Here are some more pictures of Emi from ReaderMan’s story “The Resort Ambassador”. They are from the chapter “Monday – Part 1”.
Luckily, and as we expect, most of these images are NSFW.
Picture 1
“Hang on tight!” Brandy yelled as she started the motorcycle and took off gently down the street. I noticed that everyone was watching us. I hated being on display like this, hoping that not too much was showing from the back. Brandy picked up speed, causing the high-pitched sound of the bike to draw more attention. We accelerated, causing heads to turn our way.
Picture 2
I wondered if Brandy was even going over the speed limit, which was both welcome and dreaded. Getting this over with sooner would be good, without getting stared at. I just gripped Brandy’s abdomen, feeling the woman’s large breasts resting on my arms. The vibration of the bike on my pussy was an unexpected sensation.
Picture 3
Brandy turned onto the highway and accelerated… causing me to grip even tighter. I started to question my life choices as we blasted down the highway. A minute later we moved into the opposite lane briefly as we passed by a slow-moving vehicle, no doubt, mooning the driver.
“Sorry!” I apologized for the rude display. I knew there was no way he would hear me, but it needed to be said.
Picture 4
Back on the highway, Brandy opened up, and I felt free as a bird as the bike flew along the street. I had never been so turned on in my life. However, a couple of minutes of speeding down the highway, with strong wind, was enough to cool me down and give me doubts as we approached the outskirts of the residential area.
Thank you arthwys! I’m deeply flattered. These are awesome images and your 3d skills are amazing. Yes, Emi won’t forget this Monday for quite some time. It’s an epic day in her life. Love seeing some of Brandy there. And the text goes nicely with each image.
Btw… I just noticed that if I tap on your name above. That I can see all of your top level posts.
WONDERFUL artwork, Arthwys. I love how you have managed to capture the realistic motion when the riders “lean into the curve” on motorcycles. I thought the images of what Emi looked like in my head were great – but I really like your imaginative mind as well.
Props to arthwys for the lovely artwork and shame on readerman for the idea of having someone naked on a motorcycle on a highway.Having a visual of that, it just hits home how completely reckless and stupid this shit was.Emi could have left 90% of her lovely hide on this highway!
Haha… you are not the only one that didn’t like that scene Grumpy. Cave gave me an earful as well. I appreciate the concern as that means you care about Emi. I’m not feeling too shamed. I did tone it down quite a bit and all good stories have risky elements. Different ways to worry about our characters. That’s what makes them interesting.
First off, I love the images Arthwys. And unlike others, I’m not bothered by Emi being on a motorcycle in them. If that bothers me at all, it’s because in this position her hoohaa is entirely hidden. I’m a big fan of a woman’s hoohaa being visible in public. But it’s been shown to great affect in earlier images, so I give you a pass on that.
Why doesn’t it bother me that her skin is at risk on a motorcycle? Two reasons come quickly to mind:
1. She’s fictional (duh!). We writers often kill off characters. It’s the nature of the beast. It doesn’t mean that we want our friends to die.
2. ReaderMan didn’t put her on the motorcycle naked, Brandy did. What better way to quickly convey to us what matters to this woman (Brandy) than through such an action. This is ‘show, don’t tell’ at it’s finest.
I too am bothered by the risk to Emi’s person in this scene. And that’s as it should be. Even though Emi is fictional, she matters to me. I want her to suffer some extreme embarrassment, but I want her to come out the other end, emotionally and physically intact. But I like realizing that we don’t always get what we want, especially not when it comes to fiction. Quality fiction, especially. This scene made me ‘feel something.’ That, in my mind, is the hallmark of great fiction.
Again, thanks Arthwys!!
BPCLavel wrote: ” I’m a big fan of a woman’s hoohaa being visible in public.”
I KNEW I liked you for some reason. Now I know what it is. ROFL
Agreed. That was very funny. Thank Blair… haha
Amazing work, Art! Thank you.
Yes, I objected quite strongly to having a naked woman sitting on a motorcycle behind the driver who is in full protective gear. The helmet is in this case better left off. I don’t think Emi would benefit from surviving a fall on the highway at speed. However, as I think Blair and others did, we can suspend our disbelief for a moment and accept that the writer would keep and kept Emi unharmed.
Thanks a lot for all the positive feedback! I am very happy that you seem to like the images. This encourages me to continue, and hopefully next time it doesn’t take that long for any new pictures. But family, job (and also a newly discovered hobby) doesn’t leave too much time for it. But I try to improve here.
After those comments, I’m kind of glad it wasn’t my idea to put a naked Emi on a motorcycle. When reading this chapter, my first thought was how dangerous this would be if anything goes wrong. But danger aside, I also thought this was very sexy, that’s why I made these images.
But of course ReaderMan is right, if we didn’t care about Emi, we wouldn’t worry about her so much. Which means, she came to life for us. And that’s an incredible achievement for a writer.
I take all the blame. I never should have let Brandy do it. But she’s a hard one to control. I mean, we all know that Brandy is a thrill seeker, that she grew up on a farm and that she loves bikes. But it’s good that she left most of that crazy stuff in the past. Still, I like to think that when she’s being careful, that Emi is likely in good hands. Not that I had any choice in the matter!
Ahh memory lane. At the time Brandy was dating this girl.
Life is stranger than fiction, right? Or maybe its the other way around.