Adam knew that this was a bad idea.
He knew he should’ve told her the truth when she asked if the bike on the front lawn was his. He should’ve said no, that the bike belonged to Kevin, who would freak out if he found out he’d even touched it.
They’d come over to his place to work on a school project. Dawn had been crouched down in front of it.
“You like motorcycles?” he asked her.
“My dad and I used to work on them together,” she explained. “This is so cool!”
The next thing he knew, he’d volunteered to ride it, show her a few cool tricks he was working on (well, that he’d seen on TV). And in an instant, Adam was forgetting all his worries, forgetting even about impressing Dawn. The only things that mattered were him and the bike. God, he’d forgotten how good this felt.
Of course that didn’t stop this from being a bad idea.
Just as he was thinking that, he abruptly skidded and tumbled down onto the street.
As he tried to get his bearings, he looked up to see Kevin standing over him.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
Adam began to stammer out an explanation, about how Dawn had just wanted to see the bike in motion, about how he was just showing her a few things.
“I could have told you that would happen,” Kevin said as he grabbed Adam and picked him up, slamming him against the front gate.
Adam struggled against his grip. Kevin balled up his fist and hit Adam clear across the face. Adam punched back in retaliation.
Kevin hit Adam again, harder, knocking him onto the ground. Kevin kicked him in the face, then again in the gut, before leaving him there on the tarmac.
By the time Adam got up, Dawn was nowhere to be seen. No doubt she’d been freaked out by the sight of him and his older brother wailing on each other, Adam thought to himself. He sighed; he needed a plan. His parents had kicked him out, and obviously staying with Kevin wasn’t an option anymore, but he didn’t have anywhere else to go.
Without even really thinking about it, he just started walking. He found himself wandering towards the woods, and he thought for a moment, about years earlier, going camping out there with his brother. So much had changed since then, with this city, with him.
Adam started in the direction of the campground, not really understanding why, just with a feeling that something was drawing him to that spot.
Meanwhile, Julie was walking through the forest naked.
Lately, she’d been challenging herself, trying to see just how far she could make it from her clothes. The sun had set a couple hours earlier, and, though Julie, through her adventures, had found her body to be extremely resilient to low temperatures, she was definitely feeling a chill, and wondered if she shouldn’t be headed home. But as she ventured out further, she felt another, more powerful sensation coming over her.
She tried to resist the sensation, tried to remind herself that somebody might find her, that they might see what she was about to do, but it was no use. Reason had abandoned her long ago.
And so it happened that as Adam entered the forest clearing, he saw a completely naked girl leaning against a tree, bringing herself to a powerful orgasm.
Upon opening her eyes, Julie nearly jumped out of her skin. Adam couldn’t help but stare at her. Julie tried to move, but shockwaves of pleasure were still coursing through her body making it hard for her brain to tell it to do anything.
“Are…are you okay?” he asked her. “Do you need any help?”
“Um…” she responded, “no thank you.”
“I’m Adam,” he said, not sure what else to do other than introduce himself.
“So…” he said, with a deep exhale, “Are you a nudist?”
“Um…not really. I just…I mean, I like to come out here naked sometimes. So whatever that makes me,” she said. “I must seem like a total creep.”
“No, that’s cool,” he said. “That takes some serious balls.”
“So…what are you doing out here?” she asked him.
He averted his gaze slightly.
“Come on!” she said. “You caught me in about the most embarrassing position imaginable.”
“My brother kicked me out of home,” he said. Julie winced slightly, immediately regretting pushing him to spill. “So I came out here to think. My brother and I…we camped in these woods all the time when we were kids. I guess I just wanted to feel…I don’t know, really.”
He started to explain by telling her the story of why she got kicked out in the first place.
“Do you really like doing motorbike stunts that much?” she interjected.
“What do you mean?” he asked her.
“I mean, to risk pissing off your brother that bad,” she said. “What was it making it worth it?”
“I mean…there’s just no rush like it.”
“Maybe I should try it.”
“I’d like to see that,” replied Adam.
Julie suddenly felt a bit self conscious noticing him looking her up and down, and defensively sent her arms to cover her body, the left one over her chest and her right hand over her crotch.
“I could get you some money,” said Julie. “I mean, obviously, I don’t have any on me, but… well, why don’t you come home with me?”
“I…you don’t have to do that.”
“Do you have anywhere else to go?”
“I have one friend I can call. But… I don’t know, it’s complicated. That’s kinda why I came here to think.”
“It’s so late I doubt there’s anything you can do about that tonight,” she said. “Come on. You’ll catch your death of cold if you stay out here.”
It took another moment of convincing, but eventually Adam relented.
After what felt like an hour of walking, they reached a spot near the edge of the forest where Julie had hidden her clothes.
“I can’t believe you just left them out here,” Adam said.
“Better than walking back to my house naked,” noted Julie.
It was a brief walk the rest of the way, and Julie seemed a lot more confident now that she was fully dressed, which reassured Adam.
The next hurdle they had to face was sneaking into her bedroom through a second story window. Julie climbed up first, then helped Adam up once she did, before looking him up and down. “You should get out of those clothes,” she said. “They’ve been tracking mud all day.”
Julie walked over to the bureau on the other side of the room and started opening up drawers. “I don’t know if I have anything you’ll like, but you can wear whatever of mine you want.”
She looked back at him and saw a quizzical look in his eyes.
“Or you can sleep naked,” she said.
Adam didn’t answer immediately, so Julie turned around and started taking her own clothes off so she could change into what she was wearing to bed – a big T-shirt and a pair of shorts.
Adam stripped off his clothing before joining her.