Hello Kinsey:
I’m just writing you about “Jennifer Lawrence: naked at the Oscars”.
It is such a good novel with such gift for memorable scenes and you left the story in the best moment.
I would like to know if you are planning to finish the story. Please, say yes!!!
Hey Markus!
I’m happy to hear you have enjoyed that story. I never really intended for it to get as long and detailed as it ended up being. I really only started writing it because I was reaaaaaally in the mood for a naked celebrity on a red carpet story but I couldn’t find one that went as deep as my mind wanted, so I just decided to write one myself, mostly for myself, audience interest was secondary to my own. But it’s always awesome to hear from people like you that enjoyed what they read.
That said, I know it was really fucked up that I left the story there when I was just getting to the good part. I can make a bunch of excuses but the truth is I sort of scratched the itch I had when I set out to write it in the first place. I conjured up a satisfying enough reason for why a celebrity could show up naked on the red carpet, and got to experience in through a character that felt real to me. So I guess the story reached a climax, even if not an ending.
I do have an outline for more that goes into the entire ceremony and after party but my mind is elsewhere when it comes to what I want to write at the moment, when I even have time to write at all. I’m still hard at work on several original stories I want to share (again, when I have free time, which is fewer these days after a new promotion and a baby). So I would need to get back in the headspace to actually finish Jennifer’s story, and I’m unable to commit to a when or if I’ll be able to do that.
I do want to push myself to give it an ending. Comments like this do add a little extra motivation, so we’ll see. Maybe I can push out a condensed version of my outline to at least give it a proper ending. We’ll see.
OMG double congratulations!
Also, I have just dramatically lowered my expectations on wishful thinking on what you might do in your spare time. For now, I think the best we can hope for is that you simply keep this site going.
I only read the first chapter so far of Jennifer Laurence and the characters are the deepest I’ve ever read in any ENF story, ever. The writing is deliciously vibrant, wisely economical and has awesome detail. The chapter is rich with realism and emotional intelligence.
In fact, I almost switched my own story, mid stream, to first person because I briefly, naively, though that part of your powerful writing was simply first person. But then I learned about narrative distance and discovered what my real problem was. Still your writing style is one that continues to inspire me.
Thanks as always ReaderMan for putting a smile on my face.
Another fan of that story here— it’s one of my favorites of all time, and I’m not even a particularly big Jennifer Lawrence fan! I loved the way you got into her head and described all the complicated emotions, and the way you wrote so many full characters. At very least I’d love to know how it was supposed to go. I’m assuming there was not a dress waiting for her at the end of the carpet!
Thanks Cerulean!
And I think your assumption is a VERY fair one, especially when she is depending on a guy like Darren Aronowsky LOL.
Your desire to see the story continued is noted. We’ll see what I can do.
Count me as another who would love any update to this. I never followed her so I didn’t know how much you twisted her background and was interested to research but decided that you told a complete story
Hi Kinsey:
Thanks for your early response.
I understand it’s hard to find free time for writing when you have a job and a family and also that you have other things in mind.
However, if you decide to finish Jennifer Lawrence’s story any time, please don’t publish a condensed version. Precisely, what I like the most about your writing is that it’s very detailed and descriptive which made for a believable read. The story is at a point where Jennifer is stark naked and barefoot surrounded by women dressed in fashionable dresses and heels and elegant men in tuxedos (which accentuates the contrast) and I would like to know how Jennifer feels inside, does she feel vulnerable or empowered? Does she regret her decision? Is she going to introduce any award? So, I prefer the director’s cut version with extended and added scenes even if I have to wait one year for it, ha, ha, ha.
Anyway, I hope to read the continuation soon if you publish it sometime.
Noted Markus. I really appreciate that you don’t just want an update for the sake of one.