“Tami, tell me the truth . . . You — ” Rebecca cleared her throat and started over. “You don’t REALLY want to be naked, do you.”
Tami looked at her dear friend, not wanting to respond, but not wanting to lie. Then the hairs on her scalp stood up as Rebecca reached into her jacket pocket and took out —
Her diary!
The Unintentional Nudist, Conclusion: Butterfly, Part 6
Rebecca looked down at the little book in her hands, holding it reverently like it was a religious icon. She cleared her throat. “I have to say I’m very sorry, I apologize for reading it. I was helping Terri get your backpack out of her closet and the flap flew open and this flew out onto the floor, opened to this first page, which was quite arresting.” Tami had never seen Rebecca so ill at ease before. In a quivering voice, the newly frocked minister read from the book. “‘This diary is my secret place. This diary is my clothes. Please God, I want to wear clothes!’”
“I told her we should read it,” Terri said, walking in. During the summer Tami’s old roommate had lost some weight. She was still a fashion plate, wearing a stylish silk sleeveless blouse over a black skirt and red sandals, toting a bookbag. “It was obvious something real wrong was going on. We read through the whole thing, both books, stayed up half the night because we couldn’t believe it, so we read it again.”
“You thought it had to be secret, but no, Tami, no,” Rebecca said. “I apologize, once again, but this ordeal, this — horrible torment, this did NOT have to be secret, it was something that should be made known to others.”
Tami’s heart was in her throat. Her concave tummy sucked in and out as she felt herself hyperventilating. She was being jackhammered by powerful emotions, the first of which was horror at being exposed as a fraud. Rebecca had considered her an inspiration, which had caused her to get rejected by her home church — not to mention the inspiration this “religious nudist” had given to Jen and Terri and now Rod, who had renounced his scholarship for her sake! And for what? A naked liar!
Tami’s eyes filled with tears. “Rebecca . . . I feel terrible. I’m a fake, I’m a fraud. I’m not a religious nudist. I’m so, so sorry!”
Rebecca and Terri both shook their heads vigorously. “No, no!” Rebecca said, “Tell me, Tami, why didn’t you confide in us? Why did you keep it a secret, that you didn’t really want to be naked, that you got trapped into it?”
“I didn’t . . . ” Tami felt her mind being stripped naked as well as her body, and for the first time in front of her friends, now that they knew the truth, the naked girl covered her breasts and vagina with her hands. “I didn’t want to let you down!”
Rebecca said, “Yes. We know that now, Terri and me. You were my biggest inspiration for my ministry, and I kept pointing you out to everyone. Again, I apologize, I didn’t know how shaming that must have been.”
“And you,” Terri said, “were my inspiration for poetry. Here,” she said, fishing something out of her bookbag. Tami held it in her hands as if afraid of breaking it. It was a thin paperback, entitled, “Naked Poetry: First Poems by Terri Pulaski.” Terri said, “It took some going the rounds of publishers, but last month I found a little place in Boston which decided to put it out.” Tami opened to the first page, which had only two little words: “For Tami”.
“And Jen thinks you’re a feminist hero,” Rebecca said. “And you inspired Rod, and Professor Congi, and lots of other people. But you kept your pain a secret because you didn’t want to hurt us. You ” — another clearing of the throat — “you suffered for us. ‘With your <_o-fip-hl id=”_o-fip-hl-focus” style=”box-sizing: border-box; background-color: rgb(166, 221, 78) !important; color: rgb(34, 34, 34) !important; border-top-left-radius: 2px !important; border-top-right-radius: 2px !important; border-bottom-right-radius: 2px !important; border-bottom-left-radius: 2px !important;”>stripes we were healed.’ Tami, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone do something so brave, so unselfish, so — so Christ-like. I don’t think you’re a fraud, I admire you a hundred times more now!”
“And that goes for me too,” Terri said. “Tami, I just can’t imagine all that extreme shame and humiliation you went through, for a whole year. An ordinary girl would have been driven crazy. You really are a super woman, one tough chick!!”
Tami felt tears going down her cheeks. “Oh, God,” she mumbled as she waded into Rebecca’s and Terri’s arms, the naked girl in a tight, loving hug with her two clothed friends. Tami felt a great weight fall off her then, the burden of being alone, of keeping a secret that screamed to be let out. It felt so good to have someone else know the depths of her shame, to know the full horror of what she had gone through. She remembered all the things in that diary, all the experiences doing art class modeling, against her will, the Chalfont experiments, against her will, that horrible weekend at Mr. Ross’s place, against her will — they knew all that now, she did not have to go through the burden of recounting it.
“Tami!” Rebecca said, suddenly holding Tami by the bare shoulders with such force that the naked girl’s breasts shook. “We are under a moral imperative to do this, and right away. You shouldn’t put this off one second longer!”
Terri put her bookbag on a chair and unzipped it. “I got these together for you. They might be a little big but they’re very nice. You deserve it.” She set them out on the couch: a lacy pink bra, a white blouse, a green sweater, white panties, long gray flannel pants, knee-length black socks, and Doc Marten black shoes. All of them exquisitely beautiful.
“Tami Smithers,” Rebecca said, “time to put on clothes. At long last, your terrible trial is over.”
Tami shook as she slowly walked over to the couch and, gingerly as if afraid of being stung, touched the lace of the panties, ran her finger over the fluffy fabric of the sweater. Her nipples stiffened.
“No snatching away at the last minute, this time,” Terri said. “This is for real.”
“‘Your heart will be joyful, and no one will take your joy away from you’,” Rebecca said.
Gulping, Tami picked up the panties and held them up to the light. “I’ll have to take all these clothes off again.”
“Why?” Rebecca said.
“Yeah, why?” Terri joined in. “Tami, there’s no way they can do anything to you. Not with all the evidence in your diary of all those horrible deeds. You should sue — ” a little grunt — “you should sue their pants off!”
Rebecca smirked at this pun.
Still regarding the panties in the pale fluorescent light, Tami said, “I don’t want all that to be — public. I just want it to be over with and forgotten.”
“We’ve thought about it,” Rebecca said. “No one has to know. You can just tell them that you decided to put clothes on again, and the college’s stupid decision to arrest you, which everyone knows would never stick, had nothing to do with it.”
Which was the truth, of course. The naked girl’s mind could no longer think clearly about such things, though, because she was enraptured by the idea of clothes. Clothes! On me!!
“We should respect our friend’s modesty and let her get dressed in private,” Terri suggested. “I agree,” Rebecca said, and they stepped out, allowing Tami to have this moment alone.
Oh God, thank you God, thank you —
Quivering, afraid this was a dream that she was about to wake up out of, the naked teenager bent over and slipped the panties on one foot then the other, inhaling with a thrill at the feel of soft fabric passing over her hard bare heels, gliding over her calves, then as she straightened up, tightening around her thighs, finally drawing up to cover her vagina, which had been bare to the world for a year, and to cover her butt, hiding her butthole in dark privacy where it should be.
She spread her arms out, shaking so much her breasts jiggled, and said a prayer of thanks.
Now the socks, stretched out to slip over her toes, then over her feet and up the calves. Of all aspects of her nakedness the one she most keenly felt was the bareness of her feet, which had had to tramp through snow and ice and over desert sand and through miles and miles of forest floor mud. Now she looked down at the shape of her toes through the socks. And said another prayer of thanks.
The bra encased her breasts, her nipples once more protected from the world’s gaze, once more hers alone. The blouse covered the rest of her upper body, then the long flannel pants, feeling so soft and warm and yummy over her legs. Another prayer.
The sweater, icing on the cake, the more clothes the better. And now she bent down to tie on the Doc Martens, exactly her size it turned out, and as she stood up she felt shoes between her feet and the floor. She realized her eyes were wet, and took some deep breaths to stop the shaking.
It was not a dream.
It was for real.
Tami Smithers stood in the middle of the upstairs suite at the Campbell County Sheriff’s Office, fully clothed from head to toe. Her friends crept back into the room, all three feeling the tension as a great change had been effected. Three friends, college girls, with a bond between them that could never be broken. Rebecca, Terri — and Tami, who had rejoined the world of the clothed.
The Unintentional Nudist, Conclusion: Butterfly, Part 7
Tami spun around, moved her arms, took high steps, enjoying the feel of the fabric scratching and rubbing all over her body. It did feel confining and stuffy, but that was only to be expected after all those months wearing nothing but air. She was GLAD to feel confined and stuffy for once. She tried to get her bearings back, think back to how she was before she was stripped naked. That was so long ago. It was like she was a different person then. But now that she was clothed she felt confident and ready to plan the first stages of her clothed life. Rebecca and Terri listened, smiling, so glad that they could put an end to their friend’s awful ordeal, something which their minds were still trying to comprehend the enormity of.
“This is what I’ll do, I was planning it anyway,” Tami said, excited and animated, in a way that once had been typical of her, and now was again. “I’ll e-mail on Campbellnet” — that was the campus intranet service, patched into every office and dorm room — “saying, ‘I thank everyone for their love and support, and I learned a lot from my time without clothing, but now I feel the desire to become clothed again, and I look forward to my future life, wiser now, etcetera, etcetera. . . And this had nothing to do with getting arrested.’”
“I’d leave that last part out,” Terri said.
“Well — ” Tami found herself sweating and undid the top two buttons of her blouse with clumsy and unpracticed fingers. Of course she would feel hot in clothes after being naked for so long. Probably she should have put them on gradually instead of all at once. “Whoa — ” Now she felt like she was in an oven. She ripped off her sweater and to everyone’s surprise there were semi-circles of perspiration staining her armpits.
She didn’t feel so good. In the middle of heavy, labored breathing she gasped, “I have to sit down — ” and fell back onto the chair, head in her hands. Now choking sounds came out, and as she lifted her head Rebecca and Terri saw to their alarm that her face was beet red and broken out in a rash. Her tongue began to stick out grotesquely as she began to make awful retching sounds.
“Good God, she’s having a seizure!” Terri said.
“We should call — ” Rebecca began, but she saw Terri pull their friend up and try to undo the buttons, and when that didn’t work, Terri Pulaski, fashion plate, ripped the blouse she had bought to shreds to leave Tami in her bra.
Rebecca followed. They both had a sure sense of what had to be done, and it had to be done quickly, there was no time to find the sheriff to call an ambulance. Terri pushed Tami’s limp body toward Rebecca, who knelt down and undid the flannel pants and pulled them down. She pushed Tami’s feet back, first one then the other, to Terri who yanked off the shoes and then pulled off the socks. Then Tami fell back onto Terri’s shoulders and Rebecca pulled the pants off the sweaty bare feet. Now, Terri pushed Tami back to Rebecca, who held her by the waist as Terri quickly unclasped the bra and whipped it off, leaving the bare jiggling breasts, almost as red and pimply as the face. Finally Terri held Tami up by the shoulders as Rebecca tried to yank the panties down. For a horrible moment they were stuck and as Rebecca looked up to see Tami’s face turn purple and her eyes roll back into her head, the new minister found herself yelling “SHIT!! SHIT!! COME ON!!”
It took a big lunge of strength, but Rebecca ripped the waistband of the panties and they flew off Tami. The totally naked teenage body, still red and quaking, dropped to the bare floor.
Lying on her stomach, she gasped as if recovering from suffocation and in a few seconds she was drawing in deep, regular breaths, now lying on her side, the rash disappearing and the skin returning to its normal all-over tan, her head turned so that her forehead could rest gratefully on the cool concrete. “Oh God . . . oh God . . .” She lay thus on the bare concrete floor, ripped clothes scattered around her, Rebecca and Terri standing to the side.
“Thank God,” Terri said, straightening her blouse, as it became clear that Tami was not going to die. Rebecca self-consciously fingered her collar and said a silent prayer. Tami’s breathing got more normal and now she limply struggled to get up on all fours, her bobbing breasts in full view of Terri who was standing in front of her, her knees apart for stability and her bare butt and butthole in full view of Rebecca who was standing behind her.
Tami stayed there, stark naked on all fours, on the bare floor, her concave tummy heaving in and out, as her clothed friends stood and watched. Now she bent her head down, her face hidden by her bedraggled dark red hair. Rebecca and Terri then saw, to their surprise, a big tear drop fall on the concrete below the naked girl’s face. Then a sniffle. “Oh no. . . please God no . . .”
Tami tried to stifle the sniffling and sat cross-legged on the floor, trying to compose herself. She wiped the tears from her face. “I guess . . . it was a bit much . . .” Her skin was back to normal now.
Her friends didn’t want her to be sitting her bare butt on the cold concrete so they helped her up to a chair. “You’re so not used to wearing clothes, I’m not surprised,” Terri said, though in truth all three were shocked by the seizure, afraid guess as to what it might really mean.
Sorry about that post. I see I overlooked a typo or two.
I was quite “tight” and missing old friends, albeit fictional ones.
Seems you posted this as a topic instead of a story.