when jessa and her friends are coming back?? please Blair give a heads up or a tentative date perhaps?
really starting to missing them. don’t keep us waiting anymore
when jessa and her friends are coming back?? please Blair give a heads up or a tentative date perhaps?
really starting to missing them. don’t keep us waiting anymore
Oh rajarshi.m,
I can’t believe I am only now seeing your post. My apologies. It’s not that I haven’t been to the site. I have — regularly looking for updates on my favorite stories. But that’s why I didn’t see this. My focus was on the Recent Chapters list (as well as Recent Comments).
I feel real bad about what happened here. Letting the story go fallow was never my intent.
Okay, but where am I?
You’ll be glad to know that a number of future chapters now exist. I want to go over them again, make sure they are in keeping with the progression as I envision it, but then I will resume posting. I’m not going to commit to a time frame. That might end up setting myself up to again disappoint.
But Jessa, Cathers, Nick and the others — they’ll all be back. I very much appreciate you letting me know that they aren’t entirely forgotten.
Best Wishes,
PS: I’m excited to see that we have a new chapter in The Resort Ambassador series to enjoy.
thanks for reply blair. really looking forward to the new chapters from you. and yes, saw the update from readerman just now. that one is one of my favorite series too.