I am quite fascinated with computer animation / CGI, so I thought I give it a try. As I like the story “The Resort Ambassador” very much, I decided to use some motifs from it, namely Emi pulling a rickshaw. I am an absolute beginner with CGI, so please excuse any flaws in the pictures.
NEW PICTURES! NSFW (tap to view)
Those are fantastic images! Thank you so much arthwys! I am deeply honored and now deeply inspired. No more lazy afternoon for me! Back to writing! Onward forward…
Great images! They look really time consuming, but maybe they aren’t quite as bad in that regard as I am imagining. I suppose the program at least fills in the shadows. Just look at all the shadows on Emi’s skin! These must be a bit like the images that one of the guys (the name escapes me) drew of Emi on his tablet. In other words, this is the story coming to life in not just one, but TWO ways!
Good work! I like the eye contact with the viewer in the second image. One wonders what the naked girl is thinking.
I don’t mean to step on her (bare) toes but this is just a coincidence: I’ve completed my homage to SliceReality (who I’m still communicating with):
This is really an amazing collection of SliceRealitys pictures. There are even some I haven’t seen on his DeviantArt-Account. Great!
Some are too explicit for deviantart so Slice sent them to me personally.
BTW, he gets the feeling deviantart will soon crack down on any kind of nudes, which would be a shame.
I think it has already started. DeviantArt is banning more and more artists. Some of them have founded a new website called https://artuntamed.com/
That’s where I have posted my pictures, by the way.
Well done. Those are awesome pictures. It’s nice to see the characters come to life.
NEW PICTURE! NSFW (tap to view)
Emi wishes you all a Happy New Year!!
Happy new year Emi!
Happy New Year, Emi Girl #9!
Thank you very much for your kind comments! This really motivates me to continue. However, as I mentioned before, I am a beginner with this computer graphics stuff, so it will probably take a while before I have anything new to post.
Here are the last two pictures of this series:
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Emi with Rickshaw 3
Emi with Rickshaw 4
These are awesome. You can see the embarrassment in Emi’s face as she’s pulling the rickshaw and the passenger is clearly enjoying the ride. Nice that you also added the passenger’s view.
Happy new year Emi!
Thank you arthwys! Once again you have made my day. These really inspire me to write. You are awesome!
Although I wrote a few days ago, that I have posted all pictures of Emi pulling a rickshaw, here is an additional one. It is supposed to be the first picture in this series.
NEW PICTURE! NSFW (tap to view)
Emi is told to pull the rickshaw
Another great image. Thank you. With all these motivating images, the next chapter is going to rock!
Thank YOU for the inspiration!
NEW PICTURE! NSFW (tap to view)
another passenger
Thanks artwys. I now think of your handle as ‘art’ ‘wise’
I’m working hard with Emi, but I am behind schedule. It’s a big chapter that I was hoping to post part 1 in Jan and part 2 in Feb.
I suddenly had this need to leap forward a bit to flesh out certain parts of Part 2. I’m currently in part 2 scene A. I need a couple days with that and then I will go back to finishing off Part 1. Plus I need to time to do an edit pass.
This is roughly where we are at with the next chapter:
Part 1
scene A: 98%
scene B: 35%
Part 2
scene A: 15%
scene B: 10%
This is a very important chapter with lots of interesting moving parts so I’m taking the time to do it right. I’m feeling good about the entire chapter right now and am currently writing this morning before work.
I don’t really like the idea of splitting up this huge chapter, but I guess I must. Huge chapters are not trending well these days. So likely I’m still going to do part 1 and part 2 releases separately. However, I reserve the right to change my mind.
I like your image of Emi a lot. You rock!
Nice to hear about progress with The Resort Ambassador.
Though I can guess many people are anxiously awaiting the next chapter, and fan service is a thing, I think you should do what’s best for the story. Or what’s best for you or your writing. Just my 2 cents.
Thank’s Cave. That’s good advice. There is still a fair chance it will just be one big Emi post. The mid-cut cliffhanger might be fun, but I think that might leave the next part starting a little cold without all the recent activity fresh in our minds, when the part 2 is posted. This particular chapter has a larger arc and it would be nice to keep it together.
I can always start doing smaller chapters after this particular chapter is posted.
Unfortunately, I have been dragging my heels with editing, and the next post has grown to be entirely too large. So I’ve decided to break it up. For the next three Saturdays, in the evening, there will be new posts about Emi, The Resort Ambassador. The first post will be on Feb 27th, followed by March 6th and March 13th. It’s an important section. I want to do it right. The extra time will help.
Thank you for the timeline of the next new installments. Looking forward to it.
Sounds great! Something to look forward to.
Given all the developments, I keep checking here for more Emi images. As she moves into Mailgirl territory, I am thinking the possibilities will be endless! I’m sure these are time consuming. I just want you to know that, like ReaderMan, you have fans!
Now I am very flattered! Thank you for your nice comment.
Yes, it is true, Emi as mailgirl opens up endless possibilities. But as I mentioned before, I am very new to 3D computer graphics, so sometimes things take very long to finish, not because they are generally so time consuming, but because I lack the experience.
However, I have already finished some images of Emi as a mailgirl. I will soon publish them, but I would like to keep it in-sync with ReaderMan’s story.
I think I took the story rather seriously but seeing it visualized it’s a pretty funny scenario. Reminds me of when Zero Mostel bought Lee Meredith on a whim and Gene Hackman was the only person who saw the problem with it.