Author’s Note: The following story is based on the Sailor Moon series, and takes place after the 90s anime. It assumes the reader has some familiarity with the series.
Content Warning: Cartoonish violence (nothing beyond what the show would do). Light arachnaphobia warning.
All characters depicted are of 18 years of age or older.
“Hnnnng…” the white cat grit its teeth and pushed the wooden chair with all his might. He dug his claws into the rug and continued to shove.
“Artemis, what are you doing?” Luna sat atop the couch as she looked down at her companion, the only other one remaining in the beach house.
“Makoto accidentally locked the door… If I could just stand on this chair, I could reach the locks.” He continued to press his shoulder into the chair, fighting and struggling for that extra inch of progress.
“Be careful not to hurt yourself,” she sighed. “How did we let things get so out of control… they’re all trapped outside like that…”
“They’ll be fine, they’ve been through much worse. We just have to make sure they have a way in,” he said, as he let his gaze climb to the black cat above him.
“Says the guy who’s getting a flea bath for ratting out his partner…” Luna narrowed her eyes and smirked at Artemis.
A sweatdrop appeared on his head. Still, a little smile survived the reminder. “Mina will forget about that soon enough. As long as we can get this door unlocked, they’ll be fine.”
“I hope so…” Luna looked over by the luggage belonging to the girls, most of the bags in a pile. They were colorful and covered in little pockets. Each one had a wand sticking out the top. “It’s just… they don’t have anything out there. What if a new enemy appears and they can’t transform?”
At this, Artemis chuckled. “I think you’re worrying a little too much. There hasn’t been a threat in years.” He kept pushing the chair toward the door.
Meanwhile, in deep space…
Billions of years through the void and the journey would reach its conclusion. Adrift from the nest, it laid sight on its prey. Eyes glowed crimson upon its path, like a starved wolf stalking a lamb. Gravity would begin the end, for he landed in the web as the hunter. Elongated legs twisted and pulled from the body as the center of burning fusion gave the warmth it missed for eons.
Its dripping fangs overflowed with ancient burning toxins. The collection of eight legs flailed like a basket of snakes as it began to grip the atmosphere. At long last, its day arrived. This world would crumble in chaos and he would be the pale rider that wrought it.
As air touched it for the first time, the hellish eyes took aim at the land that met the sun.
Back on Earth…
“Okay, so all five of us are here,” Usagi started. “We’re all naked… and we’re all locked out. We need to come up with a plan!” The petite blonde said, pointing her hand to the sky. “Okay girls, what do you got?”
Ami, Minako, Rei, and Makoto all sat on the rocks, each one as naked as can be. They covered themselves with their hands and arms, but all traded looks at each other as they thought things out.
“Ami,” Makoto started, “I remember seeing you with the towel… what happened to it?”
“Why don’t you ask Minako what happened to the towel?” Rei sneered at the blonde.
“Ah heh heh heh… let’s not focus on the past, girls!” Minako blushed and flailed her hands.
“Okay, I guess the towel’s history,” Usagi rubbed the back of her head. “What else can we do?”
“Well… Michiru was really nice to me earlier… we could try to find her,” Ami explained.
“Haruka’s here too,” Rei added. Then blush crept up on her face. “She was um… err…” she paused as the memory replayed in her mind. With each passing second, the pink on her cheeks started to scream and become vibrant.
There was a long silence.
“…Uhhh, Rei?” Usagi blinked.
“N-nothing!” Rei faked a giggle. “Um, if we find Michiru, Haruka will probably help us too!”
“There’s a bunch of surfer guys I met down the beach.” Makoto blushed as she looked at the rest of the group. “I think they like me… if I tell them I have four friends with the same problem, they might… you know, help out.”
The other four stared at Makoto for a moment with the occasional blink. Then blush started to climb up all their faces.
“S-surfer guys? S-seeing us like… like this?”
“Wait, did you meet these guys while you were naked?”
“…Are any of them cute?”
“L-look, it’s just a thought!” Makoto waved her hands defensively. “It’s just… you know, they might help us!”
“Hmm…” Usagi thought to herself for a moment. “We could try to find Mamoru… he’s here too. He’s probably wondering where I am, cause I asked him for a shirt earlier.” The twin-tailed blonde rubbed her chin. “Minako, how about you? Know anyone who can help?”
Minako stood up. “Yes, I do!” she declared as she pounded a fist into an open palm. “We’re a team of five! We’ll go up to those jerks running the volleyball court and challenge them to a 5 v 5. Then we beat them, and we all get towels!”
There was a long pause.
“Mina…” Ami took a breath. “You’re the only one good at volleyball.” Her shyness kept her arms over her intimates.
“It won’t be that bad, I almost beat them by myself! If even just one or two of you played halfway decent, we’ll win for sure!”
“Mina, the beach is packed and we’re all naked,” Makoto’s voice was flat and unamused. Her eyes sat narrow as she dismissed that silly plan.
“Ugh, this is ridiculous!” Rei threw her hands up. “Let’s just send one of us out, swipe a towel from someone, get our stuff, and return the towel before it’s missed.”
“Are you saying we should steal?” Makoto turned her head to the raven-haired girl, her eyes wide.
“That’s a great idea! I saw a whole bunch by the volleyball court! We could get one for each of us!” Minako brought a fist down to her palm.
“That doesn’t seem right… we’re in a bad spot but we shouldn’t resort to stealing…” Ami frowned, looking down at her toes as the tide rolled through the rocks.
“We have to do something,” Usagi shrugged. “Alright Rei, go get us some towels!”
“W-what? Why me!?” Rei recoiled away from the group, her face growing pale.
“Because it was your idea,” Usagi smirked, with a little giggle.
“You have long hair, so if you hold the life ring a certain way, you’ll be able to cover everything,” Makoto held the ring in front of herself, its firm shape obscuring the view of her chest and below her hips.
“M-minako could do that too!” Rei protested. “She’s probably selling body pillowcases of us and hasn’t said anything, make her do it!”
“Hey, who told you about-” Minako glared at Rei for a second, before noticing the others staring at her. She faked a giggle. “Ahem, I mean um, if I go, the volleyball guys will recognize me. They’ll make sure I don’t get anything. They’re a bunch of jerks! Ah heh heh.”
“You can’t be serious! Ami, help me out!” Rei jumped toward the blue-haired girl, hands together with shimmering eyes and a tiny smile, begging for mercy.
Ami hesitated, looking at the rocks at her feet. Then she turned to make eye contact with Rei. “I don’t think this is a very good plan…”
Rei sighed, her bare chest settled as she exhaled. “…Thank you.”
“…But you do have the best odds of making it work,” Ami continued.
“…A…!” Rei’s mouth fell as a sweat drop formed on her head. A little chorus of giggles came from the other girls. They taunted her for falling into the prison of her own design. “…Y-you’re kidding me!”
“Four to one, Rei!” Usagi giggled from behind her.
“Grrr… give me that stupid ring!” Rei snatched it from Makoto’s hands. She held it in front of her body, pressing against her humble chest and over her thighs. The inner circle framed her stomach. Her hair ran down her back as planned, providing a little modesty to her rear end. Still, she grit her teeth, as her cheeks flashed red. With nothing to cover her side profile, there was no sign of any swimwear. Her nudity could only be hidden from a few angles.
“Good luck, Rei!” Usagi giggled.
“Grr… you owe me!”
“Of course, of course, we’ll make it up to you,” Usagi waved her hand, dismissing Rei’s embarrassment.
With only a ring to cover herself with, Rei took measured steps over the rocks and moved toward the sand. She took a deep breath and scampered away. There she was, naked on the beach again. Dozens of people were in every direction. A few heads turned at the odd sight of someone running out with nothing but a life ring.
She did her best to push that out of her mind as she looked toward the towering volleyball nets. With every step she took, the hard plastic of the life ring rubbed against bare skin. If one thing was constantly on her mind, it was her total lack of a swimsuit.
The group of guys were gathered near the volleyball net. A little collection of bags sat near the pole. Rei’s heart raced as her bare feet carried her through the sand. She held her breath as she saw beach towels sitting at the top of their bags. All she needed was a distraction.
From the skies above, the harbinger of the apocalypse descended. Barely invisible to the untrained eye, the arachnid from the abyss closed in on its target. Its flailing legs took aim at the bare shoulder of one of the males near the net. It landed. The dawn of destruction began to rise, with an eerie twinkle on its evil-soaked scythes.
Rei extended a leg toward the bags, eyes watching the volleyball players. Her pulse thumped in her ears. If she was quick and quiet, they’d never know. The naked girl bent her knees and extended a hand toward the towels.
“Whoa! Bro, there’s a spider on your shoulder!”
“Rea-WHOA MY GOD!” A hand brushed the spider off his shoulder into the sand. They jumped away as it tumbled to the hot sands below.
“Ghhh!” Rei grit her teeth, she grabbed the fabric, and turned. She had her towels. Phase one of their plan was complete. Rei turned, kicking up sand as she tried to keep the life ring in front of her body. Her heart flipped around her chest as she used every drop of adrenaline that flowed through her.
As Rei fled, the volleyball players took a closer look at the spider as it tried to flee. It refused to allow billions of years adrift in the endless void to be for nothing.
“Weird spider…”
“Never seen one like it…”
Rei stumbled as she reached the rocks. She gasped as the life ring slipped from her hand. Then the raven-haired girl smiled. “I got towels!” She thrust her arm in the air, proud to display the large sheets of thick fabric.
“Alright, Rei!” Usagi cheered. “We might be able to get away with this with no problems! Gimme gimme gimmie!” She extended her hands towards Rei and did a little hop. A brilliant smile beamed as Usagi unfolded the towels and had two large pieces of fabric. She blinked, and the beaming sunlight from her face fell below the horizon. “Um… Rei… you only got two.”
“Hey, I grabbed what I could and all I had was a life ring!” she barked back.
“Girls, please!” Ami tried to wave her hands. “Let’s just make the best of this.”
“Ami’s right,” Minako crossed her arms and nodded. “We can share. Since there’s only two, that means three of us get one towel, two get the other.” Minako nodded.
Makoto blinked. “Why not just have one of us wear one and get more towels? Or go back to the beach house?”
“Do you wanna stay out here one second longer than you have to?” Minako smirked.
Blush crept over Makoto’s face. “Well, no, but I just think-”
“Then it’s settled!” Minako declared. “Now the two that share a towel will be able to cover up better than the three. So we need a fair way to determine which pair is the two. I nominate myself to be one of the two!” The blonde nodded, putting her hand on the colorful fabric.
“No way!” the others said together.
Minako shrank back and blushed. “But I’m the prettiest…”
“You know what I think?” Usagi said, looking down at Minako. She closed her eyes and crossed her arms. She pointed upward. “I think one of the two should be Ami. We were all mean to her, and she didn’t deserve to be kicked out.”
“I guess that’s fair…” Rei sighed.
Ami’s eyes widened in surprise. Soon after, she gave a small smile through her pink cheeks. “Well, I appreciate that, thank you.”
“That was… really selfless,” Makoto noted.
“And I should be with her!” Usagi declared.
“What? No way! Usagi, you let her think you weren’t really going to send her out!” Rei stomped her foot. “I’ll share with Ami.”
“Nope! I’ll share with Ami,” Minako nodded. “I’d bet she’d rather share with me!”
“Throwing her out naked was your idea!” Rei spat back.
“Um… if I could make a suggestion,” Ami started, pushing her index fingers together. Her cheeks flushed. “Both towels appear to be the same size. Mako has more…” She curled her toes. “…surface area. It’ll be much harder for everyone to cover if she’s with the group of three. So I can share with Mako. You three are smaller and would fare better if me and Mako shared.”
Makoto froze at the suggestion. Then she smiled, displaying pink cheeks. “That um… that makes sense to me.”
The other three sighed.
“She had to bring math into it…” Rei said.
“… Oh all right,” Usagi moped. She raised her fist. “But we get to use the life ring too!”
With that, Makoto and Ami took a towel while Usagi, Rei, and Minako took the other. All five were naked together and would have made for an unusual sight.
Ami and Makoto faced each other, both blushing and unable to make eye contact. Makoto unwrapped the towel to make it as wide as possible. “This should be big enough for both of us…” She bit her lip and extended the towel. “I guess we just…wrap it around us like this…” They were face-to-face. Ami pulled her arms away from herself and closed her eyes.
“W-wait!” The blue-haired girl failed her hands. “…Let’s um… choose a different position. So it’s… less awkward.” She wrapped her arms around herself out of instinct. “…Like back to back!”
Makoto hesitated, then let out a shaky giggle. “Um… g-good thinking!” She said with a sweatdrop.” Both naked girls rotated, letting their backsides face each other. Ami took hold of the towel and wrapped it around her front, and Makoto did the same. Skin made contact, causing both their rear ends to squeeze against one another. Their faces only got hotter by the second.
“W-well, I guess we should get moving…” Makoto said.
“O-okay,” Ami nodded.
Usagi, Rei, and Minako, meanwhile, held the towel as wide as they could. The fabric strained as they attempted to wrap it around three bodies, despite the fact their figures were all fairly lean. Their naked bodies squeezed and pressed against one another, only making it more awkward.
“Ah! Usagi, you stepped on my foot!”
“Calm down, we have to figure out how to move like this!” Usagi said.
“How about me and Rei each have opposite sides, and you hold the life ring, Usagi?” Minako pointed to her hair. “We’ll have our hair cover our backsides, you hold the ring to cover yours, while we hold the towel in front of us.”
“Oh yeah! Good thinking!” Usagi chirped. She picked up the life ring and held it in front of her petite, bare figure. “Okay, got it,” Usagi gave a firm nod, but then her jaw dropped. “Hey! What are you two doing?”
Minako and Rei were standing closer together, the towel wrapped around both their bodies. They blushed, awkwardly standing side by side. They looked at each other and moved to follow Ami and Makoto.
“Hey! Get back here!” Usagi gasped and ran to give chase. “We’re supposed to share!”
All five girls were soon on the sand sharing towels, and one with nothing but the lifeguard ring. Ami and Makoto took awkward steps as their back ends pressed and rubbed against each other. Rei and Minako could keep track of their direction, but that allowed the sides of their chests to rub one another. Usagi had nothing but the life ring, and it framed her stomach while barely covering her intimates. The golden twin tails didn’t cover her backside like the others did.
“Just keep moving, and we’ll get out of this!” Rei declared.
Further along the endless dunes, the hellspawn beast fled. Billions of years would be for nothing if a pitiful brush of fingers would end its journey. It needed a host. Anything its molten fangs could pierce would work. A colorful orb sat in front of it. Its frantic legs scattered as it began to scale the rubber.
The odd, plastic surface was easy enough to cling to. There was no choice. The hour of reckoning had come. It bared its fangs once more and pierced the surface. A sinister red glow began to flow over the object. Its body matched, and molded, sinking in and becoming one.
The surface of the orb began to bubble and mold. Larger surfaces began to grow. Its size began to expand as arms and legs started to extend from its body. The ends of each arm formed into cannons while glowing red eyes slipped open on the front of the beast.
“Beach…” Its voice was low, gurgling, and menacing. It carried over the dunes as a cold silence took over the beach.
A few volleyball players turned, and their faces flipped in pure shock.
“BALLS!” A deafening roar echoed over the sands.
“What the hell is that!?”
“Whoa! Let’s get out of here!”
“Everybody run! There’s a monster on the beach!”
The Beach Ball Beast raised its arm cannons and began firing its beach balls into the air. Panic overtook the beach as beachgoers of every kind fled in panic, screaming as the monster began a war path.
All five girls turned their heads toward the source of the sound.
“What was that?” said Minako.
“I sense an evil aura!” said Rei.
“I don’t know, but we better check it out!” Usagi declared.
“L-like this?” Ami protested.
“I guess we don’t have a choice,” Makoto added. “Um… Ami, are we going the right way?”
The shorter girl blushed as her fingers clung to the towel. “I think so…”
As the Beach Ball Beast stomped, it threw sand into the air. “Mmmm Beach Balls!” it roared, launching its namesake out of its arm cannons. It knocked over umbrellas, it demolished sand castles. An ice cream stand flipped on its side, spilling its contents into the hot sand. The dawn of destruction had only just begun. There would be no end to its rampage until all that remained was smoking ash.
One unfortunate surfer stumbled, losing his balance and crashing into the ground. He scrambled to try to escape as the shadow of the beast caught up with him. His eyes shivered as the cannon took aim.
“Ahhahaha….. D-don’t hurt me! Please!” He put his hands over his head and cowered.
“Stop right there!”
“Hmm?” The beast turned and saw five figures with brilliant sunlight behind them. The entire group stood in line with one in the center holding a life ring in front of herself. On each side was a pair of girls holding a towel in front of themselves. Each glared at the monster with narrow eyebrows. And a hint of blush coated each of their cheeks.
“Sandcastles are carefully crafted works of art that take hours to perfect. Ruining the hard work of others is unforgivable!” Usagi lifted one hand from the ring, pointing at the monster.
The surfer looked both ways and scrambled to his feet. With the last civilian getting far from sight, the monster looked at the group of girls. It raised its arm cannon to take aim.
“Girls, let’s show this weird beach ball thing who it’s messing with! Time to transform!” Usagi thrust her arm to the sky.
“Right!” They nodded in unison.
The monster held its stance, its eyes glowed with a fierce flame as it maintained a staredown with the defiant girls before it. All five may have appeared unarmed, but it knew there was something different. Determined glares took aim instead of revealing fear.
There was silence.
The wind nudged a beach ball along the sands behind the monster. It gave a slow blink and tilted its head. Then it waved its arm cannon in a small circle as if expecting something.
“…Does anyone have their wand with them?” Usagi said as she kept her arm raised. More blush dusted her cheeks.
“Errr…” a uniform collection of sweat drops rolled down the heads of each of the very naked girls.
“Uh oh.”
“BEACH BALLS!!!” It raised its arm cannon and fired. The plastic inflatable rushed out of its cannon, bolting toward them.
Ami’s eyes widened as she stood in the path. “Ahhh!” The ball crashed into her head.
All four of the other girls turned their heads. Time seemed to crawl as Ami lost her grip on the towel. Her feet kicked up sand. Hot sunlight danced over her naked form. Arms flailed. She collapsed in a heap, face up, eyes lost in the sun.
Usagi’s eyes widened in horror. “…A-ami! No!”
Makoto fell to her knees and her heart raced. “Ami! Are you alright!? Ami, say something!” She put a hand behind Ami’s head and gripped her hand. “Please…!”
The blue-haired girl blinked before she lifted her body upright. She rubbed her forehead and gave everyone an odd look with her eyebrows raised. “…That wasn’t so bad.”
“…Did it hurt?” Rei asked.
“I think it was just a regular beach ball,” Ami said, as she accepted Makoto’s hand. She rose to her feet and brushed some sand off her legs. “Just… really fast.” She looked at the brunette. “Sorry you got so worried, Mako,” she blushed.
“Well then, maybe we don’t need our wands. Let’s get him, girls!” Usagi shouted.
“Right!” they said in unison.
Usagi rushed at the monster, kicking sand in her wake as she gripped the life ring. “Moon Tiara… I mean… Ring Tiara… Life Ring… oh forget it, action!” She whipped the ring, sending its colorful spinning shape flying at the monster.
The monster fired its cannon and a beach ball crashed into the ring, deflecting it off its path.
Makoto clenched her fist and charged. “This is for everything you ruined!” She threw a punch into its rubbery body. It sank before the monster reflected the attack. Her fist bounced off and sent the naked brunette spinning as she tumbled into the sand.
Rei rushed toward the monster and jumped off a lounge chair, trying to kick the monster. “Hyaaaa!” Her foot sank into its body. The raven-haired girl blinked and looked to the others with wide eyes. “Uh… what’s happening!?” With a sudden “boing,” it launched her, sending her naked body flailing until it crashed into the sand.
“Beach Balls!!!” It roared and aimed its cannon at Ami once again and fired.
The blue-haired girl’s eyes shimmered as she braced for another attack.
“Ami! Bump it! Put your wrists together!” Minako shouted as she took a stance at her side.
“R-right!” Ami brought her hands together and swung upward at the ball. It bounced, knocking the blue-haired girl off balance and making her tumble in the sand. The beach ball rose into the air.
“Sailor….” Minako leaped into the air, letting the sunlight fully wrap around her naked figure. Her fair skin seemed to almost shine under the midday sun. “Spike!” She slapped the beach ball back at the monster and bounced it off his face.
“Ghh,” it’s clumsy feet staggered. It shook its head and roared. “Beach Balls!!!”
The blonde took a stance and glared at the monster. “Everyone, I’ll keep him busy! You go get your wands!” She maintained a staredown with the beast. “…Oh, and somebody get mine!”
“I’m not leaving you alone!” Usagi stood next to the other blonde.
Makoto shook off the daze and rose to stand with the other girls. “Me neither! We can take him!”
“One of us has to get the wands!” Ami noted.
Four of the girls turned to Rei.
The raven-haired girl looked at each of them as they looked at her. She blinked and stomped her foot as she blushed. “Are you all serious right now!?”
“BEACH BALLS!” The monster roared and it put its arm cannons together. This time, some kind of flickering energy formed between the two.
“Watch out, he’s doing something new!” Minako gasped.
The glowing energy burst from the cannons and barreled toward the girls. It took the shape and spread, taking the form of a giant beach ball net.
“Whoaaaaa!” The girls screamed as they tumbled before the net wrapped around them, bringing all five of their bodies to squeeze together in a mess of tangled naked limbs.
“Ugn…nhhh… I can’t move!” Usagi gasped. She found herself pinned at the front, her arms stuck to her sides by the tight net. She was unable to cover her humble chest, or even reach between her legs. Everything she had to hide was exposed to the beach in front of her. Her vulnerable position even bore her naked folds to the world. “Ahhh! I can’t cover up either!”
Rei and Minako were left face to face. Their breasts pressed against each other, and their thighs seemed to tangle. Neither was able to shift in the tight formation.
“I’m stuck!” Rei hissed. “Wait, I think I can move my leg!”
“Wait that’s…” Minako’s face surged with blush. “W-whoa whoa whoa, Reiiii” She clamped her thighs around Rei’s. “Rei, stop!” She pushed her own thigh between Rei’s.
Rei’s eyes bulged as red surged to her face. “Mina, what are you doing!?”
As the two long-haired girls struggled, the blue-haired girl was left in a worse position. Somehow in the chaos, Ami wound up upside down. Her legs flailed as her arms were pressed against her hips. One foot settled atop Usagi’s head. Everywhere she looked, she saw another set of bare thighs, blocking her view of everything else. “W-what’s going on!?”
This left Makoto in an awkward position of her own. With her being in the back, her backside squeezed against the net and presented itself to anyone behind her. Like the others, her arms were pinned to her sides. She was belly to belly with Ami, giving her a very clear view between her naked friend’s thighs. Makoto looked in front of her with giant eyes and a boiling blush.
Ami was smooth.
“Ghh… hnnng!” Usagi struggled. “Can anyone move?”
“Stop moving your leg!”
“You stop moving yours!”
“I can’t see!”
“S-smooth. So… smooth…”
Usagi’s face fell flat as a sweatdrop rolled down her head. This wasn’t going well. And then a shadow loomed over the group.
A cannon took aim at the girls. “BEACH BALLS!” The monster fired, launching a colorful ball at the entangled group.
“Waaaaahhhh!” Usagi braced herself.
There was no impact. Something whistled through the air and intercepted the ball. It landed in the sand, as a red rose sat embedded in the rubber. The air began to whistle out a tight opening as it deflated.
Usagi turned, and her eyes shimmered with newfound hope.
“The beach is a place meant for fun and relaxation,” said a muscular man. Shadows cast over him as he blocked the sunlight. “How dare you bring chaos to such a peaceful place!”
“It’s Tuxedo Mask!” Usagi squealed.
The shadows faded, revealing the man. He stood in little but a black speedo. Their savior stood toned as a light twinkled from the lens of his sunglasses. Wind played with the short curls of his ebony hair.
“Is that really him?”
“Wait a second, where’s the tuxedo?”
“Uhh…” He took a moment to look at the others. “…You girls don’t usually have a problem with this… but that thing is not comfortable in this kind of weather.”
Usagi’s cheeks turned pink as she looked over her savior’s firm figure. The blonde pressed her toe into the sand and made a small twist. “I’m not about to complain…” She squeezed her thighs together.
“Wait, if he’s not wearing the tuxedo, what is he wearing?” Ami’s legs squirmed.
“So… so smooth…”
“He’s in a speedo,” Rei whispered.
“A pretty tight one too…” Minako added.
“I-I wanna see!” There was a pause, as the flailing legs went slack. The girls traded looks as they felt an intense heat from where they thought Ami’s face was. “I-I mean… err ahh….”
Minako giggled and looked back at their savior. “So does this make him ‘Tuxspeedo’ Mask?”
“Please don’t fixate on that…” A sweatdrop rolled down his head and his shoulders slacked.
“BEACH BALLS!!!” Roared the monster.
“Huh!?” He turned. A beach ball blasted him in the face, knocking him to the sand immediately. “Ugh… cheap shot!”
The monster jumped and landed by him, and began blasting him with more beach balls one after another. He could do little but flail his arms and legs. “Ah ah ah ah oo ah ahh!”
“Tuxspeedo Mask, no!” Usagi cried. “I won’t let you hurt him!” She tried to shift her legs to rush toward her hero. The group tilted, and Usagi felt a sudden weight press against her back. “…Huh? Whoaaaaa!” Her ill-attempted rescue caused the tangled mess of naked girls to shift, rolling forward and pressing her face down in the sand.
The momentum carried and brought Ami’s feet to the ground. She blinked as sunlight returned to her, but eight legs around her flailed like mad. “Mhhhhhhh!” Red climbed the blue-haired girl’s face and her pupils turned microscopic as she saw between Makoto’s thighs. The bookworm’s legs began to wobble. She stood no chance of supporting the weight of everyone. “Ahh….” and the ball of girls tumbled again back to its old position.
“Ahh!” Usagi shook her face. “Pff, pfff!” She spat sand to the ground. “Why you… huh?” Her pupils ran small, as a shadow loomed over Usagi’s face. “Ah heh heh…” she shivered. “You know, I’m always one who likes to try talking things out! In fact, I find that a good discussion about love and friendship is all you really need to-”
“BEACH BALLS!” It launched another beach ball, aimed squarely at Usagi’s face.
“Ah!” She braced herself for impact.
A taller figure appeared. It gave a swift kick, and a sharp bounce echoed over the sand. The monster tumbled back in the sand as the ball struck its face. Swirls decorated its eyes. The figure landed and took a firm, powerful stance.
Usagi’s eyes widened and a smile reappeared.
“All I wanted was a nice quiet day at the beach,” said the taller, blonde woman. “But you just wouldn’t. Let me. Have it.” She stood, wearing her white uniform, yellow bow, and blue skirt. A golden tiara decorated her forehead.
“Answering the call from a new era. Sailor Uranus, here to fight with brilliance!” The woman stood her ground and clenched her fist. She looked at the group and gave a little smirk. “Hey, Rei.”
“Ahhhhh… h-hi!” The raven-haired girl gasped.
Minako blinked. “Um… Rei… are you getting-”
Usagi blinked at the two next to her but shook it off. “Thanks for coming to save us, Sailor Uranus!”
“I didn’t come alone,” Uranus gave Usagi a little smirk.
“Neptune Planet Power… Make up!”
From the ocean behind the beast, a pillar of water erupted, cascading high into the sky. It began to rotate, spinning faster and faster until it began to twist. Droplets of ocean flew in every direction, shining in the sun and forming a brilliant rainbow. It split into multiple pillars, revealing the cosmic figure of a woman holding a wand high in the sky. She stood atop a rock, with a white glow in her eyes. The water began rushing toward the head of the wand, and her glow turned bright. It grew and enveloped her pure figure. A white uniform took shape on her body, with a blue skirt appearing on her hips. Water rushed at her feet as she stood atop the rock in her uniform.
“Also answering the call, Sailor Neptune, here to fight with elegance!”
“Sailor Neptune’s here too?”
“Sailor Neptune, you’re amazing!”
“That was the coolest entrance ever!”
“I couldn’t see it!”
“…How is she so smooth…?”
Uranus rolled her eyes, “…Show off.” She cleared her throat. “Neptune, are you ready?”
“Ready as ever,” Neptune said, putting a hand to her chin and bared a smirk.
The Beach Ball Beast looked between the two Sailor Guardians. It was surrounded. “Beach…”
Neptune rose her hands above her, drawing glowing energy from the ocean itself. Streams of water cut through the air and began to form a torrenting sphere above her. “Deep!”
Uranus thrusted her hand to the Heavens above and demanded power. Golden energy began to glow at her palm, growing brighter with each second. “World….!”
“…Balls?” The monster blinked.
“SHAK-SUB-INK-MERG!” They shouted together, as two energy balls exploded from their hands. They rushed across the sand and collided with the monster at the epicenter.
“Beach ballllllllls!” It called out as the explosion enveloped it. A mushroom-shaped cloud of dust burst into the air above them, visible from anywhere on the beach. When the dust settled, all that remained was a crater, with a deflated beach ball at the epicenter. A spider emerged from the rubber. Its glowing eyes faded as it tipped over and fell on its back.
The pale rider sat motionless. Billions of years across the cosmos would end so suddenly. Its conquest shattered, its very burning soul extinguished. A silent wind nudged what remained to ash and dust.
The net that ensnared the girls began to glow. Usagi gave it a confused blink, and then it vanished. They all collapsed in an entangled mess of arms and legs.
Usagi shook her head to throw sand out of her hair. “Thanks you two, I’m not sure what we would have done without you!”
“Don’t mention it,” Uranus said. “Now if you don’t mind,” she took a breath, and her uniform glowed. It vanished in a twist of colorful ribbons as her swimsuit returned to her taller, firmer figure. “I’m going to go relax,” Haruka declared.
Neptune took a breath, and in a similar display of glowing light and colorful ribbons, her own swimsuit returned. “I’m going to join her, have fun!” Michiru winked. The two waved and began to walk away.
Usagi smiled as the two left. Then she looked over toward the man in the sand. “Mamo!” She scrambled to her feet, still naked from head to toe. The sun shone over her figure as she got on her knees. “Mamo! Are you alright?”
“Yeah… I think I’m fine,” Mamoru lifted his head and coughed up some sand. A lens was missing from his sunglasses. “Sorry about earlier…”
“Oh it’s alright, everything ended up working out,” Usagi smiled. She looked over herself and blushed and put her hands over her body. “Um… did you happen to grab that shirt? Ah heh heh heh…”
“Sorry, I heard all the panic so…”
Minako and Rei pulled themself apart and blushed, both of them looking away from each other. The blonde cleared her throat. “So um… I’m pretty sure when Haruka showed up, I felt you start to-”
“Don’t! Don’t say another word!” Rei glared at Minako. “You didn’t feel a thing, got it?”
Minako giggled. “Oh, it’s not like I could blame you!”
“MINA!” Rei spat. “Y-you did it too!”
“Did not!”
Ami shook her head. “I’m just glad that’s over,” she rose to her feet, her legs giving a subtle wobble. “Now we can… w-whoa!” She tumbled and fell into the sand.
“Ami!” Makoto rushed to her studious friend. “Are you alright?”
She put a hand to her forehead and groaned. “I think I’m fine, I guess I’m just a little dizzy from being upside down for so long.” Ami gave Makoto a tiny smile.
“H-here, let me help,” Makoto blushed. She hooked her arms under Ami’s legs, and the other behind her shoulders. The taller brunette lifted the blue-haired girl off the ground and held her in her arms.
“Wha…?” Ami blinked as she felt her feet leave the ground. The two girls made eye contact and shared a blush. “M-mako, you don’t have to carry me, I’m fine. Really!” She blushed and put her forearms over her chest.
“Nah I um… I ahh…. I got you,” Makoto blushed with a little smile. “Don’t want you to… you know, fall down again.”
“We should probably get back to the beach house before everyone comes back,” Minako said, putting her arms around herself.
“Good idea!” Usagi said.
Thanks to the panic, the beach was littered with colorful umbrellas and abandoned towels, but only one couple was there to see them. They rushed, kicking up sand in their wake. Usagi led the pack, with Minako and Rei close behind. Makoto lagged a touch as she kept her hold on Ami.
Back in the beach house…
“Almost…” Artemis leaped from the chair and clawed his paws around the doorknob. The odd wooden legs toppled to the side. His back legs had nothing to cling to. “Ah!”
“Artemis, hold on!” Luna jumped from the couch and bolted to the struggling white cat. She put her paws on the door and stood on her hind legs.
“Ahh… I can’t hold much longer…!” Artemis grit his teeth. His claws left tiny scratches on the knob.
Luna pushed herself and put her front paws to Artemis’ back paws. “I’ve got you! Get the lock!”
“Ghhh heh…” The white cat clamped his teeth around the tiny handle. He fought to hold on, Luna’s balance providing a little aid. They refused to give up. Artemis turned his head until he heard a soft “click.”
“Got it! Whoaa!”
The two cats tumbled to the ground. They each sat up and shook their heads. A smile appeared on the face of Artemis.
“Luna, we did it!” He nodded. “Now they can get back inside!”
“I hope things weren’t too bad for them!” The black cat smiled.
The door suddenly whipped open and they turned. Their eyes went wide as they saw Usagi, Ami, Rei, Makoto, and Minako at the door, all naked from head to toe. In an instant, all five girls rushed through the door, their bare bodies pressing against one another, wedging them into the door frame.
“Ooff, hey, somebody back up, I’m stuck!” Usagi whined.
“It’s Rei! She shoved too much!” Makoto said.
“Did not! It’s Mina! Get off my leg already!”
“Girls, please! If you all quit shoving, we can all just go inside easily!”
“No! Shoving fixes everything! We just need to shove harder!”
The two cats sat there with sweat drops on their heads as they struggled. They traded a look and shook their heads before wandering toward the couch. With a smooth, feline grace, they both climbed the cushion and turned.
“Okay, how about this,” Makoto put her hands at the front of the group and pulled. “We ALL back up, and then we go in little by little!”
“Ah! Mako, watch where you’re touching!” Ami gasped, feeling a hand on her chest.
With a sudden tug, all five girls slipped from the door frame and tumbled back into the sand. The motion pulled the door shut, putting all five girls outside, naked on the beach.
They all sat up from the tumbled mess and traded looks. Then, a chorus of giggles.
“I guess we all kind of threw ourselves out,” Usagi chirped. “Okay, let’s go in nicely, and put this alllll behind us. I think we’ve been naked long enough.” The rest of the girls nodded at her answer and she approached the door.
The door handle clacked with resistance.