soundproof… she probably didn’t hear me… so she doesn’t know I’m in here…” Rene put a hand to her chin. “This must be how she plays when nobody’s watching her…” She smirked. “Good thing there’s an extra door to the mixing room!”
She ducked low and pushed the door open to the mixing room, before getting on her hands and knees. Rene crawled towards the main mixing board, unable to look through the window from her stance. There was no need for that though. She only needed to hear Eva, not see her. On her knees, she listened for Eva’s playing to stop.
“Alright Eva, let’s hear you cut loose,” Rene whispered to herself. She reached for the record button, giving it a light click. Then she grabbed a pair of headphones, slid them over her ears, and returned to hiding under the table. “After all, you’re at your best when nobody’s watching.” She grinned holding her knees against her chest.
Eva closed her eyes, almost as if she was meditating, and took a long breath. Her fingers found their positions, and she began to play. It started with the joyful ascending speed from before, slowly climbing higher and higher up the neck of her guitar. The flurry of notes then turned to proud, roaring chords as she opened her eyes.
The open sky above her had a few clouds slowly sailing by. She tilted her head lower, as the tops of trees and mountains came into view. The wilderness surrounded her, as she soon found herself in a world untouched by man. As the roaring chords died down and another flurry of joyful notes began to descend, a feeling of peace swelled within her. It soothed her mind, banishing thoughts of fear and failure.
A secure connection with the nature around her let her feel free. The guitar was no longer in her hands, but it continued to play, becoming the background music of this world. She smiled and threw her arms open, embracing the air. Then she turned to her side and saw someone standing next to her. It was a woman, lacking any binding threads to her body just as Eva was. With this mystery woman’s back facing her, only two significant details immediately stood out. The first was the woman had long blonde hair.
The second was a pair of angel wings on her back.
Eva typically would have been surprised, shocked, or maybe even worried, but she didn’t have that reaction. Instead, there was mere curiosity over who this was.
“Who are you?” Eva asked.
“Shouldn’t you know?” She answered, brushing her hair out of her face and turning around. Eva was immediately able to recognize this woman. It was Rene.
“Rene?” Eva approached, her eyes exploring the body of the angel in front of her. Every inch of her skin appeared flawless and smooth. She blushed and tried to keep eye contact.
Rene smiled lovingly and waved to Eva. “Fly with me.” Her large, feathery white wings began to flap, lifting her feet off of the ground.
“But I don’t have wings!” Eva said, turning and showing her back.
“Yes you do, you just don’t see them yet. Just believe!” Rene replied, slowly flying higher and higher, giving Eva a wink.
She already had wings? Eva looked at her back to reconfirm there were no wings. What did Rene mean by believing? It was worth a try. So she balled her hands into fists and tried to imagine flapping some invisible wings. Oddly enough, she began to feel lighter on her feet. Eva opened her eyes and saw she started to leave the ground below.
“Ahhh!” She smiled. “I’m… I’m flying! Rene!” she cheered.
Rene smiled warmly. “Let’s go.”
Although Eva’s wings were still invisible, she was able to fly behind Rene. In seconds they were soaring above the trees, lazily twirling around the branches and the tops of trees going faster and faster. They playfully raced with birds, giggling and cheering the whole way. Rene extended her wings and allowed herself to glide, and flew over a lake as Eva followed. The leading angel rotated herself, and let her soft feathery tip touch the water.
Eva imitated this action by extending her hand out, and letting it cut through the surface. This was her happy place. Alone in a beautiful, pure world, with Rene. She accelerated her flight, as Rene slowed down so she could keep up.
Rene smiled back at Eva and extended her hand. “Grab on,” she said.
Eva nodded, and without hesitation, she held onto Rene’s hand. It was warm and had a soothing effect on her whole body. Once they were holding hands, Rene picked up speed, taking Eva with her, climbing higher and higher, soon flying above mountains. The wind whipping over them was invigorating, crisp and refreshing.
Rene took Eva to the clouds and placed her foot on its soft surface, letting Eva stand by herself. She didn’t release Eva’s hand, however. Instead, she smiled.
“You chained yourself in doubt, let me set you free!” Rene said, pulling Eva closer into a hug. Eva’s eyes widened, being brought into the naked embrace of the angel. Feeling Rene’s bare body against her own was warm, soft, and loving. Rene pulled backward, so she could be laying down with Eva on top of her. The two sank into the clouds, as that wonderful hand slowly stroked Eva’s lower back.
“Oooh… R-Rene… what are you doing?” Eva shivered.
“Helping you,” Rene said, as the wandering hand slowing found it’s way around Eva’s hip, and wandered to her abdomen, rubbing in a slow circular motion before exploring down further. She gently cupped Eva’s most delicate area with a quiet squeeze.
“Ahh… ooh… mmm… Rene… that… that is…” She wasn’t sure how to object to this if she should or not. There was no resisting these honest feelings, Eva wanted this. She bit her lip and fought off a moan, as Rene’s other hand found it’s way to the back of Eva’s head, drawing their faces closer. It didn’t matter. There was no fear, there was only the loving embrace she wanted so much. Their lips met.
Eva slowly began to slow down her guitar playing, and opened her eyes, seeing the studio she was in again. The lively rhythm that remained was playing almost automatically until she finally let one final chord ring out letting it eventually go silent.
A long exhale escaped her, as her daydream of angles slipped out of her mind. A bright blush remained on her face while she caught her breath. Her fantasy was intense, almost too strong. She wasn’t sure if she was really there or not, but with another glance around the studio, she began to tell the difference between the dream and reality.
She slid the guitar strap over her head and set her instrument down on the stand next to her amplifier. Eva was about to turn her attention to her clothes next when she paused. She was feeling a sensation that she hoped wouldn’t escape her dream into the real world.
“Oh god…” Eva blushed even brighter, as her hands went between her legs to try and hide a secret from herself. “That one felt so real…”
Beneath the table of the mixing board, Rene sat in the same spot with her eyes wide, matched her open hanging jaw. What she had just heard, was the most incredible bit of guitar playing that her ears had ever been blessed with. Never before, had Rene heard such raw emotion put into musical form. Her hands shook a little as she took the headphones off, and she reached to the mixing board to stop the recording.
“Oh, we are talking about that for sure,” Rene quickly ducked back down, still not looking into the studio as she made her way to the exit of the mixing room. Then she stood more upright and cleared her throat. She had to approach this carefully but also wanted to be enthusiastic.
She pushed the performance room door open.
“Ah ha! I heard that! I KNEW you were amazing from the demo tape, but that? That was-” Rene stopped suddenly as her eyes locked onto Eva sitting on the stool, completely naked, not even holding the guitar to hide any hint of her figure.
Eva made eye contact with Rene, and a shocked expression appeared on her own face. “A-ah… ah… R-r-Rene! I…I… I um… d-d-don’t…” Her hands began to shuffle, her mind breaking down as she tried to find a covering position. The secret had been discovered, and her vulnerable form was fully bared to Rene. In an instant, the sacred area she had been welcomed in had been invaded!
Rene let the door close behind her. Time stood still for everything in the room except for Eva, who seemed so flustered she was about to fall apart. The older blonde didn’t have a clue as to what was going on, but it appeared Eva needed to be calmed down, and quick.
“Hey…hey!” She approached, unsure if she should try to rub Eva’s back like she had done before. The girl was completely nude, touching her might make things weird. “Eva, chill… just calm down and breath for a bit, okay?” Eva seemed to be breathing faster, almost panicking. Those words weren’t enough. “Oh jeez… Eva…” Rene cringed inwardly, thinking she had to do something. Her hand found it’s way to Eva’s exposed back and slowly stroked it.
That touch. Eva could only hope that it meant she would see mercy. “R-Rene…. I… I don’t know how to explain this…” Eva stammered.
“Eva, I told you, just relax, and breath for a minute,” Rene said calmly. “I’m not gonna scream… but I do wanna know why did… you um… you know, get naked in our studio? Were you naked while you were playing?”
Eva could only nod.
Rene wasn’t sure how to respond to this. Ordinarily, she might have been more serious, but after hearing what Eva just played, there was something that demanded exploration.
“Is it like… inspiration tends to strike after a shower… or something?” Rene asked.
“I… I just…” Eva couldn’t even think about giving the entire truth of her dream. “I just… play better when I’m naked.”
The older girl listened to those words carefully, thinking about what Eva explained. It was strange, but the difference was night and day. What she had just heard was free, beautiful, and confident. “Were you naked when you made the demo tape too?”
Eva nodded for an answer.
“I see… I see.” Rene was trying to think of what this meant. Playing the way Eva did was the kind of thing that legends did. Just not while they were naked. She had to do something for this girl.
Meanwhile, Eva was waiting for Rene to crush her and throw her away. “I know… I know… I’m just a freak and a pervert. I don’t know why I’m like that… but…”
“Hey, look at me,” Rene ordered.
Eva looked up, expecting Rene to begin lashing her out. Instead, she saw that smile from earlier, that same one that brought peace and comfort to her mind. That warm hand rubbed her back a little bit more, still trying to calm her down.
“I want to work with this. I don’t understand how you did that any better than you seem to, but believe me, your playing was absolutely beautiful.” Rene bit her lip. “I heard you when I came back in and I thought just being watched made you nervous. So I snuck into the mixing room and recorded you.”
“Y-you did?” Eva was unsure what to think. Rene seemed awfully accepting of what she had just done. This didn’t feel real. Was the angel world real and Rene smiling at her right now some kind of dream instead?
“Yeah, and I’m glad I did. I am going to do whatever I have to do to help you. You deserve to shine,” Rene said with a smile. “I wanna talk more about this, but how about you take a break for now? I bet you’re hungry, and somewhere in my house is a chef that is really good.”
Eva blushed and smiled back. She looked over herself and stood up off of the stool. A little slickness between her thighs reminded her of what happened in the dream. She blushed furiously and put her hands between her legs. “Um… I would like that… but I think I’d like a shower first… to um… help calm down.”
Rene saw Eva’s sudden reaction, and quickly put things together, and put a hand over her mouth, her face reddening to match Eva’s. “O-oh… did um… playing like that… um… get your motor running?”
There was a long pause.
“ …You know what, you don’t have to answer that. Just um… I’ll show you the way.” A more forced smile appeared on her face.
Eva could only look at the floor, her eyes finding Rene’s shoes. Everything, save one secret, had been exposed to Rene. The trick to her playing, her body, even the fact that she was turned on was all apparent to this girl. She stood up on shaky legs and began to follow Rene out of the recording studio when Rene stopped her.
“Um… don’t you wanna get dressed first?” Rene asked.
“Oh!” Eva turned around. “O-of course, just a minute.”
Rene stepped out of the room, letting Eva have her privacy, as she tried to process everything she had just saw. It was still a shock to her mind to think that a player that amazing could be in her band. Maybe it was strange that she was naked, but Rene tried her best to look past that.
That girl could be better than her.
Finally, Eva stepped out of the room, redressed, but looking a little disheveled, her hair was messy, and her shirt was not properly tucked in. “O-okay, I’m ready to go now.”
“Okay, I think you earned yourself a shower… I’ll um… give you all the time you need in there. Right this way,” Rene said, leading Eva out of the studio and towards her house.
It was all too much for Eva. Her hero and dream lover had seen her naked and knew she still wanted to finish herself. She was even given permission. Somehow, doing that in someone else’s house was the least unusual thing she did that day.
“So um… you say you didn’t explore this place all the way?” Eva said, attempting to change the subject as they made their way towards the back steps. The effect of her dream lingered, she could feel it with how her panties found a new way to cling to her skin.
“Yep… had to find the bathroom the same way I found my bedroom. Opening every door until I found it.” Rene scratched the back of her head. “When you’re done… we can… have that sort of adventure while we look for the chef.”
They stepped inside the house, and Rene glanced around. “I think it’s this way,” Rene said, waving her hand for Eva to follow her. “And um… I want to say something important real quick.”
Eva gulped. “Y-yeah?”
Rene turned around, put her hands on Eva’s shoulders, and looked her in the eye, making sure she looked serious.
“You are not a freak.”