Rules and Guidelines
Do you have a naked fiction story you want to add to the site? Feel free to create an account. However, keep this guideline in mind.
“My site, my rules. I’ll delete whatever I want to delete.”
Indian Outlaw’s Stripping Board successfully operated on this principle for nearly 20 years. For that reason, this site operates on the same principle. I respect freedom of speech and encourage you to let your imagination run wild. For this reason, the rules listed are not exhaustive. Above all, it’s a guide. A guide that will be updated as I see fit.
With that said, take heed to these Do Nots.
- Do not post a story that you did not write.
- Do not post a story involving bestiality.
- Do not post a story involving underage characters having sex or in sexualized situations. For this site, underage means younger than 18.
- Do not post a story with excessive violence.
- Do not post more than 2 chapters per week.
Site Wide
- Do not post images directly to the site that you do not own the copyright to. However, external links to sites like imgur, instagram, twitter, deviantart are allowed.
- Do not host pornographic or NSFW images directly to the site. However, external hosting to Pornographic/NSFW images are allowed.
- Do not post spam. However, authors are free to make timely posts to the site to promote their newly published naked fiction book.
- Do not post topics that exist solely to argue with site administration or communicate with specific users. If you have any concerns regarding the site, please use the contact form. If you want to speak to a specific user, use the private messaging system.
- Do not use any function of this site for the purpose of piracy.
In addition to heeding the do nots, do remember to be respectful and kind to your fellow readers and writers. Do comment on the stories you read and make sure your criticism is constructive. After all, fostering a friendly community is as important as following any official rules and guidelines.
With this in mind, Contact site administration through email or private message (site administrators are Board Host or Kinsey Bay) to ask questions or report a violation.