With the floodgates now open, Emily and I were pretty much going at it like rabid bunnies every day. It was like she couldn’t keep her hands off me! It was everything I had hoped for, and way more! I was having the time of my life!
Em, on the other hand, still seemed to want something more. I guess she was still perturbed at me for winning the contest a few weeks ago, and had been scheming up her own devious plan. “You know, tonight we are playing Trivial Pursuit. You wanna stay?” She was asking me.
“Sure!” I smiled at her. I’d never pass on the opportunity to spend more time with her if I could help it.
“Great! It’ll be my whole family playing with us. My parents. My little brother and sister. So, remember to be respectful around them.” She giggled.
“I know. I will.” I said chuckling. “It’s just so dang hard to be respectful with you around, always looking so cute like that!”
Emily got that blush she always gets on her face whenever I mention how cute she is. “Stop it!” She giggled, slapping my shoulder a little.
“Your parents won’t be home for another 30 minutes. Want to go up to your room for a bit?” I asked, wiggling my eyebrows at her.
“No! We were just up there an hour ago!” She complained, while laughing at the same time. “I want to do something different.”
“What do you mean? What do you want to do?”
“I was thinking. How about we put a little bet on the game tonight? A small wager. Just between you and me. Whoever gets the lowest score in the game tonight has to go naked for the other one tomorrow.”
“Hmm. I don’t know, Em. I’ve seen you naked plenty of times now. I think there should be a little more on the line than that.”
“What were you thinking?”
“The loser has to let the winner tie them up for one whole hour. Naked of course. And the winner gets to touch them however and wherever they please.” I could see her getting a look of worry and surprise on her face as I explained what I wanted.
Then she got that determined look in her eye. “Alright. You’re on! You know I’m so much better than you are at Trivial Pursuit. It’s going to be so much fun tying you up and having my way with you!”
She was right. I wasn’t very good at this game, but apparently neither was she on this occasion. The score had gone back and forth between us. At different points we were each both squarely in the lead during the game. A few times there, I got really lucky with my guesses. Her younger brother, Jimmy, ended up winning the overall game in the end. I could see that look of worry back on her face as she let me see her scorecard. Somehow, against all my luck, I had just managed to squeak a few points ahead of her at the end there. That meant I had won! Again!
The proceedings wouldn’t be happening until tomorrow though, when we knew her parents and siblings would be gone from her house. It was hard for me to keep my excitement under control, but I think I managed for the most part. I couldn’t believe I was going to get to tie my girlfriend up, NAKED!! And do whatever I want with her for a whole hour too! She didn’t know this, but this had always been a huge fantasy of mine!
I came over the next day, ready for some good, clean, wholesome fun. If I’m to be honest, I had hardly slept a wink the previous night. I was just too excited to get to do this with Em. She had this totally bashful look on her face as she answered the door for me. I could hardly wait to get started. “It’s nice you decided to dress up for the occasion, Emily.” She had on her Sunday best. This really hot, flared skirt, that came down just above her knees, and a shimmery silver sweater with long sleeves. Interestingly of all, was the white knee high stockings she was wearing. Damn did she look great!
She had that cute blush back on her cheeks as she greeted me with a kiss. “I needed to feel dressed up today.” I was so tempted to add, yeah, before you get dressed down, but I held my tongue for now. There would be plenty of time for teasing her soon.
I headed over to the couch, and kicked my feet up on the coffee table, and set down my bag. I had brought a few goodies to use on her later. She stood there in front of me, looking totally apprehensive. “Well, first things first. I can’t tie you up until you are naked.”
I could see the reservation in her eyes as she took hold of the bottom of her top. “Shouldn’t we start the timer first?”
“Nope. The timer doesn’t start until you are fully naked.” I gave her a smirk, seeing the way she was squirming to hear that.
She didn’t put up a fight though, and got to it. First she pulled off her top, and then she let her skirt fall to her ankles. I was surprised to see what she had on underneath. She had on this sexy little yellow teddy that came down to her hips and flared out, and a little matching pair of panties to go along with it. I guess she wasn’t completely hating the fact that she was doing this. She gave me a big blushing smile as she straightened herself back upright, and let me look her over in her sexy lingerie.
The teddy she was wearing had buttons on the front that ran from top to bottom, and her hands went to the top button in order to undo it. “No, wait.” I said. “Leave the rest on for now. You look really sexy. I think it’s time for me to tie you up so you can’t move anymore.”
Her shyness came back instantly as I mentioned her being tied up. “Shouldn’t we go to my room?” She asked, sounding like her mouth was getting a little dry.
“I think it’s better to do it here. There’s way more light, and it’s going to be so much fun knowing I’ve had my way with you right in your own parent’s living room.” I got up from the couch, motioning for her to come over. “Just lie down, Em. I’m in charge from here on out.” I could see a little shudder flow through her body as she heard me, but she complied, lying prone on the couch.
I produced a few strands of nylon rope from the bag I brought, and I already had a couple slip knots on the ends of each one. Two for her hands, and two for her feet. Starting near her head, I secured the rope tightly to the legs underneath the couch, and then ran them up the side. She had to put her hand above her head to reach, and then I slipped one of her wrists at a time through the openings, and pulled the knot tight. “That ok?” I asked her. “Not too tight?”
“No. It feels fine.” She answered, but I could hear how nervous she was. I didn’t even need to look at her.
With her hands now secure, I quickly did the same for her feet. We now both knew she was trapped there until I decided to let her go. This was gonna be fun!
“Emily, go ahead and try to get yourself free.” I couldn’t help grinning at her a little, knowing it was impossible.
She gave a few pulls on the ropes, and tried reaching one hand over to the other, but it was futile as I had made sure to keep her hands completely separated from one another. The rope didn’t even reach that far. Then she tried to use one of her stocking covered toes to get in between her ankle and the rope, but the knot was too tight of a fit. We both knew that she now had no question as well, that she would not be able to get herself loose without my help. I now had her exactly where I wanted her. “So, you can’t break free?” Now I could begin the teasing.
“No…” She looked up at me with those adorable baby blue eyes of hers.
“Your arms are secured up above your head, and your ankles are tied in place as well, and there’s absolutely no way you can stop me from doing whatever I want with you?” I smirked as she squirmed.
“No… I don’t think I can…” I could see her swallowing hard.
“So then, what should I do with you first…?” I paced back and forth a few times. It was all a bit of theatrics to build up her anticipation, and maybe a bit of her dread too, as I already had everything I was going to do to her all planned out.
“The timer…!” She quickly said, realizing her hour hadn’t officially started yet.
“Oh, thanks for reminding me, honey, but you know the timer doesn’t start until your clothes are completely off.” I couldn’t contain my grin as she realized I had caught her in my little trap. Now she knew I could have my way with her for as long as I wanted, as long as she still had her clothes on at least. Then I would still have a whole hour to do with her as I pleased while she was totally bare!
The look of absolute horror she got on her face was one of the most cute things I’ve probably ever seen. I menacingly stalked closer to her, giving her the wickedest grin I could give her. “Now what should I start with first?” Panic and dread were written all over her as I knelt down beside her. “I know. I’ll start with your favorite!” She gave a few tugs at her bonds as I slipped my hands up her sexy little teddy.
“NO! ERICK!” She yelled and squealed, as my fingers tickled the soft skin on her tummy. She was thrashing about, this way and that, trying her best to get away from me. Her restraints were preventing her from going anywhere, however. She even tried to turn onto her side, away from me, but I just kept right on tickling her sweet little belly, making her fidget and wiggle delightfully. At least delightfully for me.
“PLEASE ERICK!” She was reaching that begging point now. I could feel it. God how I loved to hear her beg for me to stop tickling her. “PLEASE!! I CAN’T!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!! NO! NO MORE!! HAHAHAHAHA! PLEASE JUST TAKE MY CLOTHES OFF!! PLEASE!! I’LL DO ANYTHING!!”
“You really want me to take your clothes off?” Gosh it’s so much fun to make her giggle.
She was getting to that point where she could hardly breath, so I knew she needed a break anyway. I stopped and let her have a chance to catch her breath. “I suppose I might be persuaded to stop tickling you, but what are you willing to offer in return?”
“What more could you want?” She asked, still panting. “You already have me tied up… And you’re going to take my clothes off…”
“I was thinking, my place could use a good cleaning. I think I could stop the tickling for a little while, if you agree to clean it for me from top to bottom.”
“I guess I could do that…” Some of her hair had gotten on her face, and she tried to use her lips to blow it out of the way. I reached over and brushed it out of the way for her.
“Oh, but you didn’t let me finish. I want you to clean my place from top to bottom, but I want you to do it completely naked.” I gave her a devilish grin, as she looked up at me in stunned silence.
“No, I can’t do that!!” She finally exploded in outrage.
“Fine. Back to tickling then.” I didn’t even wait for a response, and immediately dug my fingers into her sides
“NO!!! GOD, ERICK!!! PLEASE!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! FUCK!!!” She squealed and yelled, and tried to kick and thrash, but the bindings were holding her in place really well.
“You might as well give up now. I can do this all day.” I told her.
“GOD!!! HAHAHAHAHA!! FINE!! HAHAHA!! I’LL CLEAN YOUR PLACE NAKED!!!” She yelled, so I stopped.
“Good. I think you’ve earned a 10 minute break for now.” I smirked down at her, enjoying the perturbed brow she was giving me. I went and sat down across from her, watching her as she tried to catch her breath once again.
“This isn’t fair!” She complained. “I never agreed to making more deals!”
“You never said I couldn’t.” I countered, and she just pouted.
After a few minutes, I went over to undo the bottom button on her teddy. “You’re going to take my clothes off now?” She seemed to be both hopeful and petrified as she stared up at me.
“Oh no. Just this button for now. You see, once the 10 minutes are up, I’m going to start tickling you all over again. And inevitably, you’re going to start begging me to stop. Making grand offers, or agreeing to anything I want. Then I’ll let you take another little break, and pop open another button for you. This is going to go on for a while. I mean, you have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 buttons in total.” I counted each one as I pointed. “That’s a lot of things I can get you to agree to do for me.”
“You bastard!” She almost spat, but then got an apologetic look on her face. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that…”
“It’s ok, Em.” I smiled down at her. “I probably am a bit of a bastard for doing this to you. But that isn’t going to change anything or stop me. Now are you ready for more tickling?”
“No!” She shouted at me, but I wasn’t really asking for permission. Now it was easier, as her tummy was just barely starting to show with the one button open. I had her squealing for me to stop again in a minute.
“What do I get this time?” I gave her a smug grin, as she made a long face at me. I thought it might be a bit of fun to make her pick out her forfeit this time.
“I don’t know…?” She seemed to contemplate for a bit. “What if I offered to take a shower in front of you?”
“I don’t know, that’s not really worth one of your buttons, you know. I think you need more tickling to help you think.”
“No! No!” She said quickly, trying her hardest to come up with something better before I pounced on her again. “Everyday for a week!” She said.
“Everyday for a week, what?” I know I was tormenting her, but it was just so much fun to do.
“I’ll take a shower in front of you every day this week…” She answered weakly.
“That’s a pretty good offer, but I think I need to change it a little. With your parents around and your siblings, I might not be able to watch you everyday. How about instead I get to watch you in the shower any time I want, 7 times in total.”
“Ok…” She just answered, seemingly resigned.
“I think that’s worth another button.” I said, opening the next one from the bottom. I could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath, and I wanted to prolong her agony as I came closer each time to her boobs. “You know, you could always offer something a bit better, and I might agree to undo two buttons at once.” I smirked at her.
I made another movement to start up the next round of tickling, but she didn’t even give me the chance this time. “I’ll give you one blowjob a day for the next month!” She called out quickly.
“Now there’s a good offer.” I said with glee. This was turning into everything I had wanted and more, and I didn’t even have her naked for me yet! “I guess that’s worth one button.”
I reached over to undo it, but she stopped me, complaining, “Come on! That’s gotta be worth at least two!”
“Well, if you want two buttons undone, why don’t you just double the offer?”
“Ok. Ok.” She let out a small sigh. “Two months.”
“Two months, what?” I couldn’t keep the smirk off my face anymore at this point. I know I was tormenting her, but come on, it was so fun!
“I’ll give you a blowjob anytime you want for the next two months.” She answered, looking very annoyed now.
“Wow, Em!” I quickly reached over and popped open the next two buttons on her top. I didn’t want her to realize and be able to back out, before I said, “That’s way more than enough to earn you two buttons! Blowjobs for me anytime I want for the next two months!”
Her eyes went wide when she suddenly realized her mistake. “That’s not what I meant! I just meant one a day!”
“Sorry, the buttons are already open. A deals a deal.” I couldn’t help chuckling at the frustration on her face. “Do you have another deal in mind?”
“Well, I uh…” Her frustration quickly disappeared, as she tried to think real hard. “I mean, I don’t know?”
“Well then, I guess it’s time for more tickling! I know how well it helps you to think!” I got back down on my knees, tracing my fingers over her deliciously cute little belly. I don’t know what I like better honestly, tickling her bare tummy, or licking it. It’s such a tough question…
“NO!! GOD, ERICK!! PLEASE!!! HAHAHAHA!! SHIT!!! HAHAHAHA!! FUCKING…!!! HAHAHAHA!!” She was giggling under my manipulations in no time. “PLEASE, CAN’T YOU SUGGEST SOMETHING!!?” She begged through her laughter.
I still wasn’t done tickling her. It was too much fun watching the way her tummy kept raising and lowering back down to the couch as she writhed around for me. I was just going to let her think about it for a little while longer, when suddenly there was a knock at the door. “Well, now how could that be?”
Panic crossed her face, as she saw me getting up. “Wait, Erick!” She called after me.
“Don’t worry. I’ll see who it is for you. I know you’re a little tied up right at the moment.” I couldn’t stop laughing as I headed to the door. I peeked out the peephole first, just to make sure nothing was amiss. Outside I could see Emily’s best friend, along with her boyfriend standing on the stoop.
“Stacy, Bryan, hey. How are you today?” The view of the living room from Emily’s front door was obscured, so I knew they couldn’t see her as they peered in at me, but I did know we were close enough that Emily could totally hear us talking, and knew exactly who was at the door.
“Emily said I could come pick up the book I loaned her today.” Stacy explained.
“Really?” I couldn’t help having a mischievous thought. “Today, of all the days Emily could have invited you over to retrieve your book? She chose to invite you over on this day of all days?”
“Why are you talking like that? Are you ok, Erick?” Stacy asked me, looking a little confused.
“Oh, I’m just fantastic!” I turned to face my girlfriend’s general direction, shouting a little to make sure she could hear me clearly. “Oh honey! Stacy and her boyfriend have come over to visit!” Then I turned back to our visitors and said with a sly grin, “Emily’s just hanging out in the living room. I’m sure she’ll be ecstatic to see you! Come on in!”
“ERRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!!!!” I heard Emily’s panicked scream.
Great continuation. I can’t wait to see how this keeps going.
Emily really has a weak spot with the tickling. Something Erick really takes advantage of. What’s interesting is that we sense that she is on some level enjoying to gradually give up more control, but just barely.