where is Blair P Clavel? is he not writing anything anymore? As i recall, i saw him stating in ASN storyboard (2/3 days before the closure), he might continue writing here and saw him commenting in some stories in here too. after that nothing. his last two novels were really epic really loved both the stories, and every character.
so can anyone shade some light on this matter?. because i also googled by his name in hope, he might be posting somewhere else but no luck.
I haven’t seen him since ASN closed. I hope he does come here. He has some great stories.
yes, i hops so too.
Blair does visit here sometimes, commenting on other stories/novels.
yep. saw it myself. but is he not writing anymore?
I’ve seen him commenting! I sent him an email asking about his stories and never heard back. I so wish I’d saved Cache Lake and Exhibitionist Next Door.
i have those stories saved in read-only format and also some other dating from 2011 to the day ASN got closed down. someone of the readers made it possible and shared some links to save those pages. i can give you those files if you want. atleast the ones i have.
I miss that site so bad, anything you can share would be appreciated.
That would be amazing! I’d take anything you have honestly, though I do love Blair’s!
text me your email id, I will mail you in zip format
Hi, do you still have the story Summer at Cache Lake by BPClavel saved? I’d love to read it again. I can send you my e-mail if you do. Greatly appreciated.
Do you have one called “Naked New Girl”? It’s where a girl moves to a new town and her only outfit is destroyed in the wash.
actually i can’t remember every story i have, as i said i have all the pages from 2011 to 2019 saved. so i can send you all of those, may be the story you’re talking about is in there, but i don’t know because i haven’t checked all the pages.
Hey, I am newbie on this site, but I like stories about nudity and etc.. Would you, please, if it`s not offensive, share the stories you have to me too? Thank you
My em:: thebestkatz@mail.ru
Please if you could send me anything you have pertaining to ASN, especially BP’s work, I’d greatly appreciate it. My email is bishopreidd@gmail.com. I’ve been looking for BP since the site shut down.
Greetings rajarshi.m, Art Mini, Cave and Cerulean,
I’m here. If I have a hangout these days, it’s here. On ASN I pretty much went full circle – from being a lurker (a reader), to trying my hand at writing, and then back to being a reader. I haven’t (yet) tried nearly as many of the stories here as I’d like. I have a well-developed fondness for Emi (The Resort Ambassador) by ReaderMan, so I stop by a time or two each week looking for a new installment.
This evening, I read a chapter and a half of Discovering Melanie by Cave. I expect to continue with that story after completing this post. So that’s me … more a reader than a writer at the moment. Thanks for asking rajarshi.
I am actively writing, but my current project is not a story that is enf related. It’s a romance, I suppose. I imagine that one day, I’ll again catch the bug and again be writing erotica. And when that happens, I plan to post my work here. Will it be another story like The Exhibitionist Next Door or Summer at Cache Lake? I can’t really say. But I sure had fun with those and I find it delightful to run across this thread and find that Dale and Jill have not been forgotten.
All my best, Blair P. Clavel
PS: Cerulean – I do remember our many exchanges and I thank you for your recent email. I will reply. The only reason that I didn’t do so immediately, is that at that moment in time, I didn’t have the time or mental ability to give you my undivided attention. I try to answer all my email on a timely basis. If anyone wants to reach me, my email is: bpclavel@gmail.com
Any chance you could post Summer at Cache Lake here? I’d love to read it again.
Brand new story posting tomorrow!
Jessa Meets Her Match
Best Regards,
Blair P. Clavel
Rajarshi, Good Day,
I just stumbled upon your posting above, in my search for lost stories. I very much hope you will see this message. Unfortunately for me, I was out of country when the ASN site closed, and did not get a chance to download BP Clavel’ wonderful stories.
I think he is one of the best writers I have read. Would it be possible to share to me any of his stories to me, especially The Exhibitionist Next Door (TEND) and Summer at Cache Lake (SACL). I continue to have memories of these stories, and would really appreciate your help in getting copies.
Note, for you and for Mr. Clavel. I would never post these anywhere else, this would strictly be for me to enjoy these stories again.
Thanks in advance,