Something spooky for the month of October!
Originally posted on Deviantart on January 11, 2018.
Special thanks to
Scarlet kept an eye out the window and glanced down at her phone. She tapped the screen and nodded to herself. The screen went black, and she placed it back in her bag. Then she stretched, looked to her left and smirked.
“How much further is this place?” Zoe asked, keeping her eyes on the road. “It seems kinda out of the way, this far out of town.”
The redhead shrugged, “Shouldn’t be too much further. All the stories I’ve read just say follow this road.”
Zoe suddenly shot Scarlet a confused look. “Wait, what do you mean stories? I thought you mapped it!”
Scarlet gave a nervous laugh. “Well… This place is kind of a legend in its own right. It may or may not actually be at the end of this road.”
Zoe looked annoyed as she continued driving. “You mean we’re going somewhere that might not even exist?”
“Well, what you’re looking for might not exist either, so I figured, go somewhere legendary to find something legendary.” The redhead scratched the back of her head with a nervous laugh. “There’s definitely supposed to be something at the end of this road. I can promise that.”
Zoe rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Ugh… like… I get your logic, but those are details you really should give me before asking me to request a day off work.”
Scarlet giggled. “Sorry, thought you liked a little mystery!” In the back of her mind, she knew Zoe had every right to be mad at her. She hadn’t really thought everything through, as much as she wanted to help her friend out. But if this place turned out to be real, they could both become famous.
The road narrowed down to a single lane. Grass began to invade the gravel. A fence ran alongside the path. Tree branches reached over it, but they didn’t obstruct their passage.
As nature claimed increasing ownership over the ground they traversed, the bespectacled driver was losing faith. Then Zoe suddenly raised her head as she noticed something, piquing her interest.
“Hey look!” Zoe pointed out. “Is that a sign?”
Scarlet squinted her eyes and looked closer. “…I think it is. Slow down.”
Zoe brought the car to a halt near the sign.
Rolling her window down, Scarlet leaned out to get a better look. The paint was faded and barely readable. “It’s kinda beat up looking, but it says…um… ‘Libr.’” She sat back down in her seat and the two looked at each other. “That’s part of the word we want!”
Zoe shook her head and looked carefully at the old wooden sign. “I hope it’s real; I want this trip to be worth it.”
Zoe gave the car some gas, and it lurched onward. Eventually, they saw a large opening at the end of the road. Cobblestone began to rattle the car, forcing Zoe to slow down.
Both girls’ eyes widened when they finally saw it.
“I guess…this is the place. Wow.” Zoe said, parking the car.
“It looks bigger than what I’ve read…” Scarlet said in awe. “It’s like an old college or something.”
By the windows, the building appeared to have three stories. Grey paint was slowly flaking away from the siding, revealing the underlying weather-beaten wood color. Pieces of siding were off center, and some were missing. It had seen better days, but it still stood despite the lack of care.
“Well… I guess we should check it out… Think it’s okay for us to just go in?” She glanced towards Scarlet and saw her friend pick up a certain bag. “Oh no, you didn’t really bring that, did you? C’mon!”
Scarlet laughed. “Don’t act like you didn’t expect me to do this. You knew the risks when you brought me along.”
“You can’t be seriously thinking about doing that here! That place looks fucking haunted!” Zoe waved her hand at the building.
The redhead bit her lip. “I’ll admit, I think it’s a little spooky, but that’s all the more reason for me to do it. Nobody else will have done what I’m gonna do!”
Zoe threw up her hands in defeat. “There’s just no talking you out of it, is there?” She rested her head on her fist with a long sigh. “At least there’s nobody to kick us out this time. The only other car I see is the ancient hand-cranked job over there,” the black haired girl said, indicating an old car parked beside the building. Its thin, rusted frame appeared to be incapable of moving under its own power.
Scarlet hesitated and then smirked. “Oooh, you’re right. That means I can go for performance instead of speed for a change!” She began reaching into her bag, shuffling around and searching.
“Performance instead of speed? What do you mean?” Zoe looked towards her friend. She suddenly blushed and pulled her head back.
Scarlet had a wide grin on her face as her fingers pinched a thin silk string. The violet lingerie dangled out in the open. A giggle escaped her lips, watching her friend try to avoid making eye contact. She loved that reaction a little more every time she saw it.
“Don’t act like you’re so innocent. What you’re looking for sounds pretty steamy too!” Scarlet said as she lifted herself from the car seat to flip her skirt up.
“What you wanna do is totally different! What I’m looking for isn’t going to get us kicked out!” Zoe said. She shook her head, blushing through her frustration.
“Yeah, but there’s nobody here to do that,” Scarlet said as she slid a pair of red panties down her legs. “I bought a pair for you in case you wanted to do it with me.” The car door opened and shut. “Zoe? Aww, come on, at least try them on! They’re really comfy!”
Alone in the car, Scarlet giggled as she picked up the smooth garment. “You don’t know what you’re missing,” she sing-songed at Zoe tauntingly while lifting her hips from the car seat again, lingerie in hand.
A moment later, she got out of the car with her bag over her shoulder. “So, think this place will have it?”
Zoe glanced at Scarlet and rolled her eyes upon seeing the bag. “I guess there’s only one way to find out. Do you have a flashlight?”
Scarlet raised an eyebrow and scratched her head. “Now why the heck would I have one of those?”
“So we can see? It’s probably dark in there; I can’t imagine it having electricity,” Zoe stated plainly.
Scarlet hesitated and then blushed. “Oh! A *flash* light. I thought you said… You know what, never mind. I think I have a couple…” she said, reaching into the bag, as she fought off some giggles.
Zoe put the palm of her hand to her face.
“Found them!” Scarlet said as she drew a flashlight from her bag. “Here you go! Don’t worry, I’ve never done anything bad with them!”
The two made their way up a short set of stairs towards the double doors. Moss covered chipped paint, showing nature was slowly taking the structure.
Zoe slowed her walking pace, frowning and gripping her flashlight tighter. “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea… Should we really go in?”
“We’ve already come this far. I think the worst we have to worry about is some dust.” Scarlet shrugged and bit her lip, “Maaaybe a spider or two.”
“Great, that makes me feel *way* more calm,” Zoe said. “If this place is a spider nest, we’re leaving.”
“What, are you gonna let some little spider stop you from finding the book?” Scarlet smirked and put her hand on the doorknob. “We have to at least look!”
“Scarlet, wait!” Zoe almost shrieked.
Scarlet pushed the door open, eliciting a long, slow creak. It echoed through the interior of the dark building. After the sound faded, there was nothing but absolute silence.
Scarlet clicked a button and a beam of light cut through the darkness. Her friend followed, though she was shivering. Zoe aimed her flashlight up, vigilantly searching for any eight-legged nightmares.
Immediately in front of them were rows of bookshelves. “Looks like a library all right,” Scarlet said, shining her flashlight down to see how many shelves there were. “Um… Zoe, check this out… There’s so many of them…” She slowly panned her beam across the scene as she turned, revealing shelf after shelf. Scarlet pointed her light directly down an aisle, but the light did not reach a wall at the end.
“Wow… It’s like it’s bigger than it looked from the outside…” Zoe noted. “Looks like there’s a lot of books. I wish there was better lighting in here though. I’d hate to read by flashlight.”
“Hm…I didn’t think of that either… I won’t look good without more lighting,” Scarlet said.
“Won’t look good?” Zoe shook her head in disgust. “Are you still thinking about doing that? Doesn’t this place creep you out?” Zoe said.
“If I can get more light in here, I will,” Scarlet said, looking around more until her handheld illumination landed on some curtains. “Aha! A window! I can work with some natural light!” The redhead declared. “You can start looking; I’ll catch up with you.”
Zoe shook her head. “I can’t believe you’re really going to do that!”
“What? Who’s gonna kick us out?” Scarlet smirked.
“It’s not that… This place is just… It bugs me,” Zoe said, shivering as she kept glancing towards the ceiling. “And the fact that you want to… Ugh, just do it fast, all right?”
“Sorry Zoe, I’m prepared for a performance today,” Scarlet winked. “Tell ya what, how about a little wager? If you find the book, I’ll never do it again. But if I find the book, you have to do it with me!”
Zoe nervously looked around, saying, “Fine, sure. I’m not even sure if the book is real. Just do your thing so we can search this place faster.”
The two split their paths. Scarlet had a smirk on her face. Sure, the library was kind of eerie, but she was going to do something that would make her a legend. She found her way down the aisle of the many shelves and reached a window.
With a firm tug, she pulled a heavy black curtain aside, allowing natural light to filter into the library. Scarlet nodded with a smirk and went into the well-lit row. She opened her bag, pulled out a laptop computer, and set it on the ground. Next, she retrieved a high-quality add-on web camera — much better than the one built into the laptop screen — and a roll of tape.
“Hmm… Where are the bubble things…” Scarlet parted her lips with her tongue as she continued to dig. “Aha!” She pulled out a couple of small measuring tools, each one with a yellow tube with a bubble inside, thin red marking lines outside.
Scarlet opened her laptop and clipped the camera to the top of her computer’s screen. Then she carefully took one of the measuring tools and held it so the bubble inside floated between the lines. She repeated this with the other bubble level, so that it was on top of the screen near the webcam.
The redhead made sure the light source was facing her and booted up her computer. An eager smile spread over her lips as a light blush began to appear on her cheeks. However, she soon frowned, idly tapping her fingers on the floor.
“Hmm… no WiFi. Guess I should’ve expected that…” Scarlet said. “Oh well, not a big deal to pre-record.” She turned the camera on, creating an image of herself on the screen, which she used as an improvised mirror to quickly fix her hair, then to give her outer clothes a quick once-over: a red sundress with an unbuttoned white blouse tied on over it so one could see her cleavage, the dress’ red straps visible through the thin white fabric. Beneath that were her smooth side-tie silk panties. Above, her bra contained her larger-than-average breasts, its simple white fabric reflecting Scarlet’s choice of functionality over fashion.
After a quick test of the microphone, Scarlet hit the record button and began to smile. “Hey everyone, it’s me agaiiin!” She smirked. “And I’m taking the library challenge to places it’s never been! As you can see,” Scarlet said, stepping out of the camera path and picking up the laptop, rotating it to exhibit her surroundings. She kept an eye on the bubble levels as she showed the darkness that was behind her. “This is a spooooky haunted library.” Scarlet reappeared in front of the camera as she set the laptop back down. “I hope there’s no ghosts here to catch me!”
Having made many of these videos, she took a few steps backward, making sure she was in full view of the camera. A red glow appeared on her face as she glanced around herself, while her fingers reached past the neckline of her blouse, resting coyly on her neck. She took a light traipsing run towards the end of the row and looked around. It was mainly for the camera, though Scarlet also wanted to be sure Zoe wasn’t going to interrupt.
Once she confirmed she was alone, she turned back to the camera and slowly walked back toward it. She put a finger over her lips as if to hush future viewers, then let them slip down her neck and through the vee of her unbuttoned blouse.
Scarlet took her time untying her top, slipping the short sleeves down her arms, and pulling the first piece of clothing off. As she worked, the nearly sheer fabric slowly slid aside, revealing more of her red sundress underneath. She carefully turned around, making sure the camera caught her backside. As the blouse rose, she faced the camera again, smiling the entire time.
Taking a blouse off when she still had a sundress on was something she could easily get away with in a real library. However, she knew how important it was to make a show of it. It was the first step, the first thing a viewer was going to see when they saw her video listing. …The first hint of what was coming.
Once the blouse slid down her arm to her fingertips, she flicked it negligently atop her bag, out of the camera frame. She stretched her arms out and brought them back to fix her hair before her eyes returned to the camera. “Oh, by the way, I did a little something special, just for you viewers.”
She reached one hand down to the hemline of her sundress and slowly lifted it up, baring her hip and the thin strings that ran across it. Scarlet dropped the skirt, her choice of undergarment hidden once again. “They’re sooo comfy I almost hate to take them off.”
Scarlet turned around and wiped her hands on the skirt. She did this with a quick motion to cause the skirt to flap upwards. With her backside facing the camera, she hoped to give a brief flash of her panties to the camera, but she couldn’t see the screen to know if she succeeded. She’d have to wait for the edit to find out.
“So dusty in here,” Scarlet said out loud. She paused after saying those words and took a glance at the shelves. Upon closer inspection, she found that the shelves actually looked clean. She shrugged it off, thinking of it as a good thing. Her clothes wouldn’t get so dirty when she set them on the floor.
Scarlet then faced the camera and forced her eyes wide in false surprise. She put a hand over her mouth and giggled. “Oh my, I bet you saw my panties when I did that, didn’t you?” Her hands gripped the hemline again. “It must have flipped up, just like this,” she said, quickly lifting her skirt and flashing her violet panties to the camera.
“I guess I just can’t help it. They look sooo good, and they’re comfy, too.” She pressed her hands against her womanhood through her skirt and blushed. “They’re so smooth, they feel like they could slip away.”
Scarlet turned her attention to the upper half of her dress, sliding her hands over her chest, and gave herself a light squeeze through her clothing. She slowly hummed, feeling different pieces of fabric shifting against her body with each movement she made. Her dress hung loosely, allowing her to slide it against her skin underneath, making her mentally separate herself from her clothing. It wasn’t a part of her, it was merely *on* her, and she had an audience to please.
“Hmm… you know, as much as I love my panties, I didn’t take the time to pick out a matching bra,” she said towards the camera. Her arms reached behind her, and her hands slid under the back of her dress in search of the clasp that bound her bra together. “I wouldn’t want to ruin a good show with clashing choices, now would I?”
There was a light snapping noise and a loss of tension around her chest. The bra was still in place, but now it was being supported by the dress outside of it, rather than containing her ample breasts. It was loose, and it felt like it could fall out of place at any moment.
Scarlet smiled at the camera as she raised her arms and rested her hands on the back of her neck, jutting her chest out as she leaned forward. The redhead hummed as she felt the underclothing slide more and more, and it began a descent down. The bra’s shape showed as gravity pulled it against the dress, something Scarlet made sure the camera could see. She swayed around slightly, and the bra slid down jump by jump until it fell past the last of the dress’ supporting friction.
It hit the floor with a soft “pat.”
Scarlet was braless now. Although every intimate was still covered, the piece of clothing on the floor foreshadowed that her body wouldn’t be hidden for long. She reached down, picked up the plain white bra, and tossed it over to her bag with her blouse.
“Mmm… much better,” Scarlet hummed slowly, her hands slowly returning towards her liberated chest. She pressed and squeezed herself as she allowed some of her ample cleavage to show through the top of her thin dress. Without her bra in place, she felt more aware of the material of the dress against her breasts. Just hearing the tips of her hard nipples slide against the smooth material was making her shudder. Goosebumps tightened the cool skin on the back of her arms. Her breathing was getting heavier and more audible as she continued her show.
“Hmm… You know what I can do?” she said to the camera. “Without any mean old librarian around, I can take off every little thing.”
Scarlet slowly sat down on the ground and brought her legs closer to the camera. She kept an eye on the computer screen as she positioned herself. Her cleavage was still visible, and a hint of violet could be seen up her legs.
“Any of you got a thing for feet? Next spot’s just for you!” Scarlet winked as she raised her shoes towards the camera. She pushed the toe of one into the heel of the other to pull her sock-clad foot free. There was a light thud when the shoe hit the floor, then she began removing the other shoe.
Her toes now had more freedom to wiggle as she surreptitiously glanced at the screen to make sure there was still a hint of her panties visible to the camera. She did her best to appeal to a wide audience, so it was best if every frame she captured had a little something for everyone.
Scarlet heard a loud bump in the distance as she began to peel her socks off. She looked back, feeling her heart rate quicken, but then shook it off. Her friend probably dropped something. If the sound was noticeable in the video, it could just be edited out.
With her bare feet touching the carpeting of the library, Scarlet balled her socks up and tossed them towards the bag. She then ran her hands up her smooth legs, smiling at the camera the entire time. “You know, it’s a creepy old haunted place, but the carpet feels nice,” she said, wiggling her toes. “I wonder what it feels like on my back?”
Scarlet slowly stood up and put a little distance between herself and the camera. She made sure to show her back. This was it. The point of no return. It was the most covering piece of clothing she had. When it was gone, she’d cross the line of legally decent. But nobody was there to catch her.
She looked back at the camera. Another wink. Another giggle. Her hands gripped the top of her sundress. Her heart quickened as she displayed an eager grin. She pulled upward.
The skirt fluttered and tickled Scarlet’s skin as she pulled it over her head, almost as if it was gently caressing her. She was slowly becoming more naked for her future audience, and she loved every moment of it. The dress briefly obscured Scarlet’s vision as she pulled it over her head. She gently swayed her hips, audibly humming as she continued.
She tossed the dress onto the growing pile.
“Mmmm…” Scarlet bit her lip and cupped a hand over each of her breasts. “Oooh, would you look at that? I’ve taken off sooo much!” She turned around and greeted the camera as she kept her hands strategically placed over her bare breasts. Now clad only in panties, Scarlet sat down on the ground in front of her computer, rapidly feeling the warmth grow between her legs.
“This is pretty naughty of me, taking off so much in a library!” Scarlet continued. “Hmm, maybe I should look into a good book!”
She slid one hand across to try and cover both her breasts, teasing her audience as she made a blind grab at the bookshelf with her freed-up hand. The book she grabbed was fairly heavy, but Scarlet managed to keep herself covered. She opened the book, making sure it obscured the view of her chest. Teasing her viewers was a high priority.
“Hmm, you know, my best friend is looking for a naughty book. I wonder if I can find it?” Scarlet said to her camera, keeping her form barely covered. She lay down on her back, keeping the book interposed between her breasts and the camera’s eye view of them. With her lower half facing the camera, she began moving her legs.
They’d shift in one direction, then to the other. Then they would spread, close, raise and lower. Scarlet took her time making sure to show off her panties from every angle she could, all while idly looking through the pages of the book she chose. She knew it was important to do things that nobody else had the chance to do.
As Scarlet continued to show her underwear to the camera, she did notice something unusual about the book she was holding. There weren’t any actual words, just letters jumbled together randomly.
“Weird,” Scarlet whispered to herself and shrugged. She set the book aside and slowly sat up, allowing her breasts to finally greet the camera.
“And the fun continues,” Scarlet said, returning to her seductive voice. Her hands found their way to her breasts and slowly massaged them. She rose to her feet and turned her back to face the camera.
The nearly nude girl gave herself a light pat on her pantied butt, making sure it was the focus of the camera. Scarlet was blushing as she normally did, but she loved the feeling of her heart pounding.
Scarlet reached down and began to untie the strings that weren’t facing the camera. The panties were barely hanging onto her hip when the knots loosened. She hooked her finger into the remaining knot. All she needed was one more tug.
The silk panties gently slid off of her hips and landed without a sound, fully baring her pelvic area to the camera. Now completely unclothed, Scarlet proudly displayed her naked backside. She slowly turned around and faked a gasp.
“Oh my goodness! I’m naked!” she said, moving her hands to cover her breasts, then moving them down between her exposed legs. She had shaved that morning, knowing that went over well with her viewers. What Scarlet didn’t expect, was a new reason to blush.
She was already a little wet.
Despite this, she continued her performance and moved her hands back and forth between her breasts and her pussy. Finally, one settled over her chest while the other stayed between her legs. Then, she grinned through her blush and pulled both away.
“This is some of the most fun I’ve ever had at the library,” Scarlet said as she reached down for her panties and tossed them atop the rest of her clothes. Then she stood in place and glanced at her computer, hesitating.
Normally she would have continued by sitting down, spreading her legs, and letting her hands explore. She knew she didn’t have to finish; it wasn’t part of the challenge. Really, she just enjoyed doing it if she could. In the silence of the library, she had to elevate things.
“Hmm… You know, I think I want a different spot than this one,” Scarlet said to the camera. She smirked and reached down for her laptop. As she lifted it, she kept a careful eye on the bubble levels to make sure the camera stayed balanced. Her breasts took up the entire view of the camera. She kept the laptop level, but she made sure her chest had enough sway to make her breasts bounce freely.
“Aww yeah… That’s gonna be a GIF,” Scarlet said with a giggle.
She carried her laptop, going down multiple rows, getting further and further from her clothing. The more distance she put between herself and her attire, the faster her heart pounded. Her nipples pointed outward, and her lips were warm.
Scarlet got fairly far from where she started and had to stop. She was going to have to pull another curtain to fix her lighting again, so she set her laptop in the aisle and aimed the camera towards the window.
“Here’s a little something for those art enthusiasts out there!” Scarlet said, as she walked towards the window and pulled the curtain open. The sunlight poured back over her skin. She hoped she’d managed to create a silhouette of her naked body. There wasn’t any way to tell if it actually worked until she checked the captured video, but that was just a bonus: it would be fine without.
Scarlet sat down in a position like she had before and turned the camera around so it faced her.
“Mmm…what a wonderful little library,” she said. She took another look behind her, mainly to convince the viewers she was nervous and began to massage her breasts.
The redhead was having the time of her life, stripped completely naked as she was. Sure, the library was an unusual one, but that made her video exotic. It made it unique. Just knowing how many people could see her made her skin break out in goosebumps. Or was that the drafty library air?
Scarlet spread her legs as she felt herself start to leak more. Her viewers wanted that. She had to show how turned on she was.
There was another thud in the background. Scarlet snapped her head back towards the source of the sound and shook her head. It was probably Zoe again. The naked girl resumed her exhibition.
Scarlet’s hands slithered down between her soft thighs now, and she started with slowly rubbing her middle finger over her moist lips. She could immediately feel just how slick she was now. Arousal was building, and building quick.
One more thud echoed through the library, but this time it was closer. Scarlet’s heart raced, but this time for a different reason. She had to stop and look behind her again.
Why was Zoe doing that? This was messing up her video! Or was it? It did look like she was in a haunted library, so she could play that up for a little bit. She’d just cut out the parts where she called out to her friend.
“Just a sec,” Scarlet said, raising one of her fingers to the camera, and stood up. As she walked down the aisle, she felt moisture roll down her legs. She felt very hot and was going to finish soon. That was the next thing on her mind after finding out what those thud sounds were.
“Zoe?” Scarlet called out, as she looked around the corner. “Are you throwing stuff to scare me? I’m trying to make my movie!”
There was no answer. Scarlet shook her head and made her way back to the camera. If Zoe wasn’t making those sounds, who else could? She sat right down and spread her legs.
“Okay, time to finish, for real this time!” Scarlet said, getting back into her acting. Both her hands moved to her waiting labia, wasting less time in applying their pressure. Truth be told, she was getting a little unsettled. She wanted to cum and get back to the security of her clothes.
Scarlet fought off the desire to moan as she continued to work herself up. It was getting closer. She was almost there. Her juices were getting all over her hands as she started to curl her toes and close her eyes. Worries started to slip out of her mind, and she began to focus on pleasing her audience and — more importantly — herself.
She was on the very edge of climax as her breathing grew deeper. One eye opened to look at the recording being made of her. She saw a face looking around the corner of the row she was in. She shut her eye. Someone was spying on her. Just knowing that turned her on even more.
Scarlet froze in place as both eyes shot open. Suddenly, she turned around, seeing nobody behind her. She *knew* she saw someone. Scarlet rose to her feet and ran to the end of the row to investigate. Still no sign of anybody.
She gulped. “Maybe Zoe was right,” she whispered under her breath.
The nude redhead returned to the camera. She still desperately needed release but fought off her erotic urges.
Scarlet’s voice shook as she confessed, “U-um… I know I normally like to cum for you guys. I always try to, but…um… I um… It’s a little too spooky for me to finish. Sorry!”
“Who are you talking to?”
“*Aiigghhh!*” Scarlet screamed as she shut her laptop and looked behind her. A woman stood there, her head tilted with a quizzical expression on her face. She wore a long black dress, the skirt of which ran from her hips to her ankles. A matching sweater hugged her shoulders. Her black hair was tied into a tight bun at the back of her head, and white gloves decorated her hands.
“Oh my god… Oh my god…” Scarlet put a hand on her chest, and she suddenly turned around. “I-I-I’m sorry! I didn’t think anyone was… I thought you were a ghost!”
The woman tilted her head curiously. “You aren’t here for books?”
“N-no… I’m not, I’m sorry!” the nude redhead said as she began trembling. She picked up her laptop and held it in front of her legs as she covered her breasts. “L-let me just grab my clothes and my friend before you kick us out!”
The mysterious woman blinked twice. “Now why would I do that?”
“Y-you’re not going to keep my clothes, are you? C-come on, I mean…I know what I was doing was bad…but…”
“Not that, the other thing. Kicking you out. Why would I do that?” she asked, still bearing a confused yet soft expression on her face.
“B-because I got naked in your library and then…I started… You know…!” Scarlet looked at the ground, feeling ashamed of herself.
“I’m not going to kick you out,” she said. “I can’t remember the last time I had guests. I would hate to kick a guest out, even a rude one.”
“W-what?” Scarlet said. Her heart felt like it was going to jump out of her chest. Much to her shame, she could feel herself getting more damp between her legs. Getting caught had that kind of effect on her.
“I must say I’m rather interested in what you were doing,” said the strange woman. “You appeared to have a lot of fun disrobing, but you seemed ready to do something else. I could…feel it. I want to see you finish what you were doing,” she added with a little smile.
Scarlet was stunned. “Y-you want…to see me…finish?”
“Oh yes, if you could! I’m ever so interested in seeing what you were doing! The fact that you were doing this in my library seemed to enhance your recreation!”
“Heh-heh… Well… Yeah, it kind of does!” Scarlet blushed as she rubbed the back of her head. “I’m kind of surprised that you don’t seem to mind, but as long as you’re fine with it,” Scarlet said, as she slowly set down her laptop and opened it back up. This was insane, but it would also be a first for any video where someone stripped naked at the library. She sat down, set up her camera, and hit the record button.
Scarlet cleared her throat, “I’ve got a surprise for everyone today! I thought I was unlucky, but it turns out I’m the luckiest girl in the world! I was caught, but I was caught by the world’s coolest librarian! What’s your name?” Scarlet said, turning her laptop so the strange woman was the focus.
“Abigail,” she said, politely bowing.
“Nice to meet you Abigail, my name is Scarlet,” she said with a blushing smile. “Abigail is going to let me finish, and she wants to watch! I’ll try not to take too much longer!” The nude redhead winked mischievously.
She took a look at Abigail and was still in disbelief at what was going on. Still, she wasn’t going to pass up this chance. Once again, Scarlet sat down and started by massaging her breasts. She stroked her nipples, squeezing them and lightly pinching them. She cooed as the pleasure began to build up again. Her knees trembled slightly as they bent inward.
Scarlet wasn’t used to having an audience in person. However, the change of pace only seemed to excite her. Her hands moved to her needy lips, and she began to stroke them again. Scarlet shivered and moaned, but she loved every bit of what she was doing. She worked her hands faster. A little bit of drool escaped her lips as her hips began a slight jerking motion.
“Ooooh… Oh… Mmmm…,” Scarlet moaned. She opened her eyes and saw Abigail leaning in, looking with great curiosity at Scarlet’s womanhood. Her audience was going to be jealous.
Scarlet screamed again, and her body began to convulse. Intense heat radiated from between her legs as her juices coated her fingers. Her breasts gently swayed as her body quaked in orgasm, and euphoric waves washed through her mind.
The naked girl sat on her knees, a thin layer of sweat coating her skin. A bright blush glowed on her face, and she was smiling deeply as she panted. “There… That’s… That’s what I was doing…” She panted as she looked towards Abigail, who seemed to be fascinated with what she just saw. Scarlet then looked at the camera and smiled. “Until next time!” She winked and shut the laptop.
“You really seemed to enjoy that!” Abigail said with obvious surprise in her voice. “That looked like so much fun!”
The redhead slowly caught her breath. “Heh, it certainly is! Nothing quite like masturbating in the library… Thank you for um…letting me finish,” Scarlet blushed. “I’m um… I’m gonna go get my clothes now.”
“Wait, before you go, what is masturbating?” Abigail asked, putting a chilling hand on Scarlet’s shoulder.
Scarlet was a little bothered that she was prevented from getting to her clothes, but she raised an eyebrow. “Um…what do you mean? That’s… That’s what I just did in front of you.”
“Yes, but…I know so little about such things! Please, I must know more! I feel like there’s so much I can learn from a guest like yourself!” Abigail said.
“You seriously don’t know what masturbating is?” Scarlet said, holding her laptop over her hips and kept an arm over her breasts. She took a moment to think. Somehow the librarian was clueless as to what she’d just done, but at the very least, was friendly. She fidgeted. She needed to get to her clothes; her arousal was gone, and with it went a measure of her courage. “This library doesn’t have any books that could tell you?”
“Well…no… I mean…it does. I just…can’t tell them apart,” Abigail said, looking ashamed of herself.
“Can’t tell them apart…? Don’t tell me you don’t know how to read, either!” Scarlet said in growing disbelief.
“Well…no, it’s not that… I’m sorry, there is much I should explain…” Abigail said, scratching the back of her neck. “I’m supposed to keep visitors out… But I can’t remember why anymore. You are the first since I forgot my reason.”
“Um…I’m guessing you have a lot to talk about. Let me just grab my clothes first, okay?” Scarlet said, turning around. Everything became more confusing with each passing second. Who was this girl? The redhead jumped back in surprise when Abigail suddenly appeared in front of her.
“Whoa! What the…how did you…?” Scarlet almost stumbled.
“I think it’s rather important…” Abigail said. “I’ve been in this library for an extremely long time. There are very few things I remember, but I do know it has every book,” Abigail explained.
“…Every book? What do you mean by that?” Scarlet asked.
“Take something from the shelf; you’ll understand,” Abigail answered.
The nude redhead was apprehensive about setting her laptop down, but she had to so in order to handle a book. If Abigail had a bad side, Scarlet didn’t want to find it. So, she quickly picked out a book and opened it, looking over the pages.
Like the one she held earlier, none of the letters formed words. They were merely a jumbled mess.
“Um… Is this in a different language? I can’t read this,” Scarlet explained.
“Choose another,” Abigail said.
Scarlet slowly nodded and picked out a different book. Again, every page was completely incoherent. Every letter of the alphabet was scrambled at random. “I don’t understand…”
“I told you, this library contains **every** book,” Abigail said.
“Every book…you keep saying that…but this… It doesn’t say anything,” Scarlet said. She shivered slightly, both from being naked and from the general uneasy feelings Abigail was creating. “Do you mind if I get dressed really quick?”
“Come with me; I want you to see something,” Abigail said as she took hold of Scarlet’s wrist. She pulled the naked girl deeper into the rows of books.
“H-hey, I don’t mind looking around, but I want to put my clothes back on!” Scarlet said.
“Why is that an issue? I don’t mind that you’re disrobed. It seemed to be a key part in the fun you were having,” Abigail said, giving Scarlet an apologetic look.
“Umm… Like, it was, but, like… I kind of should get my clothes back on, you know? I didn’t plan on being naked for this long!” Scarlet said, wrapping her breasts with her free arm. She tried to pull herself away, but Abigail seemed to be stronger than her!
“Don’t worry about it,” Abigail said, giving a light yet firm tug on Scarlet’s wrist.
Scarlet followed but continued to voice her complaint. “Hey um… It’s not a big deal for me to teach you stuff, really it isn’t! But I really need to get dressed again!”
“Dear Scarlet,” Abigail said, turned back towards the redhead. “I can sense that you are scared. I don’t mean to hurt you, I truly don’t!” she said, putting her hands on Scarlet’s naked shoulders. “Please, just relax, and don’t worry about being dressed. The sight of you is…pleasing to my eyes.”
Scarlet pulled her head back and blushed deeply. “I appreciate you saying that, but um… I already have someone special to me. I came here with another girl… Her name’s Zoe.”
“Ah yes. It seems neither of you fully understand what this place is,” Abigail said. “She is special to you? That is very sweet!” She smiled politely.
Now several rows deeper into the library, they were surrounded by growing darkness. Scarlet was getting further from her clothes and growing increasingly worried about this strange woman. She seemed sincere, but her apparent power over everything worried her.
“U-um…A-Abigail, I know you don’t want me to be scared and stuff…but you’re not making this easier by taking me somewhere really dark! I think I want to leave now!” Scarlet tried to pull herself free, but Abigail’s grip didn’t waver.
Abigail’s eyes widened in surprise, then fell into a somber expression. “Goodness, I’m sorry; here.” She raised one of her gloved hands and snapped her fingers. Suddenly, dim lights began to appear in the form of lanterns, two sitting atop every single bookshelf. Each one lit up and illuminated the library.
Scarlet was shocked by what she saw. Before she could ask about how Abigail did that, the redhead soon realized Abigail wasn’t lying when she said the library contained every book. The rows of bookshelves continued on and on and on. She couldn’t see the walls at the end. The sheer openness of the library was dizzying.
“Whoa… Abigail, what is… I don’t…” Scarlet put a hand on her head and almost stumbled.
Abigail quickly recognized Scarlet’s state of shock and gently held her wrist while putting a hand on her shoulder. “Are you all right?”
Scarlet was confused. Did she fall asleep after cumming? Was this all a dream?
“Here, let me help you to a seat,” Abigail offered, leading Scarlet over to a table that sat between rows. She pulled out a chair and had the naked girl sit in it.
The soft leather welcomed Scarlet’s naked backside, though it didn’t break Scarlet’s focus.
“Is… Is this real?” Scarlet asked, feeling her legs trembling before she finally sat down.
“This is very real. When you said you thought I was a ghost… I should admit, that was accurate. I am a ghost, and this is my library. It does have *every* book,” Abigail giggled. “Every possible combination of letters sits on these shelves.”
Scarlet looked around, and every direction looked repetitive. Bookshelves with lanterns on top of them seemed to go on forever. The table she sat at also appeared between rows, going on infinitely. “W-where’s Zoe? Is she okay?”
“Hmm…” Abigail glanced around, as a faint blue ember appeared in her eyes. “Ah ha, I see her. She seems confused, but she’s safe!”
“I…I don’t know what to say… You’re a ghost? You’re really a ghost?” Scarlet asked, breathing more heavily.
Abigail frowned as she noticed the naked girl getting increasingly nervous. “I’d like for you to calm down; I sincerely don’t mean to harm you.” She waved her hands at the chair Scarlet sat in. The chair seemed to bend backward, precisely conforming to every curve of Scarlet’s bare body.
“There is something I want to discuss with you. As you noticed, there are more books that only contain nonsense than anything else. I can quickly see what’s readable and what’s not, but even among readable books, there are things that aren’t helpful. One book, for example, repeatedly claims this library doesn’t exist,” Abigail explained. “And even though my memories have faded with time, I know that isn’t true.”
“Right…” Scarlet nodded, cautiously covering herself and listening carefully. “So um, what does that have to do with me?”
“I have been isolated from people like you for longer than I can comprehend. As a result, I have forgotten many things. Perhaps I knew what…*masturbating* was, but I forgot it long ago,” Abigail said. “With your help, I can see what books would be interesting to you! You see, you’re a living person, used to normal things!”
“So…you want to find books that I would like…? How does that work?” Scarlet asked.
“I’d have to share my vision with you, like this,” Abigail said as she gently placed her hand on Scarlet’s wrist.
Suddenly everything in Scarlet’s vision went black. Everything around her vanished into a dark blue void. Soon after, that void began to slowly fill with small lights. It quickly resembled the night sky. The naked redhead looked around and saw Abigail was still by her side.
“Whoa! Where are we now?” Scarlet said, looking around frantically.
“We’re still in the library. This is just what it looks like when I try to find books.” She smiled encouragingly. “Each light you see represents a book that your soul would find interesting. But, they are far from your reach. You’ll never touch them in your mortal life. However, mortal rules don’t apply to me. Rest here, and I will show you what I mean!”
Scarlet felt Abigail release her wrist, and the vision vanished. She found herself back in the seat in the middle of the library. Abigail was nowhere to be found.
She shook her head and pinched herself experimentally. Her face winced. It hurt. This was no dream. “This is so weird… What’s happening?”
“I’m back!” announced the ghost, suddenly reappearing with a book in hand.
“*Ahhh!*” Scarlet nearly jumped out of her skin. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!”
“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry!” Abigail said. “Here, this is a book you would enjoy!”
Scarlet looked at the tome in Abigail’s hands, and slowly took it. “Okay…I’ll have a little look,” she said, and slowly opened it. She tried to cross her legs and keep the book over her breasts. Even though Abigail had already seen everything, she was a little flustered and disoriented.
The first thing Scarlet noticed about the book was that it was clearly readable. Every letter formed a word, and each sentence was structured like a real sentence.
The second thing Scarlet noticed was that she was holding an erotica book. And after reading a few paragraphs about a girl having her panties torn off, Scarlet soon recognized the text.
“Hey…I know this story! I’ve read it on the Internet!” Then she paused upon realizing something. “…That’s right, this author just posts their stuff online. They’ve never published an actual book,” Scarlet said, looking up at Abigail. “That and… This story isn’t long enough to fill a book like this one. Just what is this?”
“From what I could tell, this book has the potential to be a favorite for you. You should look at it more!” Abigail said with a bright smile.
Fear was giving way to curiosity. In truth, Scarlet really did enjoy the story when she first read it, but what else did this book have? She skipped ahead in the book and found a different story from the same author.
“Oh! I see, it’s a compilation! Everything from this author is in the same book,” Scarlet nodded. She skipped ahead to the second half of the book and read a few paragraphs. Only this time, she didn’t remember reading the story itself, though the idea the text presented sounded familiar.
“Hold on… I’ve read blogs from this writer… I think I remember they talked about something like this…but I could have sworn this story was still being written,” Scarlet said.
“I told you, this library has every letter combination possible,” Abigail said. “It’s just that most people cannot find the books they want while they’re alive.” She smiled and put a hand on Scarlet’s naked shoulder. “Could you please teach me how to have fun like you were doing now? Or should I continue to prove this library’s depth?”
Scarlet was in disbelief. In her lap was a book that had stories one of her favorite authors hadn’t even written yet! And all the ghost wanted in exchange was masturbation lessons? Scarlet forgot her fear. In Scarlet’s mind, this ghost had proven it was friendly enough to be trusted.
Then an idea crossed her mind. A naughty idea, one that made her grin.
“You know, I can teach you plenty, but I think my friend could be a lot of help in teaching you all you need to know!” Scarlet said, her heart beating faster as a result of some dirty thoughts.
“Oh? The one you called Zoe, correct? I would love more opportunities to learn!” Abigail said excitedly.
“Yep! Zoe and I can teach you a lot! There’s just one *liiiitle* thing I need from you first,” Scarlet said, pinching her fingers together.
“What would that be?” Abigail said as she raised an eyebrow.
“I need you to find something specific.”
# A short while earlier…
“Whoa! W-what the…?” Zoe glanced around frantically, dropping her flashlight. All around her, the lanterns on top of the book cases began to light up. As the library was illuminated, she felt her heart racing and put a hand on one of the bookshelves to support herself. She thought ghosts were not real, but with how the library was lighting up by itself, she wasn’t so sure anymore.
The flashlight rolled out into the aisle. Zoe kept glancing in every direction and took a few steps forward to retrieve it. When she found the grip of the flashlight, she froze, and then sat on her knees. Her jaw hung freely, and her eyes were wide with disbelief.
“No way…” Zoe felt a nervous twist in her stomach as she tried to comprehend what she was looking at. She took her glasses off, rubbed the lenses clean with her shirt, then put them back on. What was in front of her didn’t change.
She couldn’t see the walls.
Shelf after shelf of books continued on, seemingly forever. Zoe thought the library was larger on the inside than it was on the outside, but seeing the evident truth of it with her own eyes made her feel light-headed. The labyrinth before her literally had no end in sight. The bookshelves eventually disappeared below the horizon line.
“This can’t be real,” Zoe said, putting a hand to her head. “This place is supposed to be a myth…” She shook her head and looked at all the torches. “Scarlet!” She called out. “Scarlet, we’ve got to leave!”
Zoe took off with an urgent run in the direction she last saw Scarlet. She’d abandoned any intention to stick around any longer than they had to. The spirits either didn’t like Zoe touching their books, or they were offended by what Scarlet was likely doing. Whatever the case, the two of them had to get out before the ghosts became any angrier.
“Scarlet?” Zoe looked around a corner and saw her friend’s laptop. She gritted her teeth. “Okay… she wouldn’t have gone far without her computer.” She took a deep breath and took a few steps forward.
The screen displayed a message about a finished video recording.
Zoe glanced around her, then hit the play button, hoping for a clue as to where Scarlet went.
She blushed, watching the video of her friend shedding clothes in the library. Her hand partially covered her face, trying to stay focused on where Scarlet went as opposed to what she was doing.
“Where did you go?” Zoe whispered under her breath.
“Hi, Zoe!”
“*Aiiigghhhh!*” Zoe screamed and suddenly turned around, seeing the naked Scarlet standing behind her, grinning from ear to ear. “Oh my god, Scarlet!” She put a hand on her chest and felt her pulse racing. “We’ve gotta get out of here! This place is weird and haunted!”
“Yeah, I know,” Scarlet smirked.
“Well, then grab your clothes, and let’s go!” Zoe shouted.
Scarlet giggled, putting a hand over her mouth. The redhead didn’t bother to cover her bared body in front of her friend.
Scarlet ran her hands through her hair and stuck her chest out. Then she walked past Zoe and picked up her laptop. “Turns out you’re right about this place being haunted. There *is* a ghost here, but she’s pretty chill!”
“Wait, what? You met the ghost!?”
“Yeah, turns out she knows how to search this place! Come on, I’ll introduce you to her!” Scarlet said, taking Zoe’s hand and leading her through the library.
“Scarlet!” Zoe frantically looked around. Was it true? Did her friend really find a ghost? “Shouldn’t you put your clothes back on? If a ghost used to be the librarian here, she probably still has rules!”
“Nah, she either doesn’t have rules or doesn’t care. Seems to me she’s just happy to have visitors!” she explained as she walked toward a table with a few chairs around it. Scarlet didn’t yield, continuing to lead her friend past many rows of books.
Zoe glanced around, seeing that the tables and chairs were just as endless as the shelves. She felt her heart rate quicken. “Are you sure she’s friendly? This… It’s just so creepy, and I wanna get out of here!”
Scarlet merely giggled. “Oh, Abigail!”
Suddenly a well-dressed woman appeared in front of them, much to the surprise of Zoe. She screamed and jumped backward, Scarlet barely getting behind her in time to catch her.
“Hello, Scarlet!” Abigail said politely. “Is this your friend? You must be Zoe!” She smiled brightly and extended a hand in greeting.
Zoe glanced back at Scarlet, and the redhead nodded at her. The bespectacled girl looked back at Abigail and forced a smile onto her face. Then she shakily reached out and accepted the handshake. “Um, y-yes I’m Zoe! Nice to meet you! Um… I understand you’re…a ghost?”
“Oh yes, indeed I am! Your friend tells me ghosts are usually frightening, but I don’t want to be like that. I don’t want to hurt anyone,” Abigail said. “In fact, I’m rather happy to have guests; it’s very lonely in here.”
“Well, um…” Zoe forced a nervous laugh. “This place is kind of hidden away and looks a little spooky; no offense.” She looked back at the naked Scarlet beside her. “Um… Sorry about Scarlet running around all naked, she’s just about to put her clothes back on, and then we’re going to be on our way.” She glanced to Scarlet again and growled, “Aren’t we?”
“Oh, I am not offended by her form at all! As a matter of fact, it looks rather liberating!” Abigail chirped. “Scarlet mentioned that you could show me how to enjoy doing that?”
Zoe took a step backward as redness invaded her cheeks. She tried to find her voice and wrap her head around what Abigail just said.
“You told her I would **what**?” Zoe hissed at her giggling friend.
“Okay, hear me out,” Scarlet said placatingly, putting an arm over Zoe’s shoulder. “She doesn’t seem to know… well, anything. She doesn’t know why she’s here, what rules she’s supposed to enforce, or even how to have fun. It’s just been her and these books in here for who knows how long. She caught me making my video, and now she’s curious, so I figured, you know… Let’s make friends with the ghost.”
“S-Scarlet! I’m not going to just… I can’t… W-why did you say I would do it? If you wanna be friends with her, why can’t you show her how?” Zoe pushed Scarlet’s hand away. Just the thought of doing things that Scarlet enjoyed — in front of a complete stranger no less! — made her cheeks feel hot.
“Because I’m already friends with her, and when you realize what she can do, you’ll want to be her friend too,” Scarlet explained. “This is all you gotta do, and then you’re on her good side.”
The bespectacled girl took another step in retreat. “No way! What could she possibly do that would make doing…that…in front of her worth it?”
Scarlet showed her biggest grin yet and turned towards the table. She bent over to reach a book sitting on the far corner. The redhead made sure to do this slowly. She knew Zoe was nervous, but she would appreciate the view of her naked backside under the lantern light. Her eye glanced back at her blushing friend, which only hardened her smirk. “Oh, I’ll show you.”
The naked redhead turned around with a hardcover in her hand. “Abby here helped me find the book.”
“The book…?” Zoe raised an eyebrow.
“**The** book,” Scarlet smirked.
The dark haired girl shook her head. “That’s impossible. I looked at some of the books here, and they’re all gibberish.” Zoe glanced down at the book Scarlet presented to her.
“Just have a look,” Scarlet prodded.
Zoe looked at both Scarlet and Abigail, and then down at the book. She shook her head, took it from Scarlet’s hands, and opened the cover. After reading the first page, her eyes widened, and she leaned in. “Wait… there’s no way…”
The text was readable, written in plain English, unlike all the other books Zoe looked at. A particular passage brought a vibrant blush to her face. She thumbed through the pages, faster and faster. The words on the pages gripped her attention and didn’t let go. She gulped and slid a finger between her neck and shirt collar, lightly tugging outward. Then she glanced at Scarlet.
The nude girl was leaning against a bookcase, arms behind her head as she gave a sassy wink. “You’re welcome.”
“I was starting to think this wasn’t real,” Zoe looked to Abigail. “How did you find this?”
Abigail smiled pleasantly. “It’s quite simple really. This library has every book.”
“Every book I saw looked like gibberish…” Zoe shook her head. “I don’t…”
“She means literally *every* book!” Scarlet said. “And that includes the ones that don’t say anything, but since she’s a ghost, she can just find the good ones!” She put a hand on Zoe’s back and leaned in. “Now how about we show Abby here how to have a little fun? Then she can find any book you want!”
“I… can’t just…” Zoe shook her head. “I’m sorry… there’s so much to take in all at once. I thought this place was a myth. I thought this book was a myth. And you’re a ghost, and I didn’t think those were real, and I can’t just…”
“Aw, come on Zoe, you’ve been hunting for this book for a long time. Now that you have it, the finder wants something in return,” Scarlet said. “She can get more books if you want, right Abby?”
“Anything your heart desires is within my grasp,” Abigail said, still wearing her smile. “Even things you believe haven’t been written yet.”
This made Zoe pause. “Books that haven’t been written yet? But… how?”
“I already told you: I have *every* book,” Abigail said with a quietly confident smile.
Zoe bit her lip and glanced down at the book Scarlet had handed her. The legendarily rare literature in her hand was already good proof that the ghost had a serious collection. Abigail was even willing to share more. The prospect was at least enough to pique her curiosity.
“Um… Hypothetically speaking here, how much would I have to teach?” Zoe asked as her cheeks reddened.
Scarlet grinned from ear to ear and glanced at Abigail, waiting for her answer.
“I would like to learn how to — what was the word — masturbate!” Abigail said brightly with a finger pointed up.
Zoe took another step backward. “Y-you want me to…w-what?” She looked at Scarlet in disbelief. “Is she serious?”
Scarlet nodded for an answer. “Yep!”
The bespectacled girl looked at her naked friend and the ghost several times, feeling her face get increasingly hot. “Th-that… Why can’t you do it? Or better yet… why can’t we just get her a book that shows how? There’s gotta be plenty in here if she has every book!”
“Zoe, there are some things you can’t learn in books,” Scarlet said, and then glanced down at the book. “Besides, since I found this first, you lost the bet.”
“T-the bet?” Zoe’s eyes widened. “W-what bet?”
“If I found the book first, you said you’d make a video with me. Buuut I think I won’t need to film anything if you help me teach Abigail here,” Scarlet explained. “One lesson, you get out of your forfeit, and then you can have every book you could ever want. What do you say?”
“It would be wonderful if you were to show me how!” Abigail said brightly. “I can provide some furniture for the lessons, if you like.”
“Get one of those couches you conjured for me earlier,” Scarlet said. The ghost nodded and vanished, then the redhead turned her attention to Zoe. “Come on Zoe, she’s really nice. I think if you do this, it’ll be worth it. We’ll be friends with a ghost that can get us any book you want. What do you say?”
Zoe took a deep breath. “I can’t believe that this, of all things, is the center of our attention right now. Where did this library come from? Who built it? How is it even what it is? And why is she more interested in learning how to do…that?”
“All of those things are interesting questions. Perhaps there’s books in here that have answers! Books that are free for you to read if you agree to teach Abigail!” Scarlet said.
Zoe shook her head, looking at the ground. “Will the couch at least be clean?”
“Ah ha! So you want to do it now, don’t you?” The naked redhead chuckled lasciviously.
“Scarlet, shut up! The only reason I’m even thinking about it is because you found this!” She waved the book around. “You’re the one who likes having an audience, not me.” Zoe blushed and looked away.
“You don’t mind me watching,” Scarlet noted with a giggle.
“Th-that’s completely different! You make sure nobody else gets to see,” Zoe said fiercely, but then hesitated. “F-forget I said that. Just… I want to see more of these books but…”
Scarlet bit her lip and bounced her head around. “All right, all right, I can see you don’t wanna do it. Relax. I’m not gonna push it if you’re that uncomfortable. I don’t like you being upset over this sort of thing; that’s why I let you shut the curtains first.” She winked. “You don’t have to let her watch.”
Zoe let out a sigh, feeling her heart beating. “Thanks, but… what about all the books? I still kind of want to see more.”
“Well, Abigail still expects you to help, so let me offer a compromise,” Scarlet began. “I’ll do it, and you… You explain the mechanics.” She grinned.
Explain the mechanics. Even doing that much seemed embarrassing. But it was the only way Zoe was going to figure out some of the mysteries of the library. At the very least, Abigail wouldn’t be watching her.
“Just explaining…” Zoe shook her head and glanced at the bookshelves again. “All right, all right. I’ll…explain to her what you’re doing as you do it,” Zoe said. “Just…don’t make me do it, okay?”
The naked Scarlet smiled, hugged Zoe suddenly, and gave her a little kiss on the cheek. “I promise, I won’t make you do anything other than tell Abby what I’m doing. But if you change your mind,” Scarlet winked.
“D-don’t hold your breath,” Zoe said.
The two waited for a moment for Abigail to return. It allowed Zoe time to think about what she’d have to do. Even though she wasn’t the one who was naked, she still felt her heart race. Scarlet was going to be showing herself off. Could Zoe really explain that?
Finally, a transparent Abigail returned. The couch she brought with her looked more like a *chaise longue*, the leather sort famously associated with psychiatry. Both girls could still see through it, but that changed when Abigail set it down and returned to a solid, more human-like appearance. “This one should do just fine! Can we begin now, please?” she asked plaintively.
“We certainly can!” Scarlet said, walking towards Abigail. “Here’s what we’ll do. Zoe will explain how things work, and I’ll show them in action!” She did a few stretches to show off her naked form, casting a smirk towards Zoe.
Zoe blushed and put the palm of her hand to her face.
“May I ask questions as we go?” Abigail said to Zoe.
‘This is really happening…’ Zoe said to herself. Then aloud to Abigail, she replied, “Yes, anything that’s on your mind, go ahead.”
“Do I need to be entirely disrobed to do this?” the ghost asked innocently.
Scarlet giggled and winked at Zoe as she took a seat on the little couch Abigail brought. She let herself sink into its soft padded leather, then she parted her legs, making sure everything that made her a woman was exposed to both of her viewers.
Zoe blushed brightly. She was no stranger to Scarlet’s body, but seeing her friend display herself in such a way always made her heart race. The bespectacled girl cleared her throat and tried to focus, “W-well, some girls prefer that, but not all of them do. You don’t… um… have to take off everything.”
“I like taking off everything, though!” Scarlet chirped spreading her legs even wider. She traced her hands over her bare thighs, then smirked at her friend and asked coyly, “Say, Zoe, clothed or not, what’s the key thing I have to do?”
Zoe blinked twice, feeling her face getting hotter by the second. “Th-that’s a good question. You see, um… A-Abigail.” Her hands clenched into fists. ‘You’ll get all the books you want. You’ll get all the books you want,’ she thought to herself. Aloud, she explained falteringly, “A lot of…this…involves…um…touching a few areas. They’re…kind of sensitive.”
Scarlet’s hands continued to explore her body, gliding over her bare midriff and all over her thighs. “Hmm… that’s true, but what areas specifically? I think you should point them out to her.”
“U-um, Scarlet, she’s um, supposed to ask the questions,” Zoe said, her eyes trying to stay on Scarlet’s face.
“I think her questions are valid. I’m learning so much! Please, continue! So there are sensitive areas that need to be touched, right?” Abigail asked.
Zoe stood there frozen. This seemed ridiculous. Sure, Abigail appeared to be sincerely clueless, but that didn’t make it easier to believe. Could she even identify different parts of her body?
“Y-yes,” Zoe cleared her throat. “There are many spots that feel good to rub, but um… we’ll cover the…um…main ones.” She glanced up at Scarlet, who had her eyes shut and a big grin on her face. Scarlet was blushing too, but she was clearly enjoying herself. “So…there’s her chest…her breasts. They can feel good to touch…”
Scarlet listened in and traced her hands up her body towards the twin mounds. She slowly slid her hands over the tender flesh, carefully pushing them around and giving a light squeeze. “Mmm… My body feels soft and warm; it’s a really nice spot to touch.” The nude redhead cooed as she let her fingers squeeze her tender nipples. “Come closer; get a better look.”
Abigail stepped forward, keeping the curious look on her face as she watched Scarlet massage her chest. She watched as Scarlet gave her nipples a light pinch, causing her body to do a light jump. The ghost then leaned towards Zoe and asked, “Is that supposed to feel pleasant?”
“It um, y-yes. That can feel nice to do,” Zoe said, sneaking a finger under the collar of her shirt again and tugging outwards. She felt her own heart racing as she bit her lip. “Um… There’s…a few things to feel for to know whether it’s going well.” Her toes curled inside her restrictive shoes before relaxing. “You’ll um…notice she’s breathing harder…and her pulse is speeding up.”
“I see… I see…” Abigail nodded. “So it begins with a pleasant tingle, and the rest of the body begins to respond.”
“Mmmmhmmm,” Scarlet hummed slowly, gently kicking her legs outwards as she focused on her bare chest.
Zoe bit her lip as Scarlet continued. She impulsively brushed some hair out of her face as she watched her lover please herself. “E-exactly. The um…the body might twitch in a few different spots; that’s all normal.”
“Mmm… There’s another thing to watch for besides that,” Scarlet hummed. She glanced at Zoe in her flustered state and fought off a giggle before spreading her thighs open as wide as she could. “It’s pretty important, too!”
“Oh? What’s this other sign to watch for?” Abigail asked intently.
“Well, um… It’s…um…” Zoe gulped. “It’s…between the legs here. S-Scarlet, do you mind if we look closer?”
“There’s a reason I spread my legs,” Scarlet said, moving her shapely hips in an effort to prop herself up.
Again, Zoe was stunned by what she was seeing. Her friend Scarlet was completely unashamed of how she showed herself off, letting her little treasure be visible. Her puffy outer lips had flattened as she spread her legs, revealing a slick shine between them, giving Zoe a familiar greeting that made her fidget more.
“R-right, so um… If you look here, you’ll see Scarlet’s…um…cat,” Zoe said.
“Cat?” Abigail raised an eyebrow. “That doesn’t look like a cat.”
“Well, that…um… It can go by a lot of names! So let’s use…one of the cuter ones!” Zoe scratched the back of her head with a shaky laugh.
“Interesting…” Abigail looked back at Scarlet’s legs.
“Right… so um…” Zoe gulped again. Her knees shook a tiny bit. “See how…um…it’s a little shiny there?” she said, raising a shaking hand to point at Scarlet’s welcoming lips.
“Yes… it looks a little moist there, doesn’t it?” Abigail noted.
“Right, it’ll um…get more wet the more she…you know…rubs her sensitive areas,” Zoe explained. “That, the breathing, the faster heart rate, all those things are signs of her arousal.”
“I see… I see… It’s all making sense!” Abigail cheered. “As I recall, when I first found Scarlet, she was rubbing that area quite a lot. Is that another sensitive area?”
Zoe nodded slowly and brushed her hair out of her face again. “Y-yes! That’s the spot that usually gets the most attention! Um… Scarlet, would you mind showing her like you did before?”
“I was hoping you’d ask,” Scarlet said. Her practiced hands moved away from her ample breasts, traced down her warm, silky midriff until they began tracing her soft inner thighs. Then her fingers cupped her waiting labia and squeezed herself, causing a quiet moan as she enjoyed the pressure she created. Her middle finger carefully centered itself between her inner lips and began massaging the sensitive interior.
Scarlet hummed and threw her head back into the welcoming couch cushion as she worked herself. She lifted herself up, elevating her pelvis for a time before lowering it back down upon the conforming seat. Her toes curled, and her legs pulled together involuntarily until she forced them apart with a will, needing to display herself openly for this lesson.
Her breathing grew heavier and was soon the only sound that either Zoe or Abigail heard. As her heart kept the heat running through her, her body would spasmodically twitch more frequently in response to the self-stimulation. Scarlet would let out the occasional moan of ecstasy as she shifted positions on the couch, her body reacting well to the treatment she was giving herself. Although she had left her breasts unattended, her nipples stood at attention, sending little tingles through her body as a quiet plea for attention. Her free hand soon answered, moving up towards her chest to pinch and tweak the nipple.
Both Zoe and Abigail continued to watch. Abigail kept a focused look on every move Scarlet made. Zoe was equally attentive…just for different reasons. The bespectacled girl never stopped blushing. Her finger continued to sneak into her collar and tug to let more of her body heat out. She thought about what she’d like to do if Abigail wasn’t there. Unaware of the necessity, Zoe gulped silently, transfixed.
Another moan escaped Scarlet’s lips. She started working herself faster, her fingers pressing more firmly against her soft lips. Her fingers rapidly became slick with her warm juices. Scarlet’s knees trembled a little. They leaned inwards before she forced them apart again. A gasp escaped her lips. It echoed through the library.
Both hands dove between her legs. They stroked. They pressed. They pleased. Scarlet’s toes curled again. She hummed again and gritted her teeth.
Zoe took the signal. She found her voice and whispered to Abigail. “W-watch closely. She’s almost done.”
Scarlet’s body began to tremble. There was no stopping her now. Her needy core was soaking her hands. The way her body shook caused her breasts to freely bounce around. Her mouth hung open, allowing a little saliva to slide down her lip. A few more seconds were all she needed.
Her hips suddenly bucked.
The naked redhead let out a long, drawn out moan as she convulsed on the couch, as warm pleasure flooded through her mind. Her hands continued to work, drawing out the sensation as long as she could, coating her fingers with slick fluids. She let out a second moan as she lifted her hips off the couch again, her fingers almost pressing too hard against herself. Scarlet wore a blush that matched her red hair as she squirmed over the course of her release, before she finally collapsed on the couch, panting heavily.
There was a long pause as Abigail and Zoe merely looked on.
“Wow…” Abigail finally said. “So…that is how it’s done?”
Zoe’s face was almost as red as her friends. “Y-yes, that’s how you, um, masturbate. You can tell that, um, Scarlet really enjoyed that,” she said, pointing to the dreamy look on Scarlet’s face as she lay limply upon the couch, spent.
“Interesting. Are their other ways to trigger this feeling of arousal? Are you experiencing it? It seems just watching your friend had an effect on you.” Abigail observed with a smile.
“W-well, th-there’s a lot of ways to trigger that. And um, yes, sometimes watching another do it can…you know…do…*that.*”
“I was referring to right now. Did watching that make *you* feel aroused?” Abigail asked. “Your face appears redder like hers, your breathing harder. Those are the same signs, right?”
Zoe was caught off guard. It was true that watching that display did have an effect on her. However, it wasn’t one she wanted to admit to. “Well… um… I mean…uh, heh-heh.” She scratched the back of her head. “You could say that…you know…it was hard to look away.”
Abigail put a hand to her chin in thought. “Strange, so you’re experiencing these things, but I don’t feel anything of the sort. How peculiar.”
Zoe blushed and looked away. She could have died of embarrassment. Of course, knowing ghosts were real, she’d become a ghost and would still be in the same situation. Admitting she was aroused was something only her lover was ever allowed to hear.
“What about the other sign? The moisture? Are you experiencing that too?” Abigail suddenly wanted to know.
That question made Zoe take another step away as she waved her hands with a fake smile on her face. “Oh! Um… well, that’s something that’s normally kept private, you know? We only let you see so you could learn!”
“I just want to have a quick look.” Abigail approached Zoe and took hold of her hand. “Just a moment,” she said as she closed her eyes.
“W-wait! What are you doing?” Zoe paused, as an icy chill washed over her body. It felt as if some kind of weight was lifted off her shoulders. A sudden “flop” noise grabbed her attention. Zoe looked down and saw that her body had become transparent. All of her clothes were in a pile around her now-incorporeal feet.
“Ah!” Zoe yelped as she pulled her hand away from the ghost. Her body returned to its normal state once she let go. She wasted little time in wrapping an arm around her exposed chest. Another dove between her bare thighs. Sure enough, Zoe felt a great deal of warmth, slick moisture slowly secreting from her lips.
Abigail looked at Zoe intently with a hand on her chin. “Sorry about that; I can continue without touching you.” She knelt down until her face was level with the newly naked girl’s exposed hips. A faint blue light shone in Abigail’s eyes. The ghost then smiled and stood back up. “I see, so observing this can have that effect as well!”
Zoe blushed furiously. “Y-yes! Yes, it can. N-now if you don’t mind, could you please look away while I get dressed?”
Scarlet sat up slowly, still taking deep calming breaths. “Oh! Zoe! I didn’t know you wanted in on the fun,” she said with a smirk.
“N-no I don’t! I need to get dressed again!” Zoe said, holding her more slender form as tightly as she could. She cast a long glance back at the ghost. “Y-you’ve learned enough, right? You know all you need to?”
“It certainly looked like fun! I think I would like to try it for myself now!” Abigail said politely, as she reached for the buttons of her sweater. “Zoe, your body is showing many signs of arousal! Could you do it along with me?”
Zoe was stunned by the question. “N-no way! M-Miss Abigail, you’ve gotta understand, most people um…don’t like having an audience! S-Scarlet is different!”
As Zoe tried to back away from the ghost, she felt herself bump into the equally naked form of her friend. She felt Scarlet wrap her arms around Zoe and pull her into a hug. Feeling Scarlet’s warm skin against her own, feeling her nipples press into her back, the moisture still on Scarlet’s fingers put forward an extreme reminder that she was completely naked now.
“Zoe’s a little more shy,” Scarlet said, squeezing her friend a little tighter. “I’m a little too tired to go a third time, but I could still walk you through it, Abby.” She smirked and gave a light caress to Zoe’s back. “Zoe, you can have a little moment to yourself if you want,” she said, slowly pulling her arms away. “You’ve got some reading material you can check out while you wait for us!” she said as she gestured towards the book on the table.
Zoe just stood there, her persistent hot blush on display from Scarlet’s demonstration, not to mention herself being completely naked. “I guess I have time to take a look, don’t I?”
Abigail clapped her hands together. “Once I’ve finished, I can gather books for you two.”
Scarlet smirked and took Abigail’s hand. “All right Abby, let’s find a spot that’s just you and me, and I’ll walk you through the whole process.” She glanced back at Zoe and winked, making sure to sway her shapely backside with each step.
Zoe decided not to say anything as they left. The sooner she could put her clothes back on, the better. Once they were out of view, she sighed with relief and sat down on the couch. She shook her head, muttering, “The things Scarlet puts me through.” As the naked girl reached for her pile of clothing on the floor, the book on the table caught her attention.
“To think that I’m naked right now because Scarlet actually found this thing,” Zoe said as she got up and walked towards the book. She picked up the book and opened it to look through the pages again. “I can’t believe it’s even real,” she added as she looked over the pages.
The text was filled with tantalizing descriptions of another woman, the vivid descriptions of her clothing being stripped away, piece by piece. Zoe felt like she was right there with the main character. The high risk of each shaking step. The lurid atmosphere building with every humid breath. The steamy prose completely captivating the reader.
Zoe slowly pushed the book closed, feeling her heart quicken again. Adrenaline was pushing through her from reading the most well-written erotica story ever known. She set the book down on the couch, thinking she needed to put her clothes on. With her panties in hand, Zoe hesitated.
The naked girl knew she wanted to get properly dressed. However, that little preview she read left her more curious than worried. She bit her lip and dropped her panties onto the pile of clothing. Zoe stayed quiet as she walked towards the direction she saw her friend go. There was no sign of Scarlet or Abigail. Either they were quiet, or they were far away. Regardless, Zoe felt alone.
Zoe’s legs angled inwards, and she tiptoed back to the couch. A small grin appeared on her face. “A few more pages won’t hurt,” she whispered to herself. She took a seat on the couch with the book in hand. The upholstery still felt warm from Scarlet sitting on it. Feeling that and remembering what Scarlet did made Zoe’s toes curl.
Zoe re-opened the book and started from the beginning of the story. Her eyes quickly scanned the pages, soaking up all the masterful details. Before long, Zoe was shifting her bare legs around like Scarlet did before her. One hand held the captivating text, the other explored her delicate skin.
In her naked state, Zoe was more susceptible to the suggestive words her eyes greedily scanned. The more adventurous hand let its fingers explore her slender abdomen, exciting the girl more, but there was still a greater prize. As Zoe read the heart-pounding adventures of a woman being separated from her clothing, her concern for her own attire faded. Instead, she took a greater interest in her own womanhood, which glistened with interest and begged for attention.
Zoe held her breath and lowered the book slightly, taking a moment to look around her. There was no sign of Scarlet or Abigail. Knowing Scarlet, she should have been able to hear them, but that wasn’t the case. She was alone with her naughty book.
Upon realizing this, Zoe grinned a little through her blush, then let her hand finish its journey. She let out a soft coo as her careful hand found her slick folds. Zoe took a deep breath and continued luxuriating in the lustful prose while tending to her sensitive body at the same time.
Her smooth thighs wiggled on occasion as she went. The dreamy pleasure coursed through her body as her nipples took in a pinkish shade and protruded outward. Her heart rate continued to climb, and she stroked herself further.
Zoe had never before tended to her body in a place so mysterious before. She usually preferred doing this at her apartment with Scarlet. The open feeling made her think about how she would look to anybody that might see her, completely naked and getting herself off on a library couch. Even though she thought it was Scarlet’s fantasy, Zoe could only smile, feeling as if she understood her friend some more.
Her toes curled inward as Zoe’s calf muscles tightened. A deep gasp rose into the open air of the library, and her whole body began to tremble. Zoe closed her eyes, shut the powerful book, and carefully set it aside. Then, both hands united in their task, tending to her curves. Her fingers pressed and squeezed, extracting audible gasps and moans from the naked girl.
Zoe’s body spasmed on the couch, and she let out a loud moan. Her fingers had suddenly become very slick, and her lips pulsated in thanks, coating her hands even further. For just a moment, Zoe’s eyes were seeing the night sky, decorated with little stars all over.
Zoe panted rapidly for a moment and let her hands relax at her bared hips, a satisfied smile slowly spreading over her face. Her body tightened into a well-earned stretch, her arms attempting to reach her knees, her feet attempting to escape off the end of the couch, her taut body twanging like a released bowstring until she relaxed back into the soft embrace of the warm comfortable couch beneath her. Just a little rest and she would put her clothes back on… Just a little…
When Zoe started to slip back into reality, she heard a familiar giggle. She slowly opened her eyes and lazily sat up. Wonderful feelings were still abuzz in her brain, albeit not as strong as they were earlier. “Scarlet?” she asked sleepily.
“Couldn’t help yourself but enjoy a little reading, could ya?” Scarlet said from her kneeling pose beside Zoe, still naked and unashamed.
Zoe glanced down at herself and realized she was plainly nude. She blushed once more, crossed her legs and wrapped her arms around her breasts. “Um… Heh-heh… Well… You’d’ve done the same thing if you read it.” She glanced around bashfully. “Hey, where’s Abigail?”
“Oh you missed it, she really enjoyed herself! It was like we opened up a whole new world to her!” Scarlet said brightly. “She’s looking for a few books that I recommended to her already.”
Zoe sighed and smiled. “It’s all smut, isn’t it? If this ghost doesn’t know anything about life, maybe we should tell her about a few real books. You know, give her a broader view of the world?”
“I figured you’d be better at that,” Scarlet said, standing up and sitting on the couch next to Zoe, and putting an arm around her friend’s naked shoulders. Scarlet’s body heat quickly spread to Zoe and brightened her friend’s blush. “You’re more of a book nerd after all.”
Before Zoe could answer, a transparent Abigail phased through the bookshelf, bringing with her a stack of books. “I’ve found all of them, Scarlet!”
“Thanks, Abby!” Scarlet clapped and stood up and looked over all the hardcovers. “I wish real libraries could find things as quick as you can!”
“You’re very welcome, Scarlet!” Abigail said pleasantly. “I must say, I never thought this would feel so liberating!”
“Never thought what — **Whoa!**” Zoe’s eyes widened when she looked at Abigail. The ghost had taken off all of her clothes, revealing her pale skin, small breasts, and a little tuft of black pubic hair that matched the hair on her head. All that remained of Abigail’s attire was a hair tie that held her bun together.
“A-Abigail, you’re naked!” Zoe said, blushing brightly and putting a hand over her mouth in shock.
“I know! I feel so free! You two have shown me such wonderful things today,” she said. “Would you like some books from this library? All you have to do is hold my hand, and I can see what appeals to you, and I will go find it.”
“Oh! Well, um,” Zoe gave a nervous blush and glanced down at her clothes in a pile on the floor. “I um, I do want to do that, just let me put my clothes back on first.” She stood up and moved towards her clothes.
Then, she felt a pair of hands on her backside, widening her eyes, making her shoot up to her feet. There was a sudden push, followed by one of Scarlet’s giggles, and Zoe found herself closer to Abigail.
“Think of some books you want, Zoe!” Scarlet said. “I expect a stack taller than me!”
Zoe was still covering herself, and she cast an annoyed gaze at Scarlet before looking back to the expectant Abigail. “Well, um, I guess we’ll get started!” She held out her hand to the ghost, and Abigail gripped it back.
In a short time, Abigail was able to see through the library and spot books that Zoe would enjoy. Each one resembled a star in the night’s sky. It seemed like Zoe had more stars than Scarlet did, and they covered a broader variety of topics. The tower of books grew as the ghost took multiple trips through the library and back with the girls’ selections.
“Heh-heh… See how cool this is, Zoe?” Scarlet said, standing up straight, eyeing the top of the book stack. “I think it’s taller than me now!”
“It really is amazing,” Zoe said, now nodding as she looked over the books. “I’ve got a lot of my favorites here. I think you can stop now, Abigail. I don’t even know if we can fit all of these in my car.”
“It’s a pleasure to be of service,” Abigail said politely. “You two have opened my world in the most wonderful way! Thank you so much for teaching me how to masturbate!”
Scarlet giggled while Zoe rolled her eyes, fighting off a chuckle of her own. “I’m glad you’re happy with that, but there’s a lot more to the world besides masturbating. Maybe being in here for so long has made you forget but…” She glanced at her stack of books and picked out a few different ones. “Here, these ones should tell stories, and show people just being people.”
Abigail paused and looked at Zoe as if she was stunned. “You mean… there’s more beautiful things in this world?”
“Of course there are!” Zoe said, bringing her cheery smile back to her face, and she held up a particular book. “This one right here, I think you’ll like. It’s about a girl who travels the world, just to see different things. The writer is great at describing locations.”
“Writers, ha!” Scarlet scoffed. “You don’t need writers if you can search this place!”
The ghost seemed stunned again. “Writers… You two keep mentioning them. What are…writers?”
Zoe blinked twice. “You don’t know what writers are?”
Abigail shook her head.
“Okay… Um, well, writers…write things. Sometimes they document real events; other times they write fictional stories. They think about things and write them down. We read them either to learn something or simply enjoy their thoughts,” Zoe explained and looked back at Scarlet. “Is there a better way to word it?”
“Zoe, please. I’ve got stories my favorite guy hasn’t even written yet!” Scarlet said, proudly holding up one of her books. “We don’t need them if we have this place!”
“No,” Abigail said suddenly and held up her hands. “I think I understand now… I learned something today. And it’s…absolutely beautiful and wonderful. You two taught me how to masturbate!”
Zoe closed her eyes and forced a nervous chuckle. “Um, Abigail, I just told you, there’s more special things in the world besides that.”
“No,” she shook her head, “that’s not what I meant. *You* two taught me how to masturbate!” Abigail smiled. “It may be true that I have a lot of books here, but there’s so many of them, it became impossible for me to tell them apart. They all mean nothing to me.”
Scarlet and Zoe looked at each other. “Um… how can they all mean nothing? They meant something to us,” the redhead pointed out.
“Yes, but a writer, a person, gave you your favorite stories, and you knew what else you might want because of that,” Abigail said. “Just like how you, a person, explained where I should put my hands after I disrobed!”
Zoe nodded her head slowly. “I think I get it… People say things on purpose; the books here don’t.”
“Precisely,” Abigail nodded.
“Well, maybe you should get out of here some time,” Scarlet said. “As a ghost, you can probably see as much of the world as you want, right?”
“Leave…the library? But who will watch it when I’m away?” Abigail said, putting a hand to her chin.
“I wouldn’t worry about that; nobody thinks this place is real!” Scarlet said. “Besides, even if they do find it, they’re not going to find any useful books without your help.”
Zoe smiled. “Yeah, they’ll realize what’s in here, but then they’ll go crazy trying to find it.”
Abigail’s eyes widened. “You’re right… they could end up… like me…” She looked at both Zoe and Scarlet, and knelt down, with a gentle smile on her face. “I… I think… I understand why I’m here. It’s not to protect the library from visitors. It’s to protect visitors from the library.”
Zoe and Scarlet looked at each other and shrugged. “Well… I think we’re fine here if you’re guiding us through this place,” Zoe said. “Plus, we’re not sorting through nonsensical books to find what we want.”
The ghost shook her head. “I am so happy to have befriended you two… but I think it would be best if you left. There is a beautiful world to see; you shouldn’t throw time away in here.”
Scarlet raised an eyebrow. “Really? But we’ve got so much reading to do! We can at least come back and visit, right?”
Zoe looked over to the couch seat and picked up her book, and then walked over to her clothes. “Scarlet, if she wants us to leave…then we should go.”
The nude redhead looked at Zoe, then at Abigail, who nodded in agreement. “Well… maybe this place is too weird for the world. All right, we’ll just load up all our books and be on our way,” Scarlet said, picking up her laptop and the book she was reading.
“We can still be friends. I just have to free the world and myself of this place,” Abigail said with a smile.
Zoe looked at Abigail in confusion. “How do you plan on doing that?”
Abigail raised a hand and snapped her fingers. A deafening sound of glass shattering happened all around them. Zoe and Scarlet winced, and then gasped in horror as they looked up. All the lanterns had burst, and the tops of all the shelves were on fire!
“Whoa! What are you doing!?” Zoe screamed in shock.
Abigail didn’t wait for a second longer and put her hands on both Scarlet and Zoe. Both of them had turned transparent and were lifted off their feet, easily phasing through the inferno towards the library’s exit.
They flew outside, unharmed by the intense heat, where Abigail set them down on the soft grass.
“Abby, what did you do that for? We could have gotten more books out of there!” Scarlet said in surprise. “All we got out of there is two books and my laptop!”
“I didn’t want anyone getting lost in there like I must have years ago,” Abigail said with a smile, as she turned around and looked at the burning building. “This will ensure nobody will ever get lost in the library ever again. Perhaps some good books are lost… but you two taught me there is plenty of beauty in the world to see!”
The trio could only watch as the library slowly burned away, orange and red flames shimmering violently, destroying its contents in the process. All three of them stood there as the building fell apart.
Zoe smiled and put a hand on Abigail’s shoulder. “I think… I know why you did this. It’s the smart thing to do.”
“I’m glad you agree,” Abigail said. “I’m sorry about my haste… When I realized why I was there… I just…had to get away, and get you two away as well. You may keep those books. Treat them like treasures,” she said with a sad smile.
“Well… I would have liked a little more time to load up on more. I only managed to grab one!” Scarlet said.
“Scarlet!” Zoe snapped. “Don’t worry, Abigail. You’re free from that place, and you should be!” She scratched her head with a small blush. “Hey, do you think it’s too late to save our clothes?”
There was a loud moan of failing wood, followed by a thundering crash as the building finally collapsed, sending a few small embers into the ground near them. All the windows had shattered, and the once proud building settled into a pile of smoldering rubble.
The three nude woman watched as the fire slowly died down. Zoe and Scarlet exchanged worried glances, realizing that they were now entirely without clothing until they got home.
Abigail slowly turned around, bearing a blush of her own for the first time. “Do we need those in the living world?” She gave a light laugh, knowing her own attire was also history.
I remember reading this on the old board.
Now, a sequel about how Abigail learns about the real world could be interesting. The naive woman who doesn’t realise other people are put out by her nudity is an idea that intrigues me. I’ve long had an idea for a group of women growing up naked on a desert island coming back to civilisation. Maybe I’ll write it one of these days.
Very good story! I don’t remember ever reading a enf-ghost-story; although the ghost doesn’t seem to be very embarrassed…
I once started writing a story based on the BBC series Being Human. In that, ghosts are stuck in the clothes they are wearing when they die, and the ghost in this story dr0wns skinny dipping. And, of course, werewolves tend to wake up naked. Only got four pages written before giving up.
Incidentally, the very funny BBC sitcom Ghosts (season 2 finished last night) has a character who was a Tory MP who died during some sort of sex game and his ghost has no trousers.
Sounds interesting. I always loved british sitcoms.
Oh, Ghosts is great fun. It is a family show, so nothing too outrageous. The group behind it originally did the Horrible Histories children’s TV series but they’ve also been compared to Monty Python.
Basic premise. Young couple Mike and Alison inherit crumbling Button House. Following a fall, Alison can now see ghosts, of which Button House has many.
One of the ghosts is prim Edwardian matron Lady Button, who discovered her husband having sex with two male servants. He pushed her out of an upstairs window. It happens that her first name is Frances, usually shortened to Fanny. And Fanny is vulgar slang in the UK for the part of the female anatomy we’d probably now call the pussy. So, in a recent episode, it turned out the Lady Button could be seen on photographs and a group of ghost hunter descend on the place. The ghosts conspire that she not be seen, leading to one shouting “Fanny has been exposed.” They’d have never got away with that when I was a youngster. (When the BBC dramatised the Arthur Ransome book Swallows and Amazons back in the sixties, for some reason they renamed the character called Titty as Kitty.)
I remember this story. It was a fun read. Thanks for the re-post.