I know it’s been a slow year for some writers. Me especially. But that won’t be forever. In the meantime, I hope to spark some imaginations. If we can’t have a bunch of stories for Christmas, at least let’s share some story ideas. Or help each other get in the mood.
And for those that feel they can’t write. There is always this tool.
Just keep feeding it ideas, and it will write your story for you. If you get good at suggesting things to it, you can get great milage. Like I know a writer (or non-writer) that is having some success with a tool like this on the girlspns.com website – with ‘Amy Unfiltered’ and ‘Samatha Uncontrolled’. Seems that most people don’t even know it’s AI, but I saw a couple points where the prompt was accidentally left in as part of the story. Plus the writer is posting a LOT very quickly, so that might also be a hint.
So to sum up, let’s share some ideas here. To help our crop of writers with ideas or just to let them know we are here. And for those feeling adventurous. Give the story generator a try. It’s actually fun. I play around with it all the time. You can even paste in part of an existing story and it will continue that story in the same writing style.
But if you do use it, make sure you keep using the suggestion box below to direct its thinking. Otherwise it will gradually gravitate towards something much less interesting. Also you don’t have to tell it everything in advance. Just tell it enough for the start, and then guide it for the rest. If you don’t like something, just delete the last few paragraphs, make a different suggestion and it will continue from there.
I usually leave ‘one paragraph at a time’ unchecked. As I like it to give it enough leash to formulate a group of paragraphs. That said, probably its even more powerful in the hands of a creative person that prompts for each and every paragraph.
Lastly, it would be cool to have another short story contest. So ideas about what type of contest we could have, would be welcome. Or if no ideas, how about a “Humans vs Hybrid (AI Enhanced) vs fully AI” story writing contest? The twist? No judging! Everyone who posts, wins. Just label which type of the 3 you are. Human (organic), hybrid (cyborg), or fully AI (digital brains).
Special bonus to ‘non-writers’ brave enough to generate an AI story. This way we can develop a policy of – no ideas, left unwritten!
Merry Christmas everyone!
(Okay, now back to writing some Emi)