Written by Barelin and edited by Megansdad
This story is a work of fiction. Please delete previous versions published. Based on a meme from the website Nude World Order from September 2020.
Figure 1 The Inspiration for this story: Nude World Order – Early Bird Comments
Early Misunderstanding
During the initial implementation of laws promoting public nudity in the State of Franklin, it was becoming common to observe how this unique lifestyle choice would draw the attention of others, especially in contrast to those who were fully clothed. Tianna Dorsey knew of Mendini, Lambert, and Locke Associates’ strict dress code policy against public nudity unless directed. However, circumstances changed after some early misunderstanding of the violation of the Environmental Protection and Reduction Act (EPRA).
I will tell you how I found myself in this situation that resulted in me violating the state EPRA law on public nudity. I need to go back more than a month ago when completing my state driver’s license, late at night online after a long flight. The picture is one of many of me reposted on social media. It’s of me unmistakably naked, walking down the busy sidewalk from the office tower. I am unmistakably nude, forbidden by the courts to cover my body under any conditions.
I loved to be the center of attention; however, I just wanted to crawl under a rock and hide. Never one who was comfortable walking anywhere with people staring at every bit of my body when outside the comfort of privacy. That includes when the weather is downright freezing, not allowed to conceal my body with cold-weather gear that is not transparent.
The government has made provisions in the law that would allow some protective gear during those periods of the year to protect the skin. I recall my parents talking about the approval by the state legislators of the EPRA law. It is to promote public acceptance of our natural bodies for environmental openness. I had heard people talking at school that the controversial law had passed. The public if she was seen at the mall unless she was there as a security guard after it closed.
I was aware that the state is increasingly aggressive in promoting acceptance of our natural bodies. I have worked for Mendini, Lambert, Locke, and Associates Law Firm. I have read the law while studying to become a paralegal. After my grave mistake, my concern was that my employer would simply fire me.
A little over a month ago, I flew to California to visit my grandparents. After the California visit, I took a late flight back home; it was after midnight when I finally stepped into my apartment. For whatever reason, I felt I was awake enough to submit the renewal of my driver’s license. I work for a group of lawyers, so I should know better than to sign anything when not in a sound mind. In my mind, it would only be a few clicks of the mouse and renewed for another four years. I remember skipping several additional options asking if I wanted to register to vote and other social things.
Since I wasn’t paying much attention to what I clicked, I just answered all the required fields until I got to the payment page. I recall that the renewal was more expensive than I thought. I just paid for it and went to bed. That morning I didn’t expect to find several emails with nude images in my inbox. Welcome to the lifestyle from the state Department of Environmental Protection and Reduction. Not thinking much of it and wanting it out of my inbox, I simply moved the email to the archive folder and forgot about it.
Occasionally I would receive items in the mail that I tossed unopened on the table addressed from EPRA but didn’t toss out to possibly look at later. On the edge of my table are stacks of unwanted mail. I should stop here and say I screwed up. Someone who works as an interim paralegal assistant during the day, I should have known better. I attended night classes in person and online at the local community college to get my paralegal degree.
I should have read the emails and stuff that arrived, and I would have had the chance to reverse the early morning decision during the 30-day grace period to remain clothed. Now that it is past the month at the end of last week. I am now required to be clothing-free since that day. I found out the hard way and returned to the office after lunch. The paralegal who worked under Ella Knight told me I needed to go to the conference room.
In the conference room were two unclothed officials in only an armband with the initials EPRA and a lanyard with a state badge. Thankfully I work for a law firm, and the lawyer popped his head in as the officials were about to ask me my name. Aaron Zimmerman, the lawyer that popped in, took over the conversation. They told him there was an outstanding warrant for my arrest for failing to comply with the state EPRA law.
The official handed the lawyer the outstanding warrant, “We need to take Tianna Dorsey in for processing.” Mortified, I was read my rights and walked out in handcuffs by the two naked officers. Before exiting the conference room, Aaron told me my rights and that a lawyer will meet me at the processing center. It was embarrassing handcuffs and led to the freight elevator near the back loading dock to the patrol car.
They brought me to the county sheriff’s office a few towers away to see Officer Adriana Diaz, who wasn’t wearing an armband, just her lanyard. The officer told me that I violated the EPRA state section 14:106 compliance with the law concerning the disposal of all bodily coverage. That includes but is not limited to, clothing (except for approved cold-weather gear), towels, and upper bedding (blankets, quits, and top sheets).
You may keep, but not use, family heirlooms such as quilts handcrafted by an ancestor. I needed to remove my clothes immediately to comply with the law. Tears ran down my face. I was at a loss for words on what to do as I began fumbling with undoing the buttons on my blouse after taking off my blazer. I was down to my slip, bra, panties, and stockings. Our law firm has several offices scattered around the metro area.
As Robin Fisichella introduced herself as my lawyer from the firm when she entered the room, she said, “Please continue undressing so it can be disposed of in the bin by the door.” Thoughts of shame upon my family and friends swept over me as I began unclasping the bra straps, the last thing I had left. I felt every muscle in my body freeze up when I tried to walk over to the trash bin to dispose of my clothes. Somehow I managed to return to the table, and feeling my bare butt on the cold metal chair nearly sent me flying to the ceiling.
Watching the nude lawyer taking the seat next to me, the lawyer told me she was familiar with the new lifestyle law. I sat there shaking from both the coldness of the room and the situation. Several documents from her briefcase began briefing me on the charges they filed against me. When reading the following law about noncompliance, the judge may rule more favorably that I removed all my clothes when asked.
As I read the charges the state filed against me, I kicked myself for not reading anything. My other worry was my job. I have been working for about six months since graduating from high school. My strict father has expressed how he feels about public nudity. I kept glancing at her body as if she was unaware of exposing the most intimate parts of her body to me as she talked. I subconsciously selected yes, which prevented me from reading that email or document. I could never be brave enough to live and work in the nude.
I was speechless as she pulled out the Department of Motor Vehicle registration documents with the checkmarks selecting the option to live and be naked everywhere in the state, country, and all other international countries that recognize the lifestyle. Then she showed me what duration options I selected – six months. Seeing only six months, I was relieved that I would be able to hang onto some of my dignity.
That excitement was short when my lawyer told me to be in front of Judge D William Carey in the morning at eight. She pointed down at the bracelet. Lift her legs and provide me with a better view between her legs. There was no way to hide my embarrassment after seeing that. She told me to rethink everything about our bodies and look at our skin as the only clothes we will ever wear. While I was taking some deep breaths to ease my nervousness, the arresting officers entered the room. I sat there listening to my lawyer and the officer talk about me.
The judge could sentence me to total nudity without the possibility of covering my body for as little as five years or for life on the justification I failed to comply with the law. My lawyer told me about the early misunderstanding when I mistakenly checked ‘yes’ on the application, but the officers were unfazed. I suspected the officers had heard all of the excuses. The officers told my lawyer that the prosecutor and the judge felt I was at risk of slipping on clothing after leaving there.
They needed to detain me for the night in a specially designed holding cell for people who have violated the nudity law. After the two officers left – maybe it was still possible to go back home – I was told no, to stay there, then they told me something as I was all tensed up again. “Let all the tensions leave your body. You’re the same person with the same body missing its wrapping.” The words stuck with me till I was in the holding facility.
A Guard named Nancy said, “You’re going to spend the night in an EPRA holding cell made of clear acrylic two inches thick and is visible by the general public as it is outside and connected to the jail by a clear acrylic walkway. Even the toilet and sink are clear acrylic. The cell is temperature controlled to prevent the walls from fogging up,” I was handed a small clear bag with a small toothbrush, paste, and a hair comb.
Getting closer, I could see seven ladies, all nude, divided between five cells. The door closed and locked behind me once I had entered the cell., I kicked myself even more for not reading the material into this mess. I felt violated getting myself to the top transparent bunk. I felt my skin crawl with the embarrassment on display. Put in a cell occupied by two nude ladies, one Asian and the other Latino.
How I managed to sleep on the hard surface, the sound of clinking keys together woke me up. A different nude guard took us back inside the main building to the common area, where I saw a water hose and several bars of soap. Feeling the cold blast of water hit my skin was awakening. After the initial hosing off, we didn’t wait to begin soaping down.
I could see the other’s nudies also felt degraded being on display before several cameras. I later found out everything is broadcasted live on the prison website. With the final blast of cold water, the guards led us back to our presently warmer cells lit by blue lights around the edges of the ceiling the guards told were heating lamps. I didn’t learn anything about the others in the cells with me. We all helped each other with our hair and braided my hair, all somewhat presentable in the courtroom.
I noticed my lawyer with three others, mine lawyer being the only one nude. Extremely relieved leaving that detention center, still feeling degraded after the very public shower. I felt underdressed stepping into the courthouse part of the building when my lawyer reminded me to act like I was in what I took off yesterday. It was unsettling seeing all those people watching our naked bodies.
She asked me to remain quiet until we were in the council room leading to the courtroom. She briefed me on what to say before the judge. I was trying to envision myself fully dressed in the best garment I have ever owned. The lawyer covered my options of pleading guilty or not guilty and the different outcomes. She thinks the judge might be forgiving in his decision regardless of my plea. She would ask that I get no fines and release.
The judge may allow me to return to wearing clothing after submitting the necessary documents to the state to get that ‘yes’ mark changed on my renewal application which could take up to six months. The courts would allow me to get dressed again if they dismissed all charges. I would still be required under the EPRA law to remain nude for almost four and a half months until the initial six months are over.
I just closed my eyes and thought of myself standing before my parents and friends and telling them about my ordeal. Entering the courtroom was very unsettling by its size and the number of people in the back. I noticed my parents and older sister sitting as I entered. My parents were smiling at me when I saw them, and my sister with a huge grin. The court officer led me, with my lawyer, to the second bench next to the other nudes.
They’re nervous about listening to the judge hear the woman before me plea not guilty. He released her under the understanding that she would remain nude for the remainder of her two-year term with additional two years of suspension and be allowed to wear clothes restored. Next was my turn to stand before the judge, and I was nervous hearing all the charges brought against me.
I pleaded not guilty under the guidance of my lawyer. The Judge asked if I recall receiving the initial email and the package mailed registered mail to my address. I replied, ‘yes.’ After seeing the nude images, I sent them to the archive folder and forgot. About the package, your honor, I noticed the label after signing for it but thought it was a mistake. Until yesterday, I did not remember selecting ‘yes’ to that question on my driver’s license renewal application. I placed the package with all my junk mail on the table and forgot about it, your honor. The judge didn’t seem convinced and asked me to explain the situation further.
I explained that I didn’t read the question correctly and had clicked on “Yes” by mistake due to the time it was after a long flight. The judge listened carefully but told me I needed to remain nude, as I had agreed to this option on her driver’s license form. I looked up at the judge, tears streaming down my face. “Your Honor, I made a mistake and never intended to agree to be nude. Please have mercy on me.”
The judge paused for a moment before making his decision. The judge said, “I listened to your plea and did not intend to agree to be nude. Therefore, I am dismissing the charges against you. Until that ‘yes’ option is reversed, on your license renewal application, you will need to remain nude without the possibility of dressing until that date or six months, as selected on my license application form.
Walking out of the courtroom gave my first nude hug to my lawyer after we left into the passageway. My supervisor that day gave me the rest of the day to regroup after my ordeal. I wouldn’t wear clothing until my motor vehicle appeal is approved or the six months are over.
Years pass since my ordeal to thrive as a paralegal at the law firm after finishing my schooling. I never did submit my appeal to get the remainder of the six months nude reversed. Instead, I stood before the same judge under my terms, and he permitted me to remain naked for the rest of my life. In a twist of fate, I became the paralegal and later partner for my once adversary in that courtroom.
We developed a close working relationship, and their shared commitment to justice eventually blossomed into something more. We decided to get married and had a beautiful wedding surrounded by their friends and family. Our passion for justice never wanted to push for reform, especially the treatment of the nude.
Despite the challenges along the way never gave up on herself or her dreams. She learned to embrace her true identity and remained unapologetically herself. Looking back, she realized that every step of her journey had led to what it meant to be. Looking to the future, she felt grateful for the twists and turns that had brought her here.
She knew there would be more challenges to come she was ready to face them head-on, armed with the knowledge of anything that came her way. And with Robin by her side, she felt unstoppable.
The End