Hello Everyone, Hoping someone here can help me. I wrote multiple chapters of a fic called “A Day in the Life of a Mailgirl” at it seems to have been lost to the digital ether. I posted it back on the old Indian Outlaw forums and then was re-editing it for publishment here, but that…
Category: Uncategorized
The Family Gynaecologist
This is another installment of the Melissaverse. This is fork from “The Family Dentist” and “The Family Optometrist“, and is separate from jw_wjw’s chapters Melissa had a busy weekend. Her father had scheduled three medical appointments in a row for her summer back from college; her dentist, Dr. Jorgensen, her optometrist, Dr. Stevenson, and her…
Paging SliceReality…
I just finished the first draft of a novel called The Girl Who Stopped Wearing Clothes. It is the sequel to The “Volunteer”. I do still have a lot of work to do on it (revisions, edits, copy edits, and proofreads), but the hardest part, at least for me, is done. The story is in some semblance…
Mailgirls Anthology
Thanks to the writing and editing work of Wellvyne, a new Mailgirls Anthology has just been released, available in either Kindle or paperback editions. The book features seven Mailgirls stories by seven different authors, including Donnylaja and myself. Those who frequented the old Indian Outlaw board may remember a story I started there called “Donny…
Book Recommendations (for writers) — Just in time for Christmas (barely)
Greetings All! Last year for Christmas, I received three books that are intended to help fiction writers with their craft. The authors are: Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi. I have found them to be wonderful resources — great as references, but also interesting to just sit and read. The three books are: 1. The Positive…
Site Error
There is an issue regarding the site preventing users from posting and editing stories. I am working on trying to resolve this issue. Bear with me as I troubleshoot and sorry in advance for any lost comments or data. Edit: I think I was able to fix the issue. Unfortunately the last days worth of…
Pictures of “The Resort Ambassador”
I am quite fascinated with computer animation / CGI, so I thought I give it a try. As I like the story “The Resort Ambassador” very much, I decided to use some motifs from it, namely Emi pulling a rickshaw. I am an absolute beginner with CGI, so please excuse any flaws in the pictures….
Tara’s Ordeal – Friarjohn99 – Asn Storyboard, Gone but not forgotten?
Hi All, I remember reading a fantastic series called ‘Taras ordeal” by Friarjohn99 on the ash storyboard. All traces seem to have gone with the rest of the site. Wondering if anyone knows of it/Friarjohn/ has them saved somewhere? Many Thanks,
Tami Smithers fan art
I never really had much opportunity to share this before (I posted it to my seldom-used Deviantart account last year) but thought this site would appreciate it. I know some absolutely amazing Tami fan art exists by SliceReality (the sheer amount of time and effort those pieces must take boggles my mind) but I hadn’t…
Happy New Year 2020!
I hope that everyone is having a good transition into the next decade. May this decade be rich with stories and comments! ReaderMan
New Indian Outlaw forum was taken offline
I was just having a look at Indian Outlaws new discussion board http://indianoutlaws.freeforums.net/ Apparently, it is offline now; there is only the following message displayed: “In accordance with Section 25(a) of the ProBoards Terms of Service, this forum has been taken offline.” 25(a) of the Terms of Service just says the following: TERMINATION (a) By…
Suggestions, bug reporting, feedback, questions
In the future, all questions and bug reporting will be handled through email. But for the launch of the site, I want a very visible and accessible way for this communication to occur. So if something is broken or you click a link and your computer yells at you, please let me know. Post any…
What to Expect on the Storyboard for the next year
I’m hopeful that some of the writers from the Indian Outlaw ASN Board will post some of their stories here. Readerman is currently writing a series and I’d be honored if he chose this site as a spot to share his work. But I can’t promise that anyone will actually want to post their work…