Just got back from seeing No Hard Feelings, the new Jennifer Lawrence movie that opened in theaters today. She goes fully nude in one scene when she’s skinny dipping in the ocean. When three teenagers try to steal her clothes, we see her stalk out of the water and fight off the three kids, at one point pile driving one of them into the sand.
The scene made me think of the brilliant and brilliantly detailed Jennifer Lawrence Naked at the Oscars story that is posted here. I wish there were more chapters to it…
Got moderately good reviews in the UK papers.
I saw it tonight. Pretty damn funny movie. I think she does seem to enjoy doing these full frontal scenes. Maybe that story hit at something 😀
Jennifer Lawrence went brakes with a see through top at a recent event.https://www.quora.com/qemail/tc?al_imp=eyJ0eXBlIjogMzMsICJoYXNoIjogIjk3Njc2MDMwMTA1NzU0MjcxMHwxfDF8MTQ3Nzc0MzY4MTUzNzM2OCJ9&al_pri=1&aoid=R8qNNkKLMUD&aoty=2&aty=4&cp=1&et=2&id=694ce397a41746aa9aff386ec8715341&q_aid=92B74iFVJNi&uid=oNRZxPDJZbQ
John Cena just appeared naked on stage at the Oscars. LOL