Heedless of Shelly’s state of undress, or of her own, Lisa rushed forward and crouched to give her best friend a hug. “I’m so glad to see you again,” Lisa said. Shelly returned the hug, wrapping her arms around Lisa’s back. “M—me too!” she stammered. “Where were you? What happened? How did you get back?…
Content written on February 13, 2023 by FinchAgent
Story Title:
Content Type:
Embarassment/Humiliation, Only One Naked
4,016 words (~22 minutes reading time)
Lisa was awoken by a pain in her temples. She shot up instantly, rubbing her head, and looked around. The headache had interrupted a dream she’d been having, about being home for Christmas. The smiling faces of her parents and her old school friends. The snow falling and the fireplace crackling. And the feeling of…
Content Type:
Embarassment/Humiliation, Forced Exposure, Only One Naked
5,078 words (~28 minutes reading time)
After a few hours of walking, the trees of the forest cleared, and Lisa and Lady Annabelle reached a well-kept yard behind a large house built in gothic style. The yard was replete with trees and flowers, with a small vegetable garden in one corner, and a swimming pool near the back of the house….
Content Type:
Embarassment/Humiliation, Only One Naked, Positive Naked Feelings
4,370 words (~24 minutes reading time)
The forest was peaceful. Birds sang, branches swayed in the gentle breeze, and the stream ran with a soft burble. Fish swam up and down in the cool, clear water. A large, plump one, moving languidly, coming dangerously close to the surface. SPLASH! A golden brown flash broke the surface of the water. Fingers closed…
Content Type:
Embarassment/Humiliation, Only One Naked
5,336 words (~30 minutes reading time)
Rubber bounced off paving as Lisa ran across empty city streets under the cover of darkness, clutching a dead phone in her right hand. Apart from the black running shoes on her feet, she was entirely naked. The movement of her unsupported breasts and the feel of the breeze on her skin kept her quite…
Content Type:
Embarassment/Humiliation, Only One Naked
2,544 words (~14 minutes reading time)
She couldn’t allow herself to panic and freeze up. Right now, Lisa had to act. Unless she wanted to be arrested for breaking and entering, she had to move. Could they also charge her with public indecency? Best not to find out. Lisa grabbed the bag that Debra had been carrying and used it to…
Content Type:
Embarassment/Humiliation, Only One Naked, Romance/Friendship
4,330 words (~24 minutes reading time)
Debra heard a knock on the door. Hoping that it was finally Lisa, rather than Shelly or Claire returning once more to report their lack of success at finding her, she sprung from her chair and quickly pulled it open. She was getting tired of doing this for Shelly and Claire, but should it actually…
Content written on November 17, 2022 by FinchAgent
Story Title:
Content Type:
Embarassment/Humiliation, Only One Naked, Romance/Friendship
3,078 words (~17 minutes reading time)
“Let’s begin, shall we,” boomed the voice of Prof Galloway, as she and Lisa entered the classroom. “Sara, please take a seat in the middle of the class, and we’ll begin.” The shock of walking into a room full of art students in her birthday suit was enough to make Lisa momentarily forget that the…
Content written on November 10, 2022 by FinchAgent
Story Title:
Content Type:
Embarassment/Humiliation, Only One Naked, Romance/Friendship
4,032 words (~22 minutes reading time)
Colin led Lisa on a winding path through the trees and up to another break in the fence, looking over his shoulder every now and then to ensure she was keeping up. Lisa maintained her crouch, kept her arms firmly crossed over her breasts, and gave him a withering look every time his gaze lingered…
Content Type:
Embarassment/Humiliation, Only One Naked
3,349 words (~19 minutes reading time)
Lisa was late for class. Her Classics lecture was going to start in five minutes, and she was on the other side of campus. She had been chatting with some new friends she’d met in Linguistics during her free period, and had completely lost track of time, until Kevin mentioned he needed to get going…
When Shelly returned to the roof carrying the various items of clothing that Lisa had thrown off, she found that Debra and Claire had exchanged outfits. Claire now wore Debra’s skirt, and Debra was as naked as Lisa. “She’s going to try it ‘skyclad’ this time,” Claire said, taking her leggings from Shelly’s arms. “Something…
“Explain to me again why we had to wait for a full moon to do this,” Shelly asked Debra. “And why do we… have to be… outside?” added Lisa, through clothing-induced grimaces. “Just… trust me, okay,” was Debra’s unsatisfactory answer. “You do want to be able to wear clothes comfortably again, don’t you?” Lisa nodded…
Content written on September 16, 2022 by FinchAgent
Story Title:
Content Type:
Embarassment/Humiliation, Forced Exposure, Only One Naked
4,149 words (~23 minutes reading time)
This chapter contains a hazing scene. Reader discretion advised. Walking naked across campus felt surreal, in a wholly different way from the streaking across it. If not for all the physical sensations, Lisa would have fully believed she was dreaming. Her three friends arranged themselves around her in a protective shell, for which she was…