This is an extended and partly re-written version of chapter 14. It develops characters and expands several ideas.
Chapter 14: Sara –Tuesday evening – self defence
Sara cycled home to Jane’s through the back streets without even thinking about her pantie free state and nobody seemed to notice. A naked Jane met her in the open garage and hustled her quickly out of her dress and under the pool shower, handing her a glass of milk as she got out. ‘We’ve got to get a move on I need to pick up the others before we get to class.’
‘What class?’
‘Self defense class. I’ve booked us in for tonight and it Starts at six. It’s only for an hour and we can grab a pizza afterwards.’ Jane threw Sara a towel. ‘Grab your shoes, you can dry off in the car.’
Not being given an option to dress Sara shrugged submission to the inevitable nude outing and picked up her purse and shoes. Jane call out, ‘bye mom,’ as they went past the patio doors. Sara followed Jane out of the side gate and into her father’s MPV. Jane started the car at once and they headed out.
The first two people to be picked up were women one Jennifer was new to Sara, and the other Harriett She had met at Alice’s, both were naked and their bodies glistened with oil. Jane then headed for another part of town where she stopped at a street corner and picked up a dressed man. He wore jeans, t-shirt and a leather jacket. He looked somewhat scary and had a pronounced bulge in his jeans. He nodded hello to the other women and introduced himself to Sara. ‘Hi I’m Henry your victim for tonight’, and offered his hand. He looked to Sara nothing like a victim, quite the opposite. He climbed into the back and seated himself between the other two women. They snuggled their naked bodies against him.
After 10 minutes drive they arrived at the high school and Jane parked next to several other cars. Sara felt strange being naked in a place in which she had been subjected to strict dress code only a few years ago but the others didn’t seem to mind and she followed them into the school gym.
The gym floor was covered with padded mats. There was nine naked women standing around chatting. There were also two men, one was naked and seemed rather frail and not at all athletic.
The other man was dressed in a similar way to Henry. He was creeping up behind a slim woman who didn’t seem to be aware of him. Sara watched horrified as he seized her round the neck and spun her round. She moved suddenly and the next moment he was lying on the ground apparently winded. The woman raised her hands in triumph and then extended her hand to help him up, he seemed none the worse for his fall and accepted the help in a friendly way. The other women applauded.
A new person then entered the room and silence fell. She was tall and athletic with short Jet Black bobbed hair. A diamond stud which sparkled on her clit hood, which prominently projected from her shaved pussy. Sara remembered seeing her somewhere but couldn’t think where. And why was the sight of her pubic decoration significant?
Jane greeted her with a hug and introduced her to Sara. ‘Meet Paula our teacher and all round nudie vigilante. Paula meet Sara my best buddy and newbie nudie.’
There followed a general round on introductions. There were five more new students and seven with more experience, including a mother and daughter pair. The daughter couldn’t have been older than fourteen. They all gathered round in a circle and introduced themselves.
Paula set the experienced students on repelling attackers and practicing moves among themselves. The two dressed men worked hard, ‘attacking’ the women and getting trashed by them, the third man, who was naked, practiced with the women and was himself attacked by the male assailants.
For the new members Paula first demonstrated basic self defense moves and then chose Sara as a subject. The first thing she suggested was to regularly use sun oil to make yourself more slippery. She produced a bottle and Jane applied it to her, rubbing it in sensually all over her body and especially where someone would need to grip her in order to molest her.
Paula then explained her particular technique. It was an eclectic self defense method called Krav Maga which had been developed as a combination of several martial arts and other skills. It had one difference from other martial arts in that it did not have a ban on inflicting injury. Sara had already realized this by observing the vicious kicks and jabs being aimed at their attackers by the experienced students.
The physical contact brought about by practicing Karate and Judo holds naked and learning the self defense moves left Sara physically exhausted and highly aroused. Close physical contact with other naked women, and the one man student was extremely stimulating. As they gripped and held each other’s slippery oily bodies sexual contact was inevitable. Breasts and genitals were continually being pressed together, rubbed and squeezed.
Watching the more experienced trainees Sara observed two basic moves. The first was to attack their assailants groin, either with a kick if well back or knee if closer. If the hold was really close using their hand to attack the man’s genitals and twisting was encouraged they had protective ‘boxes’ which projected and could be grabbed and twisted as if they were the real thing. The man’s real genitals were protected underneath a thick layer of padding.
Both the dressed men had also donned protective face masks and the women were shown the second key technique to use where they were held or able to get very close. They then were to put an arm around their assailants neck and jab three straight fingers at their eye. This was obviously likely to cause real lasting damage if successful and the face protectors proved their worth as they got bashed and dented.
After the first half hour half of the new students were given a face mask and a pair of shorts with a padded projection on the front. Inside this projection was one of the same boxes the male attackers had worn. Now the fight against an attacker could be more realistic and the girls could really fight off their assailant without risking real harm.
Sara produced several satisfying howls from women attackers. She was herself protected and then assaulted by Jeanie, the 14 year old student, in a way that would certainly havecaused her serious injury if she had not been protected. For all her small size the girl could certainly look after herself.
After 45 minutes of serious work out. Sara tried dealing with a real male attacker, Henry, seemed really dangerous now he was completely “in character”. She managed to use her knee to elicit a loud and very satisfying electronic howl from his protective box, and escape from his clutches.
When the class ended the men unceremoniously stripped off their clothes and the students handed in the masks and shorts. All now naked they first shook hands with, and then hugged closely all those they had “fought”.
As people were packing up Paula suggested anybody who wanted to join her for drinks and dinner at Alice’s was welcome. Many people agreed to come including the two male “attackers”.
Sara had been watching Paula throughout the class, trying to remember where she has met her. She had a sudden flash of memory as Paula ‘dressed’, strapping a mobile phone holster onto her thigh and donning a jeweled pendant. She had been fully dressed in a mini skirt suit last time she had seen her, she was looking into a window and had flashed her pussy, with its diamond stud as she put her phone away. It was outside the window of Starbucks and Peter was seated staring at her through the glass with an erection tenting his pants.
Sara felt some hostility towards her. She had been horrified in the Starbucks at her obviously deliberate flashing. She said, ‘I remember you, the last time I saw you my partner was ogling you as you looked into Starbucks window.’
‘OMG was that up-skirt perv your man?’
Sara nodded, an expression of hostile annoyance on her face. ‘Yes he often does that it’s really annoying of him, but it looked to me as if you were deliberately flashing him.’
‘Well yes I was, he was asking for it and he deserved winding up. I would have come in and talked to him. Got him chatting and then told him off or even given him a slap if I’d had the time. If you had not come along and were so obviously displeased with him I might have done it.
‘I have been observing him for about three months on and off. His peeking is pretty obsessive but he seems fairly harmless in that I have never yet seen him initiated contact with someone he peeps at, even when they deliberately flash him. There are so many men around that are far worse than him.’
Jane decided to get involved ‘Peter is pretty awful as I have seen several times and Sara has told me. Sara’s tolerant approach just wasn’t working and he deserved a real talking to.’
‘Sara when I introduced Paula as a body freedom vigilante, I was thinking of getting her help to solve Peter’s problem as we had agreed it was wrecking your relationship. I have known her for some time and had her in mind after those other times when Peter looked at Alison and myself in that purvey way.’
Sara started to get angry with Jane and glared at her, ‘So you are getting on Pete’s case as well!’ then after thinking about it said, still in a pained and angry voice, ‘Sorry Jane you are right I was pissed off with him and I don’t know what to do about it but I still don’t like the idea of my man being spied on and described as a “perv” even if he is. I’ve been away from him since we had a bust up on Saturday and I don’t know where to go from here.’
Paula said softly and calmly. ‘I didn’t really mean to intrude and didn’t know you two were an item when I caught him staring and flashed him. That’s why I disappeared as soon as I saw you and your displeasure.’
‘OK I know you weren’t getting at me and he was asking for someone to get angry with him.’
‘By changing your style of dress I think you are on the right track.’ Paula said ‘Most boys, certainly here in the US, are still part of our the misogynist culture but we can change things. Men like Peter don’t hate women or mean real disrespect but laddish culture encourages them to get excited and egg each other on. Then it becomes a habit they have difficulty in controlling. All they need is a bit of help and that’s where NBFA comes in.’
‘I am not sure about that. More nudity to deal with obsessions seem counter productive to me, as I guess it will to most people. I was carried along by Jane and Alison’s enthusiasm the other night and I have certainly enjoyed wearing a lot less clothing the past three days but I’ve been thinking I don’t want to lose Peter.’
‘The point is to confront obsessives who are not respectful and to get men, mostly men anyway, to realize that seeing any part of someones anatomy is normal.’
Sara saw the point and calmed down. They agreed to discuss this later, possibly over a dinner, and they went to their respective cars for the short journey to Alice’s Restaurant.
They now had two extra passengers in the car, Joan Sylvester and her daughter Jeannie. Joan asked if she could ride shotgun as she wished to ask Jane about interviewing her about Nustock Body Freedom for a L.A. magazine. This meant that Sara needed to sit in the rear with the other passengers.
Jennifer and Amanda had already settled into the two third row seats of the 7 seat MPV and Jeannie had seated herself in the middle of the second row with Henry leaving a space for Sara on the other side.
Jeannie snuggled up close to Henry’s large hairy body Spreading her legs slightly to press against both his and Sara’s. She then chattered continuously about the class they had just completed and many other aspects of her life. At one point she playfully punched Henry’s relaxed penis.
Henry responded with strained laugh ‘Careful Jeannie I’m vulnerable without my box.’ She giggled and punched it again lightly. Henry frowned, ‘you shouldn’t do that It could cause trouble.’
‘I know you wouldn’t take advantage of me,’ Jeannie replied with a grin. ‘I want to see if you are really as controlled as you like to think you are.’
Henry laughed again and then said, ‘Maybe I am maybe I’m not but either way it’s inappropriate touching and could get us both into trouble.’
‘Sorry Henry. You are quite right, I get really aroused by the classes and get a bit carried away.’ Jeannie sat still and stopped pressing against Henry.
‘No trouble J we are still friends though?’ Henry looked concerned. ‘You are my youngest pupil and I don’t want to lose your friendship.’
‘Of course and you are such a hunk too I always want to be your friend.’ Jeannie gave him a chaste hug. She was a little subdued for a while but was chatting enthusiastically again by the time they arrived.
Sara was somewhat surprised by Jeannie’s behavior but thought Henry handled it well. She reflected that respectful mixed social nudity was possibly not so simple as the writings of the body freedom movement sometimes made out. It was too easy for teens and adults to misunderstand one another.
Sara rode the rest of the short journey to Alice’s in thoughtful silence listening to the chatter of the two girls in the seats behind her and the faint murmur of the intense conversation between Joan and Jane in the front of the car.
Short journey over Sara found herself once again seated with a dozen other naked people around the large table on the terrace behind Alice’s. The people who had attended the class were friendly and welcoming to her as a “newbie nudie”, and they were curious about why she had joined NBFA and especially excited when she told them about the possibility of her working nude in the Nutech showroom on Friday and how she was still doubtful about doing so.
They were all keen for her to bight the bullett and she told them to come and see her there, but they had to come naked.
Henry and the other man who had been dressed as an assailants were founder members of NBFA who had volunteered to assist in the training. They were both martial arts practitioners and were qualified to teach self defense. They gave their time free to the weekly class organized for people who wanted to adopt the naked lifestyle. They also had excellent reputations as teachers and advocates of body freedom.
Other people who were regular participants in the class also shared stories about themselves, their experiences and their reasons for becoming nudies.
One woman, who introduced herself as Wendy, expressed a strong opinion that we should return to a natural state where we did not modify our bodies by removing or trimming body hair. She also said, with some emphasis, that we should not use artificial products and especially honor our body’s natural cycles. Sara’s thought this viewpoint did not fit with the fact that she had green streaks in her blond scalp hair which was well cut and groomed and her luxuriant untrimmed body hair wasalso dyed green. Sara had seen her on Saturday when she first visited Alice’s, and been impressed by the effect then. When one of the other newbies challenged her on this she laughed and said the green dye was all natural, plant based and therefore acceptable and she wasn’t an extremist in the matter.
Sara asked whet she meant about honoring natural cycles and why it was a question to mention. She replied ‘I believe in free bleeding, why should I hide what every woman does and wear restricting clothes or risk my health with a tampon or suffer the discomfort of pushing a cup up my hoo-ha? Also menstrual blood smells a lot more when it is retained in a pad or towel and this is horrible.’
‘So how do you avoid messing people’s furniture and things?’ Sara asked fascinated, she too hated tampon’s and had begun to worry about going pantie free at her ‘time of the month’.
‘I control my menstrual flow with muscle training.’ Wendy told her, ‘I can tell when a big blob is gathering and visit the toilet. Provided I can do this frequently, the amount that escapes between visits is minimal, all I ever get is a little smudge on my pussy and inner thigh. I carry my own towel just in case and use it use even where people are nude friendly and provide seat towels. It very rarely gets spotted. You can learn to do this quite easily. I run classes if you want one,’ Wendy said with a laugh ‘sorry for the sales plug no pressure. I am a yoga teacher and it evolved from that.’ She fished in her phone pouch and offered cards around.
Jane then surprised Sarah by openly saying she sometimes did the same. Messy periods would create a problem if she was going nude 24/7 and she took Wendy’s class last year. She confirmed did use a cup when frequent toilet trips were difficult.
‘You really shouldn’t use tampon’s Sara. Switch to a cup if you need anything at all, toxic shock is a real danger.’
Sara was puzzled that Jane had only spoken about it now rather than when they were alone together. She parked this question to ask her when they got home.
The male trainee, Andrew described how, as a gay man he had been frightened to go out naked unless in a group. He had been picked on and beaten up several times and as a shy and retiring person felt he wasn’t able to defend himself.
Henry, told the group about joining the campaign to save environmental resources and how cotton was even more problem now that so many were rejecting oil based fabrics.
The consensus was that we should all stop wearing clothes. This was agreed to as an ironic joke about something that would never happen but at the same time a reduction was possible and was happening in places like Nustock. The idea that this should be the theme of future campaigns was put forward and Jane offered to bring it to the next meeting of the executive. Slogans ‘Go bare for the climate’ and ‘Clothing causes starvation’ were proposed. One person suggested that in 80% of the world, clothes for protection from the climate were unnecessary during most or all of the year. The talk went from general agreement to how this could be changed and what could be done about it. People’s need for clothing for other reason besides warmth were the big difficulty and how this applied in different cultures.
This went on well into the late evening with sometimes heated discussion mostly relating to the power differential between men and women.
Sara and Jane left buzzing with ideas and adrenaline continuing on the way home and later in bed discussing climate, clothing and the problem with men. Sara felt more alive being with Jane and her friends than she has for several years. Eventually they became distracted by each other’s bodies and after making love fell asleep.
To be continued. The next chapter will be Peter’s Wednesday then Sara’s story will continue.
Start writing…