Originally posted to Deviantart on June 16, 2018.
Luna’s frantic fingers danced on the iron bar as she watched the navy blue sky. She gritted her teeth as the full moon drifted behind a lonely cloud. Her eyes checked a clock that hung near a bar, decorated with fives. The big hand lurched, and a tiny smirk appeared on her face as the waters began to recede, exposing moist sand to the surface world.
Her fingers continued to tap the safety rail as she looked around the boardwalk. She bit her lip, eyes shifting in every direction. Nobody paid her any mind as Luna began walking off the pier to the sand. When she was sure she wasn’t drawing any attention, she looked towards a rock that rose from the water.
Luna kept her momentum, checking behind her as she moved. The sun was setting, and other beach goers were packing their things. As the tide fell she continued walking further and further away, until she approached the rock.
Her heart thumped in her chest, and her face began to glow red. Each step she took brought her closer to the water. She followed the falling tide away the mainland, checking behind her every few feet.
It wasn’t long before she immersed herself in the ocean, splashing her way out. When she looked ahead, a smile appeared on her face. She looked to the beach again to make sure nobody followed her. As she got closer, the disguise of distance faded and the rock no longer looked like a rock.
Sinking into the sand sat a large wooden treasure chest. Metal hinged bared their rust, while the wood carried a dark green color. There was no denying its size. The chest was big enough that Luna could comfortably fit inside.
Not that she’d want to, she had different plans.
Luna gripped the top of the chest, gritted her teeth and began to push it open. The rusted hinges resisted, but moaned in defeat against her effort. It was open, allowing Luna access to its contents.
There were no gold coins or rare jewels. Instead, a few stray swimsuits driften inside the flooded chest.
Luna’s blush felt hot as she looked back towards the beach one final time. She was still alone.
Her heart pounded in her ears as her hands reached for the back of her swimsuit. There was a tight feeling within her as the strings lost tension. With her bright red bikini top in her hand, her supple breasts greeted the setting sun in a newfound freedom.
She shoved the bikini top into the collection of swimsuits, and lowered her stance. The water enveloped her like a warm hug, but that didn’t distract her from libreating feelings. Her hands pressed and rubbed into her tender chest, earning a quiet sigh.
Luna smiled, and moved her hands further down, targeting the last of her cover. She slid the bottom half of her swimsuit down her submerged thighs. A playful giggle escaped her lips as she whisked the cloth away. Without wasting another second, she shoved it into the chest, joining her ever growing collection of swimwear.
She slammed the chest shut, and took a deep breath. Feeling the water on every curve of her naked form made her tremble and blush. The only thing she wore was a mischievous grin. Despite her body being hidden by the water, her hands found their way between her legs, covering her true treasure.
Nobody looked her way. Nobody knew what she was doing. Nobody knew how long she was doing it for, either.
A little voice screamed in her head to force that chest open and grab something. Anything. But all she did was stand there. She smiled while staring at the chest. Every thread she had sat hidden from the world.
Luna lifted her feet off the sandy floor, and began to kick. She leaned backwards and floated, letting the wind lick her exposed body above the water. A content hum escaped her lips as she allowed herself to drift. Her smile glowed as peaceful feelings foamed over in her mind.
The gentle waves splashed over Luna’s exposed skin, glowing in an orange light as the sun descended into the horizon. It shined, reflecting off the water and up to the pier, causing people to look away, and shield their eyes.
Luna giggled as she hid in plain sight. Her hands slipped away from her hips, and her legs opened. A weak voice in her head demanded she shut her thighs together, but their efforts only earned a subtle twitch. The ocean cradled her, while the sun gave it a loving warmth.
When a hand did return to her thighs, it didn’t cover. Instead, she dragged her fingertips over her soft labia. Her blush remained bright, and she curled her toes.
Luna opened her eyes, to see orange glow of the sun dipping beneath distant mountains. She hesitated, and floated upright. Darkness grew, and the ocean began pushing harder. Her arms wrapped around her soft breasts as she looked towards the treasure chest.
It was now fully submerged. Still visible, still reachable, but underwater.
She blushed as she held her position. The higher tide continued to flow back to the land. Her feet kicked to sustain her float, unable to reach the soft sands. All the while, a quiet part of her mind screamed at her, begging her to go back to the chest.
Her pulse pounded in her ears as she watched the water continued to rise. Luna swam over to the chest, and was able to stand on the lid. A smile grew on her face as her bare shoulders remained below water. Each passing second brought higher water, and withered her safety net away. Adrenaline flooded her tingling body, and her pulse accelerated as her feet drifted from the chest.
Luna couldn’t shake her smile, but she still squeezed her soft intimates. Her cover, her safety, sat below and out of her reach. She looked up towards the beach, seeing more visitors packing their things, as others prepared a bonfire.
She took a deep breath, and began to swim towards land, watching for other beach goers as she approached the large support beams of the pier. A hand drifted toward her crotch, giving a delightful squeeze as her feet reunited with sand.
Luna wasn’t sure how she’d sneak by. But she hadn’t failed yet.
Close calls are the best.