Hello all,
As some of you may recall in the final days of yourwebapps, there were discussions of backups to preserve the site from being lost forever. In these harrowing times, a user called [removed by Admin) rose up and layed the foundations for a script that would download the entire board. I took that foundation and built upon it a backup of the nudity/humiliation related yourwebapps boards, including ASN, Blondies Storyboard, The Girls Spanking/Stripping Board, and the associated discussion boards. With Kinsey’s permission, I am now sharing it here.
File Sharing Link Removed by Administrator.
I did some minor editing of the pages, so all the links within a single thread should work, but the buttons to go back to the index or between boards do not work.
For the “recent” posts, IO-Story.zip, the files in the idx folder are the indices, which is probably the best way to find stories in this version, of the backup. (Note that the next page buttons will not work, you must manually change the url or open the file).
I also included [removed by Admin] earlier backup, which has a lot from before my backup starts, but does not have index files. I also added some really old stories that I figured out how to pull from the wayback machine, some from even before yourwebapps was yourwebapps. These are mostly incomplete, but there were some interesting things in there.
I also wanted to bring up the discussion to the community, and in particular, authors, about posting a more browse-able version. As the first part of organizing for my personal collection, I combined ALL the posts related to any particular story into folders, one for each story. This includes all the comments from readers, and multiple-thread stories are in one folder. There’s been no editing, linking between threads, or any other changes besides physically (digitally?) moving related files into a single folder. Each folder is labeled with the authors’ name and the title (approximately, I cut out a lot of articles/prepositions).
I’d be open to posting this version of the backup, as a single file. However, I want to hear from authors on their thoughts on this before doing so, as this could cross too far into the grey area between website backup and story reposting. There’s also some middle ground available, such as posting just the file-tree from this version to act as an index.
Admin Note:
Hey everyone. I had a lapse in judgement by allowing an archive of IO’s site to be shared on this site. I apologize to the authors and community for my poor decision. I don’t want to allow anything that would make writers wary of sharing their work.
I’m leaving Yapu’s post up for posterity and so everyone can read the persuasive response made by BPClavel that explains why this site should not (and will not, going forward) allow the link to be shared.
I also have removed any posts detailing how to access the link. I’ll be creating an official rules page soon to set forth clear posting guidelines.
Thanks for starting this topic Yapu. I’m interested in what other authors have to say about the grey area of reposting and saving/archiving.
Yes, I also remember Indian Outlaw’s ASN storyboard I was one of the Cheryl’s that wrote on there. My first one was Pregnant and humiliated then followed up with the college years but was unable to finish it due to the site coming down. I ‘met’ and spoke with other writers such as Blzr, Hooked6 and iionly to mention but three
A grey area? Hardly!
Please don’t put this site in jeopardy by taking an untenable position on such an important issue.
Many, possibly the majority, of these stories were posted on ASN prefaced with copyright statements. My own included this sentence:
Reproduction, redistribution, or reposting of this work in whole or in part on another site, in print, or via any other means whether or not for charge or profit is forbidden without the express written consent of the author.
At one point near the end, iionly asked and received permission from a number of authors to repost their copyrighted works on his Beach Club II website (I hope I am remembering that correctly). As I have my own plans for my stories, I did not grant permission. But even those that did, only granted permission for a certain person to repost them on a specific site. In other words, it would be wrong to assume that those works of fiction are now in the public realm. Some of them are, but most of them are not. They can’t be dealt with as a group.
IO understood copyrights and it was a big factor in the success of his site. Indeed, he was not even willing to repost stories on his own site. Even that required an author’s permission. Authors felt safe posting on IO’s site, for this specific reason.
Please don’t misread this post as a threat. I’m simply trying to use clear language to point out what should not need to be said because it should be blatantly obvious. When speaking with my children about drinking and driving or texting and driving, I use similar language. Sometimes one has to get a point across in terms that cannot be misconstrued.
I consider myself a member of this community, proudly so. I care deeply for both the writers and the readers here. Among my beliefs is the contention that if copyrights are respected on online forums such as this, writers will be encouraged to develop and post their fiction. If, on the other hand, copyrights are treated as a laughing matter, then many writers will never share their work on such sites. Please — let’s not kill the golden goose.
Yapu, you say, “However, I want to hear from authors on their thoughts on this before doing so, as this could cross too far into the grey area between website backup and story reposting.” I would suggest to you that you already have the authors’ thoughts in the form of their copyright statements that each of them included with their postings. Do you really need more? And if you are deleting those copyright statements from the stories, or if anyone before you did, then it is clear that you are in the wrong. Doing that would make it possible for others to unwittingly violate copyrights.
Again, I’m not wanting to come across in a threatening way. I’m just saying what I feel needs to be said. I feel it shouldn’t fall to me to do so, as it should be clear. However, obviously it’s not. Based on Yapu’s post, I can tell that copyrights (mine among them) have already been violated. Additionally, it is clear that more transgressions are being considered. “But Officer, it was a short text. I only took my eyes off the road for a moment.” Don’t even think about it.
Blair P. Clavel
Hi Blair,
I am looking for the final chapters of ‘The Exhibitionist Next Door.’ These include 416B, chapters 417-426.
Any chance?
Hi Tony,
Nice to encounter yet another The E.N.D. reader! That first story is near and dear to my heart. I hope you’ve enjoyed it. But what a terrible point in the tale to get stranded, right?! I looked those chapters up. At least you got through the championship football game, but then it left off shortly after that.
Send me an email: bpclavel@gmail.com
Man I see your point but so many good stories are now lost forever because the author won’t reupload it 🙁
For full transparency…
Yapu emailed me a few days ago to ask for permission before he posted any links (thanks for that Yapu). I’ve known from the beginning that I would not allow people to repost stories they didn’t write, but an ‘archive’ of web pages felt like a gray area. My thought process was, is a digital snapshop of a webpage, a cache, a saved HTML, the same thing as reposting or rehosting? For instance, the wayback machine archives nearly all of the internet (466 billion pages) for reference and educational purposes, even sites that have ceased to exist (like writings of leviticus and ASN). Is that not a blatant violation of copyright?
If it was obvious what the difference was, I didn’t see it at the time, so I wanted to put the discussion to the community and gather input from the people that made a site like this possible, but I made a serious error in judgement by allowing said archive on the site first, and having the discussion later.
In hindsight, I see now that I put way too much emphasis on trying to spot and parse a technical difference between archives and reposts hosted on my site, as if I was some lawyer, instead of valuing the heart of the issue – consent of authors and the trust that the website they post their stories to won’t assist in spreading their content beyond where they consented for their copyrighted work to appear. Whatever difference that may exist really isn’t relevant to the core problem.
I remember during the final days of ASN, people were dismayed by what many believed would be lost forever; not just hundreds of stories, but community. Disheartened by the possibility, a handful of people took different approaches towards saving what had been built brick by brick, story by story, over nearly two decades. I started a site looking forward to the future, others did too, while people like Yapu created archives and iionly asked authors permission to repost on his forum to make sure the past wasn’t lost.
I think it’s awesome how people rallied and found their way to each other to keep our little niche going, and wanting to share in the preservation, I chose to allow the link to be shared. But I realize now, allowing that link was a bad idea, both for legal reasons, and because it may alienate and or disrespect the very people this writing community is made for.
Sorry again! I’ll do better. And if anything, this lesson will help me in seeing more clearly what I need to have in my official rules page. Thanks Blair for your pointed words.
Kinsey Bay
Thanks Kinsey,
You make me feel as if we have a thoughtful, caring individual at the tiller! I also feel as if I may have overstated my case (used a sledge hammer on a thumb tack), but it is an issue I feel strongly about. Your adjustments and comments on this thread strike me (keeping with the hammer analogy) as “just right.”
All my best,
This resolved well. It was a seemingly good thought to preserve old stories, by reposting them in batch. But it’s an even smarter thought to preserve hosting-trust for the writers.
Well done!
Any writer that wants to have their story preserved or seen again, can simply post here. You can even post in just one go as there is no size limit here. Plus you can edit and remove stories here too. It’s utterly perfect.
BPClavel, Where can we find your works? Ive read the first 295 parts of “The Exhibitionist Next Door” and can only find scattered reminiscence of further parts stored in various cache pages. I have searched from time to time over the last couple of years and it seem your work only becomes harder to find.
Hi Zee,
Thank you for your interest the Exhibitionist Next Door! The demise of IO’s ASN story board took us all by surprise. I lament its passing, but in the next breath I praise Kinsey for stepping up and providing us all with this much needed forum. Thank you Kinsey Bay!
It has become a source of pride for me that my stories, ‘The Exhibitionist Next Door’ and ‘Summer at Cache Lake’ found an audience. I never really intended to become a part-time writer. It sort of just happened. My original plan was to post them on ASN and let them be enjoyed there while I worked in the direction of self publishing, hoping that I might bring them to a wider audience. As you are surely aware, there is much to these stories that goes beyond what many enf readers were looking for. At times it seemed as if my target audience had a love hate relationship with my prolific postings.
I still am hoping to publish them and make them available that way. I did not imagine that there would be a gap between their availability online and their appearance in eBook form, but that seems to be how it is working out. I see this next step as experience I’d like to acquire. I don’t harbor any illusions that the stories will bring in any significant amount of money. I’d like to keep my blinders on as far as that effort goes. I’d also like to develop a new enf story one day. When that happens, it will appear here first.
If you’d like to keep in touch, my email address is BPClavel@gmail.com Additionally, Kinsey has set up a function whereby you can send me a private message on this site.
Best Regards,
Blair P. Clavel
i sent you a private email to your gmail. Please look into it.
Love your stories, BPClavel! Hope you’ll inform everyone here when and where you intend to publish your stories. “Summer at Cache Lake” desperately needs a sequel. 🙂 Anyway, good luck!
I love your stories so much Blair and would love to buy them in book form or why not a sound book. Please inform us how to we can read them or any new ones!
Are all the stories on the ASN story board lost? I am looking for a particular story if anyone can help. It is a CFNM story where the girlfriend likes to keep the boyfriend naked at her place. She and 2 of her friends live there (they call themselves the 3 musketeers). She initially convinces him to stay naked 24/7 for a week. And later her and her roommates offer him a permanent rent free accommodation at their place if he remains naked at all times. If anyone has or knows the story please let me know. Thank you.
I’ve just read bare lin’s new rendering of “kimberly-life as a absolute”. I was disappointed to see the story jump from Tuesday night to Wednesday night, totally skipping any mention of the day inbetween – especially after the coments about breakfast
Someone started a blog and with permission of the authors organized stories posted to ASN by year. Anyone know if that sight is still up? I specifically remember that the person who did it only included stories that he could get permission from the author to include.
Aren’t you talking about this website?